Sociology of Crime Research Paper Topics
The sociology of crime (criminology) is the study of the making, breaking, and enforcing of criminal laws. Its aim is to understand empirically and to develop and test theories explaining criminal behavior, the formation and enforcement of laws, and the operation of criminal justice system.
60 Sociology of Crime Research Paper Topics
- Age and crime
- Alcohol and crime
- Biosocial theories of crime
- Broken windows theory of crime
- Childhood sexual abuse
- Class and crime
- Collective efficacy and crime
- Conflict theory and crime and delinquency
- Corporate crime
- Corrections
- Court systems and law
- Crime and masculinities
- Crime hotspots
- Criminal and delinquent subcultures
- Criminal justice system
- Criminal sanctions
- Criminology research methods
- Cultural criminology
- Delinquent gangs
- Drugs and the law
- Environmental criminology
- Hate crimes
- Index Crime
- Juvenile delinquency and juvenile crime
- Life course theory of crime
- Measuring crime
- Organized crime
- Political crime
- Probation and parole
- Property crime
- Psychological theories of crime
- Public order crime
- Race and crime
- Race and the criminal justice system
- Radical/Marxist theories of crime
- Rape/sexual assault as crime
- Rational choice theory: a crime related perspective
- Schools and crime
- Sex and crime
- Sexual violence and exploitation
- Sexual violence and rape
- Social control theory of crime
- Social learning theory of crime
- Social support and crime
- Theories of juvenile delinquency
- Urban crime and violence
- Victimization
- Violent crime
- What is crime?
- White collar crime
- Zimbardo prison experiment
The roots of modern criminology can be found in the writings of social philosophers, who addressed Hobbes’s question: “How is society possible?” Locke and Rousseau believed that humans are endowed with free will and are self-interested. If this is so, the very existence of society is problematic. If we are all free to maximize our own self-interest we cannot live together. Those who want more and are powerful can simply take from the less powerful. The question then, as now, focuses on how is it possible for us to live together. Criminologists are concerned with discovering answers to this basic question.
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Locke and Rousseau, philosophers who are not considered criminologists, argued that society is possible because we all enter into a “social contract” in which we choose to give up some of our freedom to act in our own self-interest for the privilege of living in society. What happens though to those who do not make, or choose to break, this covenant? Societies enforce the contract by punishing those who violate it. Early societies punished violations of the social contract by removing the privilege of living in society through banishment or death. In the event of minor violations, sanctions such as ostracism or limited participation in the community for a time were administered. The history of sanctions clearly demonstrates the extreme and frequently arbitrary and capricious nature of sanctions (Foucault 1979).
The Classical School of criminology (Beccaria 1764; Bentham 1765) began as an attempt to bring order and reasonableness to the enforcement of the social contract. Beccaria in On Crimes and Punishments (1768) made an appeal for a system of ”justice” that would define the appropriate amount of punishment for a violation as just that much that was needed to counter the pleasure and benefit from the wrong. In contemporary terms, this would shift the balance in a cost/benefit calculation, and would perhaps deter some crime. Bentham’s writings (1765) provided the philosophical foundation for the penitentiary movement that introduced a new and divisible form of sanction: incarceration. With the capacity to finally decide which punishment fits which crime, classical school criminologists believed that deterrence could be maximized and the cost to societal legitimacy of harsh, capricious, and excessive punishment could be avoided. In their tracts calling for reforms in how society sanctions rule-violators, we see the earliest attempts to explain two focal questions of criminology: Why do people commit crimes? How do societies try to control crime? The “classical school” of criminology’s answer to the first question is that individuals act rationally, and when the benefits to violating the laws outweigh the cost then they are likely to choose to violate those laws. Their answer to the second question is deterrence. The use of sanctions was meant to discourage criminals from committing future crimes and at the same time send the message to noncriminals that crime does not pay. Beccaria and Bentham believed that a “just desserts” model of criminal justice would fix specific punishments for specific crimes.
