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Entrepreneurial networks, PhD thesis

Profile image of Jan Inge Jenssen

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The focus of this study is the impact of social networks on entrepreneurship, specifically how social networks and resources affect the success of business and church entrepreneurs. The research seeks to develop and empirically test a new model that illustrates the relationship between social networks and entrepreneurship, placing emphasis on the importance of both weak and strong ties. Three primary goals guide this investigation: creating and testing a model that incorporates resources as an intervening variable, enhancing understanding of crucial social network properties for entrepreneurship, and exploring the applicability of social network theories beyond traditional business contexts, particularly concerning volunteer organizations.

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Appendices and enclosures Infonnation letter Infonnation letter to respondents who have their licences withdrawn Appendix 1. Descriptive statistics of starters and non-starters Appendix 2. Questionnaire Appendix 3. Questionnaire (English version) Appendix 4. Mu1tico11inearity diagnostics Appendix 5. The cod fanning industry Preface Many people have given their support and encouragement at various stages in the work on this dissertation. Colleagues at the Norwegian School of Fishery Science at the University of Tromse, Bemt Aarset in particular, has been of great help in identifying a suitable empirical setting for the study. Several people connected to fish fanning have willingly shared their knowledge through interviews. A special thanks to Stein lvar Antonsen, management consultant at the Institute of Regional Business Development Thanks also to Norges RAfiSldag for supporting the survey by writing a letter of recommendation to prospective respondents and to those who made this study possible by actually answering the questionnaire. I am very grateful to 0yvind Jsrgensen for assisting me in the process of data collection. His knowledge of the industry has been of great help to me in coding and interpreting the findings. Thanks also to Petter Holm for always taking time to help me solve methodological and theoretical problems. The Norwegian School of Fishery Science has provided excellent facilities (thanks to Benny Pedersen and Tove Nilsen for invaluable secretarial assistance) and a 12 month leave of absence, which was also made possible by a generous grant from the Norwegian Research Council. Professor Howard Aldrich, whose work on network and entrepreneurship has greatly inspired my own, invited me to the Department of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His comments on my proposal and on a draft of my questionnaire have been most helpful-as have his numerous e-mail messages on methodological issues. At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill I also enjoyed the hospitality of the Institute for Research in Social Science where Guy Gaddy, Ken Harding and Walt Davis offered excellent advice on model building and statistical analysis-as did Ken Bollen and Hannah Briickner in the Department of Sociology and Stuart McDonald in the Department of Political Science. Thanks are also due to Peter Bearman and Kate Stoevel for interesting discussions on the theories and methods of network analysis.

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Entrepreneur represents a modern management technique that is not yet included in the books or manuals of administrative theory, and entrepreneurship represents a huge change of mentality within the company: the replacement of the conservative and bureaucratic spirit with a spirit of professional endeavour and personal fulfilment. In the social field, the social entrepreneur arises that assumes an attitude of nonconformity and criticism in the face of the social injustices existing in his region and in the world and, in this way, Social Entrepreneurship combine efforts to combine market practices and business vision with human development, proposing solutions to social problems.

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