In the mid-nineteenth century the early “scientific study” of human behavior turned to the question of why some people violate the law . The positivists, those who believed that the scientific means was the preeminent method of answering this and other questions, also believed that human behavior was not a product of choice nor individual free will. Instead they argued that human behavior was “determined behavior,” that is, the product of forces simply not in the control of the individual. The earliest positivistic criminologists believed that much crime could be traced to biological sources. Gall (Leek 1970), referred to by some as the “father of the bumps and grunts school of criminology,” studied convicts and concluded that observable physical features, such as cranial deformities and protuberances, could be used to identify “born criminals.” Lombroso (1876) and his students, Ferri and Garofalo, also embraced the notion that some were born with criminal constitutions, but they also advanced the idea that social forces were an additional source of criminal causation. These early positivists were critics of the Classical School. They did not go so far as to argue that punishment should not be used to respond to crime, but they did advance the notion that punishment was insufficient to prevent crime. Simply raising the cost of crime will not prevent violations if individuals are not freely choosing their behavior. The early positivists believed that effective crime control would have to confront the root causes of violations, be they biological or social in nature.
Around 1900, Ferri gave a series of lectures critiquing social control policies derived from classical and neo-classical theory. What is most remarkable about those lectures is that, considered from the vantage point of scholars at the end of the twentieth century, the arguments then were little different from public debates today about what are the most effective means of controlling crime.
Then, as now, the main alternatives were ”get tough” deterrence strategies that assumed that potential criminals could be frightened into compliance with the law, versus strategies that would reduce the number of offenses by addressing the root causes of crime. We know far more about crime and criminals today than criminologists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century knew, yet we continue the same debate, little changed from the one in which Ferri participated in.
The debates today pit those espousing rational choice theories of crime (control and deterrence theories being the most popular versions) against what still might best be called positivistic theories. To be sure, contemporary positivistic criminology is considerably different from the theories of Gall and Lombroso. Modern criminologists do not explain law-violating behavior using the shapes of heads and body forms. Yet there are still those who argue that biological traits can explain criminal behavior (Wilson and Herrenstein 1985; Mednick 1977), and still others who focus on psychological characteristics. But most modern criminologists are sociologists who focus on how social structures and culture explain criminal behavior. What all of these modern positivists have in common with their predecessors Gall, Lombroso, and company, is that they share a belief that human behavior, including crime, is not simply a consequence of individual choices. Behavior, they argue, is ”determined” at least in part by biological, psychological, or social forces. The goal of modern positivist criminologists is to unravel the combination of forces that make some people more likely than others to commit crimes.
Today the research of sociological criminologists focuses on three questions: What is the nature of crime? How do we explain crime? What are the effects of societies’ attempts to control crime? Approaches to answering these questions vary greatly, as do the answers offered by criminologists. For example the first question, what is the nature of crime, can be answered by detailing the characteristics of people who commit crimes. Alternatively, one can challenge the very definition of what crime, and consequently criminals, are. In an attempt to answer this question, some criminologists focus on how much crime there is. But of course, even this is a difficult question to answer because there are many ways to count crime, with each type offering different and sometimes seemingly conflicting answers.
Theories of Crime
Most accounts of the rise of criminological inquiry indicate that it had its beginnings in mid-nineteenth- century developments in Europe, including the work of Cesare Lombroso, an Italian prison physician, who argued that many criminals are atavists, that is, biological throwbacks to a human type, homo delinquens , that allegedly existed prior to the appearance of homo sapiens. Since the time of Lombroso and other early figures in criminology, the field has grown markedly, both in terms of the variety of scholars who have tried to uncover the causes of crime and also in terms of the diverse theories that have been produced by these persons (Gibbons 1994). Currently legal theorists, psychologists, economists, geographers, and representatives of other scholarly fields engage in criminological theorizing and research. There has also been renewed interest in sociobiological theorizing and investigation regarding criminality. Even so, the largest share of work has been and continues to be carried on by sociologists. Thus, criminology is frequently identified as a subfield of sociology (Gibbons 1979, 1994).
Although a few scholars have argued that crime should be defined as consisting of violations of basic human rights or for some other ‘‘social’’ conception, most criminologists opt for the legalistic view that crime and criminal behavior are identified by the criminal laws of nations, states, and local jurisdictions. Acts that are not prohibited or required by the criminal law are not crimes, however much they may offend some members of the community. Also, the reach of the criminal law in modern societies is very broad, involving a wide range of behavioral acts that vary not only in form but in severity as well. The criminal laws of various states and nations prohibit morally repugnant acts such as murder or incest, but they also prohibit less serious offenses such as vandalism, petty theft, and myriad other acts. Parenthetically, there is considerable controversy in modern America, both among criminologists and among members of the general public, as to whether certain kinds of behavior, such as marijuana use, various consensual sex acts between adults, or abortion, ought to be expunged from or brought into the criminal codes.
Persons of all ages violate criminal laws, although a number of forms of criminality are most frequent among persons in their teens or early twenties. Except for ‘‘status offense’’ violations such as running away, truancy, and the like, which apply only to juveniles (usually defined as persons under eighteen years of age), juvenile delinquency and adult criminality are defined by the same body of criminal statutes. However, criminologists have often constructed theories about delinquency separate from explanations of adult criminality. Although many theories of delinquency closely resemble those dealing with adult crime, some of the former are not paralleled by theories of adult criminality. In the discussion to follow, most attention is upon explanatory arguments about adult lawbreaking, but some mention is also made of causal arguments about juvenile crime.
Criminological Questions and Causal Theories
Given the broad compass of the criminal law, and given the variety of different perspectives from which the phenomenon of crime has been addressed, it is little wonder that there are many theories of crime. Most of these theories center on the explanation of crime patterns and crime rates, or what might be termed ‘‘crime in the aggregate,’’ or are pitched at the individual level and endeavor to identify factors that account for the involvement of specific individuals in lawbreaking conduct (Cressey 1951; Gibbons 1992, pp. 35–39)
These are related but analytically separate questions about the causes of crime. As Donald Cressey (1951) argued many years ago, an adequate account of criminality should contain two distinct but consistent aspects: First, a statement that explains the statistical distribution of criminal behavior in time and space (epidemiology), and second, a statement that identifies the process or processes by which persons come to engage in criminal behavior. Statistical distributions of criminal behavior in time and space are usually presented in the form of crime rates of one kind or another. One of the most familiar of these is the index crime rate reported annually for cities, states, and other jurisdictions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The index crime rate is comprised of the number of reported cases of murder, non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, larceny, auto theft, and arson per jurisdiction, expressed as a rate per 100,000 persons in that jurisdiction’s population.
Many crime rate patterns are well known, including relatively high rates of violence in the United States as compared to other nations, state-by-state variations in forcible rape rates, regional variations in homicide and other crimes within the United States, and so forth. However, criminological scholars continue to be hampered in their efforts to account for variations in crime across various nations in the world by the lack of detailed data about lawbreaking in nations and regions other than the United States (although see van Dijk, Mayhew, and Killias 1990).
Criminologists have developed a number of theories or explanations for many crime rate variations. One case in point is Larry Baron and Murray Straus’s (1987) investigation of rape rates for the fifty American states, in which they hypothesized that state-to-state variations in gender inequality, social disorganization (high divorce rates, low church attendance, and the like), pornography readership, and ‘‘cultural spillover’’ (authorized paddling of school children, etc.) are major influences on forcible rape. Steven Messner and Richard Rosenfeld’s (1994) institutional anomie theory is another example of theorizing that focuses on crime rate variations. They argued that in present-day America, cultural pressures to accumulate money and other forms of wealth are joined to weak social controls arising from noneconomic elements of the social structure, principally the political system, along with religion, education, and family patterns. According to Messner and Rosenfeld, this pronounced emphasis on the accumulation of wealth and weak social restraints promotes high rates of instrumental criminal activity such as robbery, burglary, larceny, and auto theft.
Crime rates are important social indicators that reflect the quality of life in different regions, states, or areas. Additionally, theories that link various social factors to those rates provide considerable insight into the causes of lawbreaking. But, it is well to keep in mind that crime rates are the summary expression of illegal acts of individuals. Much of the time, the precise number of offenders who have carried out the reported offenses is unknown because individual law violators engage in varying numbers of crimes per year. Even so, crime rates summarize the illegal actions of individuals. Accordingly, theories of crime must ultimately deal with the processes by which these specific persons come to exhibit criminal behavior.
In practice, criminological theories that focus on crime rates and patterns often have had relatively little to say about the causes of individual behavior. For example, variations in income inequality from one place to another have been identified by criminologists as being related to rates of predatory property crime such as burglary, automobile theft, and larceny. Many of the studies that have reported this finding have had little to say about how income inequality, defined as the unequal distribution of income among an entire population of an area or locale, affects individuals. In short, explanations of crime rate variations often have failed to indicate how the explanatory variables they identify ‘‘get inside the heads of offenders,’’ so to speak.
Although criminological theories about crime rates and crime patterns have often been developed independently of theories related to the processes by which specific persons come to exhibit criminal conduct, valid theories of these processes ought to have implications for the task of understanding the realities of individual criminal conduct. For example, if variations in gender inequality and levels of pornography are related to rates of forcible rape, it may be that males who carry out sexual assaults are also the individuals who most strongly approve of discrimination against women and who are avid consumers of pornography. In the same way, if income inequality bears a consistent relationship to rates of predatory crime, it may be that individual predators express strong feelings of ‘‘relative deprivation,’’ that is, perceptions that they are economically disadvantaged and distressed about their situation. However, some additional factors may also have to be identified that determine which of the persons who oppose women’s rights or who feel relatively deprived become involved in illegal conduct and which do not.
Perspectives, Theories, and Hypotheses
A number of arguments about crime patterns and the processes through which individuals get involved in lawbreaking are examined below. Before moving to these specific theories, however, two other general observations are in order. First, in criminology, as in sociology more generally, there is considerable disagreement regarding the nature of perspectives, theories, and hypotheses (as well as paradigms, frameworks, and other theoretical constructions). Even so, perspectives are often identified as broad and relatively unsystematic arguments; while theories are often described as sets of concepts, along with interconnected propositions that link the concepts together into an ‘‘explanatory package’’; and hypotheses are specific research propositions derived from theories. In practice, however, many causal explanations that have been described as theories have been incomplete and also conceptually imprecise. Jack Gibbs (1985) has labeled such ‘‘theories’’ as being in ‘‘the discursive mode’’ rather than as formal theories. Discursive arguments are stated in everyday language and their underlying logic is often difficult to identify. According to Gibbs, because many criminological theories are discursive, precise predictions cannot be deduced from them, nor is it possible to subject predictions to empirical test, that is, to validation through research.
Many criminological theories involve relatively vague concepts, faulty underlying logic, and other problems. At the same time, it is possible to identify a number of general theoretical perspectives in criminology and to differentiate these from relatively formalized and precise theories. For example, many criminologists contend that American society is criminogenic because it involves social and economic features that appear to contribute heavily to criminality. However, this is a general perspective rather than a theory of crime in that it does not identify the full range of factors that contribute to lawbreaking, and it also lacks a set of explicit and interrelated propositions. By contrast, the income inequality argument more clearly qualifies as a causal theory, as does the formulation that links gender inequality, pornography readership, and certain other influences to forcible rape.
A few other comments are in order on theoretical perspectives in criminology. During most of the developmental history of criminology in the United States, from the early 1900s to the present, sociological criminologists voiced support for the criminogenic culture thesis that directs attention to social-structural factors thought to be responsible for criminality. Thus, this view might also be referred to as ‘‘mainstream criminology.’’ Most criminologists have linked lawbreaking to major ‘‘rents and tears’’ in societal structure at the same time that most of them have assumed that these crime-producing features can be remedied or lessened through social and economic reforms of one kind or another (Gibbons 1992, 1994; Currie 1985).
In the 1970s, a markedly different perspective competed for attention. Often referred to as ‘‘radical- Marxist’’ or ‘‘critical’’ criminology, it asserted that the causes of crime arise out of societal characteristics that are inherent in corporate capitalism (Gibbons 1992, pp.122–130; Chambliss 1975; Quinney 1974, 1977). According to radical-Marxist criminologists, criminal laws serve the interests of the capitalist ruling class. In turn, the system of corporate capitalism over which the ruling class presides depends for its survival on the exploitation of the resources and people of other countries and the economic oppression of citizens within capitalist nations. These conditions create economic strains for many persons, contribute to the deterioration of family life, and drive many individuals into desperate acts of lawbreaking.
The radical-Marxist perspective received considerable attention in the 1970s. Those who criticized it claimed that it presented a one-dimensional, oversimplified account of the social sources of criminality. For example, while some criminal laws favor the interests of the owners of capital, many others serve broader social interests. Similarly, while some forms of crime may be related to economic problems, others are not.
A number of other alternative perspectives began to appear in criminology in the 1980s and 1990s, so that theorizing about crime and criminality has become even more diversified. These ‘‘new criminologies’’ (Gibbons 1994, pp. 151–175) include postmodernist viewpoints, feminist arguments, and a number of other strains of thought, all of which differ in a number of ways from ‘‘mainstream’’ criminology.
Although broad theorizing has continued to proliferate in criminology, another major trend in recent years has taken criminology in a different direction, toward relatively detailed theories specific to one or another form of crime and toward research investigations of those theories. Baron and Straus’s (1987) formulation that links gender inequality, pornography, and specific flaws in the social control system is a case in point, as is Kenneth Polk’s (1994) theorizing and research regarding the various ‘‘scenarios’’ of social interaction that culminate in lethal violence. Indeed, contemporary criminology has a rich accumulation of empirical evidence that can be drawn upon by those who seek to understand the nature and causes of criminality in modern societies.
Forms of Crime and Types of Offenders
The legal codes of the various states and of the federal government include hundreds of specific offenses, but the explanatory task is to develop a relatively small set of theories that make sense of this diverse collection of illegal activities.
In their response to this task, Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi (1990) have argued that virtually all forms of criminal activity, and many kinds of deviant behavior as well, share certain features in common: they are spontaneous, unplanned actions requiring little or no skill for their commission. Further, Gottfredson and Hirschi have claimed that lawbreakers rarely specialize in specific acts of criminality. They concluded that virtually all of these varying criminal and deviant acts can be accounted for by a single, general theory that asserts they are the work of persons who are characterized by low self-control. Accordingly, in their view, there is no need for schemes that classify types of crime or kinds of offenders or for separate theories to account for them.
However, many criminologists contend that there are relatively distinct forms of crime that differ from each other and also that the behavior of many criminals is relatively patterned. For example, some offenders concentrate their efforts upon larcenous acts while others of them are mainly involved in acts of violence.
A number of criminologists have tried to sort the diverse collection of illegal activities into a smaller number of sociologically meaningful groupings or crime forms (Farr and Gibbons 1990; Gibbons 1994). Some have singled out crude property crime, consisting of larceny, burglary, robbery, and kindred offenses, as one type of crime; others have placed homicide and assaultive acts into another crime type; while still others have treated forcible rape and other sexual offenses as yet another broad form of lawbreaking. Then, too, ‘‘white-collar’’ or organizational crime has often been singled out as a crime pattern (Sutherland 1949; Schrager and Short 1978; Coleman 1987), consisting in large part of criminal acts such as antitrust violations, financial fraud, and the like, carried on by corporations and other large organizations. ‘‘Organized crime’’ is still another type that has received a good deal of criminological attention. Some persons have also pointed to a collection of offenses that receive little visibility in the mass media and elsewhere and have termed these ‘‘folk crimes’’ (Ross 1960–1961, 1973) or ‘‘mundane crimes’’ (Gibbons 1983). Finally, ‘‘political crime’’ has been identified as a major pattern of lawbreaking (Turk 1982).
Although these groupings identify forms of lawbreaking that may differ from each other in important ways, it is also true that they are relatively crude in form in that the underlying dimensions or variables on which they are based have not been spelled out. Further, there is disagreement among criminologists as to the specific crimes that should be identified as instances of white-collar crime, mundane crime, or some other category.
Criminologists have also developed systems for sorting individual offenders into behavioral types (Gibbons 1965). Although related to crime classification efforts, categorization of lawbreakers into types is a separate activity. While it may be possible to identify groupings such as predatory property crime, it many not be true that individual offenders specialize in that form of crime, hence it may be incorrect to speak of ‘‘predatory offenders’’ as a type of criminal. Most offender classification systems have been deficient in one respect or another (Gibbons 1985), but the most serious flaw is that they are oversimplified. Researchers have discovered that many offenders engage in a fairly diverse collection of offenses over their criminal ‘‘careers’’ rather than being crime specialists such as ‘‘burglars,’’ ‘‘robbers,’’ or ‘‘drug dealers’’ (Chaiken and Chaiken 1982).
The number of theories regarding particular forms of crime is extensive, thus they cannot all be reviewed here (for a review of many of them, see Gibbons 1994). Additional to those theories mentioned previously, a sampling of the more important ones would include the routine activities explanation of predatory property crime. Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson (1979) contend that predatory property crime involves three major elements: the supply of motivated offenders, the supply of suitable targets, and the absence of capable guardians. In other words, these crimes are carried out by persons with criminal motives, but the incidence of such offenses also depends upon the number of opportunities to burglarize homes or to rob persons. Also, the number of burglaries from one community to another is influenced by the degree to which residents in local areas act as guardians by maintaining surveillance over homes in their neighborhoods or by taking other crime-control steps. This theory takes note of the fact that criminal opportunities have increased in the United States in recent decades at the same time that capable guardianship has declined, due principally to changes in employment patterns. In particular, the number of families in which both adult members work during the day has grown markedly, as has the number of employed, single-parent families. Research evidence lends considerable support to this theory (Cohen and Felson 1979).
Research evidence also indicates that income inequality is related to predatory property crime (Braithwaite 1979; Carroll and Jackson 1983). Further, Leo Carroll and Pamela Jackson (1983) argue that the routine activities and income inequality arguments are interrelated. They suggest that the labor market trends identified in the former have led to increased crime opportunities, declines in guardianship, and heightened levels of income inequality.
Theories of Criminal Behavior
While theories about crime patterns and rates have been developed principally by sociological criminologists, representatives of a number of disciplines have endeavored to identify factors and processes that explain the involvement or noninvolvement of specific individuals in lawbreaking. Three basic approaches can be noted: the biogenicsociobiogenic, psychogenic, and sociogenic orientations. Biogenic-sociobiogenic views attribute the genesis or causes of lawbreaking, entirely or in part, to constitutional and hereditary factors, while psychogenic perspectives often contend that lawbreakers exhibit personality problems to which their illegal conduct is a response. By contrast, sociologists have most often advanced sociological theories, arguing that criminal behavior is learned in a socialization process by individuals who are neither biologically nor psychologically flawed. Also, some persons have constructed theories that combine or integrate elements of these three approaches, one case being James Wilson and Richard Herrnstein’s (1985) argument that the behavior of criminals has genetic and constitutional roots and that offenders tend to be more mesomorphic in body build, less intelligent, and more burdened with personality defects than their noncriminal peers. Wilson and Herrnstein also contend that various social factors such as unemployment, community influences, and the like play some part in criminality.
Three generalizations can be made about biological theories: First, conclusive evidence supporting these arguments has not yet been produced; second, biological factors cannot be ruled out on the basis of the empirical evidence currently on hand; and third, if biological factors are involved in criminality, they are probably intertwined with social and psychological influences (Trasler 1987; Fishbein 1990).
In the first half of the twentieth century, psychological arguments about criminals centered on claims that these persons were feebleminded, or somewhat later, that many of them were suffering from serious mental pathology of one sort or another. However, a number of reviews of the evidence, particularly that having to do with the alleged role of low intelligence or personality defects in criminality, turned up little or no support for such claims (Schuessler and Cressey 1950; Waldo and Dinitz 1967; Tennenbaum 1977).
Even so, there is a lingering suspicion among a number of criminologists that the criminal acts of at least some lawbreakers, including certain kinds of sexual offenders, can be attributed to faulty socialization and abberant personality patterns (Gibbons 1994). Additionally, some psychologists have argued that even though the broad theory that criminality is due to marked personality defects on the part of lawbreakers lacks support, it is nonetheless true that individual differences in the form of personality patterns must be incorporated into criminological theories (Andrews and Wormith 1989; Blackburn 1993; Andrews and Bonta 1998). Moreover, in the opinion of a number of sociological criminologists, the argument that individual differences make a difference, both in accounting for criminality and for conformity, is persuasive (Gibbons 1989, 1994). Personality dynamics play a part in the behavior patterns that individuals exhibit, thus such concepts as role and status are often not entirely adequate to account for the behavior of individuals. Lawbreaking is quite probably related to the psychic needs of individuals as well as social and economic influences that play upon them. On this point, Jack Katz (1988) has explored the personal meanings of homicidal acts, shoplifting, and a number of other kinds of criminality to the persons who have engaged in these acts.
Sutherland’s theory of differential association (Sutherland, Cressey, and Luckenbill 1992, pp.88– 90) has been one of the most influential sociological theories about the processes through which persons come to engage in criminality. Sutherland maintained that criminal behavior, including techniques of committing crime and conduct definitions favorable to lawbreaking activity, is learned in association with other persons. Many of the associations of persons involve face-to-face contact, but conduct definitions favoring criminality can be acquired indirectly from reference groups, that is, from persons who are important to individuals but with whom they do not directly associate. Sutherland also contended that associations vary in frequency, duration, priority, and intensity (the personal meaning or significance to individuals of particular social ties).
A very different theory, directed mainly at the explanation of juvenile delinquency, is that if, through faulty socialization, individuals fail to become bonded or connected to others (that is, if they do not develop positive attachments to adult persons such as parents or teachers), they will then be unlikely to refrain from misbehavior (Hirschi 1969). The emphasis in this argument is on the failure to acquire prosocial, nondelinquent sentiments rather than on the learning of antisocial ones. In this view, delinquency is the result of defective socialization rather than of socialization patterns through which criminal attitudes are learned. A more recent but related version of this argument, noted earlier in this essay, is that of Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990), who have claimed that criminality and other forms of deviance are most often engaged in by persons who are low on self-control.
Theoretical Integration
Clearly, there is a wealth of differing arguments about the causes of crime and individual lawbreaking now in existence. Not surprisingly, then, a number of scholars have begun to ask whether it might be possible to amalgamate some or all of these varied lines of explanation into an integrated theory and thereby to develop a more powerful causal argument. Some criminologists have suggested that biological, psychological, and sociological contentions about crime all have some part to play in explaining crime and that, therefore, they should be integrated (Barak 1998). Others have proposed more limited forms of integration in which, for example, several sociological arguments might be merged into a single formulation (e.g., Tittle 1995; Braithwaite 1989) or in which psychological claims about lawbreaking might be linked or integrated with sociological ones. But to date, criminological investigators have not moved very far in the direction of sophisticated theoretical integrations. Further research on the interconnections between biological, psychological, and social factors in crime and criminal conduct will probably be required if integrative efforts are to bear fruit.
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- Braithwaite, John 1979 Inequality, Crime and Public Policy. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
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- Carroll, Leo, and Pamela Irving Jackson 1983 ‘‘Inequality, Opportunity, and Crime Rates in Central Cities.’’ Criminology 21:178–194.
- Chaiken, Jan, and Marcia Chaiken 1982 Varieties of Criminal Behavior. Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand.
- Chambliss, William 1975 ‘‘Toward a Political Economy of Crime.’’ Theory and Society 2:148–155.
- Cohen, Lawrence E., and Marcus Felson 1979 ‘‘Social Change and Crime Rate Trends: A Routine Activities Approach.’’ American Sociological Review 44:588–607.
- Coleman, James W. 1987 ‘‘Toward an Integrated Theory of White-Collar Crime.’’American Journal of Sociology 93:406–439.
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- Farr, Kathryn Ann, and Don C. Gibbons 1990 ‘‘Observations on the Development of Crime Categories.’’ International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 34:223–237.
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- Messner, Steven F., and Richard Rosenfeld 1994 Crime and the American Dream. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth.
- Polk, Kenneth 1994 When Men Kill. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press.
- Quinney, Richard 1974 Critique of Legal Order. Boston: Little, Brown.
- Quinney, Richard 1977 Class, State, and Crime. New York: McKay.
- Ross, H. Laurence 1960-61 ‘‘Traffic Law Violation: A Folk Crime.’’ Social Problems 9:231–241.
- Ross, H. Laurence 1973 ‘‘Folk Crime Revisited.’’ Criminology 11:41–85.
- Schrager, Laura Shill, and James F. Short, Jr. 1978 ‘‘Toward a Sociology of Organizational Crime.’’ Social Problems 25:407–419.
- Schuessler, Karl F., and Donald R. Cressey 1950 ‘‘Personality Characteristicsof Criminals.’’ American Journal of Sociology 55:476–484.
- Sutherland, Edwin H. 1949 White Collar Crime. New York: Dryden.
- Sutherland, Edwin H., Donald R. Cressey, and David F. Luckenbill 1992 Principles of Criminology, 11th ed. Dix Hills, N.Y.: General Hall.
- Tennenbaum, D. J. 1977 ‘‘Personality and Criminality: A Summary and Implications of the Literature.’’ Journal of Criminal Justice 5:225–235.
- Tittle, Charles R. 1995 Control Balance. Boulder, Colo.: Westview.
- Trasler, Gordon 1987 ‘‘Biogenetic Factors.’’ In Herbert C. Quay, ed., Handbook of Juvenile Delinquency. New York: Wiley.
- Turk, Austin T. 1982 Political Criminality. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage.
- van Dijk, Jan J., Pat Mayhew, and Martin Killias 1990 Experiences of Crime Across the World. Deventer, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers.
Browse other Sociology Research Paper Topics .
425 Criminology Research Topics & Questions for Students
Criminology is the study of crime. To be more precise, it looks at crime as a social trend, including its origin, various manifestations, and its impact on society.
Criminology research outcomes influence how the police work, how society vibes with criminals, and how the community keeps the chaos in check. In this article, stumble upon some mind-bending criminology research topics for your inspiration. We’ll also explain main criminology theories and research methods, breaking down the fine line between criminology and criminal justice.
🔝 Top-10 Criminology Research Topics
🔤 what is criminology.
- 🔎 Criminology Research Methods
- 📝 Research Topics for Assignments
🦹♂️ Crime Research Topics
- 🚔 Topics in Law Enforcement
- 🕵️ Criminal Investigation Topics
⚖️ Criminal Law Research Topics
- 🔒 Topics to Research in Crime Prevention
👨⚖️ Criminal Justice Research Topics
- 🆚 Criminology Vs Criminal Justice
🔗 References
- Criminology as a science: criminology theories.
- Why eyewitness evidence matters.
- The issue of racial bias in the investigation.
- How social media fuels crime propaganda.
- The leading causes of college violence.
- Private prisons: Are they worth it?
- The debate around gun control.
- The analysis of power abuse among police officers.
- Drunk driving: How to stop it.
- Why forensic psychology is key to investigations.
Criminology digs into crime and criminal behavior, chasing after some wild questions like:
- What’s up with the traits of people who break the law?
- Why do people commit all sorts of different crimes?
- How does crime ripple through individuals and communities?
- What’s the formula for stopping crime in its tracks?
Is Criminology a Science?
Criminology holds its ground as a science, and here’s why: it follows the trusty scientific method. This means we start by asking the right question, then roll up our sleeves to craft hypotheses, gather data like detectives piecing together clues, and finally interpret it all to draw conclusions. Criminologists use tools of the trade—surveys, experiments, interviews, and more—to get to the bottom of the mess that is crime.
Criminology Theories
Criminology theories have popped up as an attempt to tackle the big, burning question: “What is criminal behavior, and what causes it?” Cracking that nut shapes how society handles and prevents crime. Coming up with new ideas and testing old ones keeps criminologists busy trying to crack the code behind what drives people to commit crimes.
Let’s consider the most relevant criminology theories.
🔎 Research Methods Used in Criminology
Most methods used in criminal studies can be divided into two groups: primary and secondary.
Primary Research Methods in Criminology
Primary research in criminology is any type of research that you collect yourself rather than based on secondary sources, such as articles or books. Examples of primary research methods in criminology include the following:
- Surveys and questionnaires. Survey research collects information from individuals through their responses to questions. It’s one of the go-to research tools in criminology because, let’s face it, everyone’s got an opinion.
- Experiments. Here, researchers gather up big groups of people—some who might get tangled up in crimes, either as victims or offenders. Then, they split the group in two and try different approaches with each. It’s like a social science lab, but with crime.
- Interviews. Interviews get personal. Participants answer open-ended questions, often about tough stuff like being a victim or engaging in crime. This method helps criminologists dig deeper and uncover the juicy details that surveys can miss.
- Focus groups. This method brings together a small crowd of people who share similar backgrounds to chat about crime. It’s a way to dive into what people really think, feel, and believe when it comes to crime and its impact.
- Observations. Observations involve a researcher studying groups or individuals in their natural setting without interfering. It is a common research method within the social learning theory.
Secondary Criminology Research Methods
Secondary research methods use information that was collected by someone else so that you can analyze it and identify the trends. Here are the two leading types of secondary research in criminology:
- Secondary analysis of data. A secondary analysis occurs when a researcher uses data collected by other researchers. You can obtain secondary data from surveys, official crime statistics, or official records.
- Literature review. A literature review involves reading, analyzing, evaluating, and summarizing literature about a specific criminology topic. It helps scholars identify research gaps and problems that need to be addressed.
📝 Criminology Research Topics for Assignments
To write an outstanding research paper on criminology, choose a topic that will spark your interest. Below you’ll find excellent criminology topic ideas for college students.
Criminology Research Paper Topics
- Criminology theory and its main elements.
- Criminology discipline and theories .
- American crime trends and criminological theories.
- The significance of criminological studies in the US.
- Criminology: legal rights afforded to the accused .
- The impact of violence and crime on the tourism industry.
- How did US crime rates change over the last 20 years?
- Classical and positivist schools of criminology .
- Should abortion be treated as a crime?
- Official and unofficial instruments within the criminal investigation.
- Criminology: femininity and the upsurge of ladettes .
- Criminal rehabilitation programs and their significance.
- Shoplifting and how to prevent it.
- Emerging technologies in criminology .
- The effects of illegal immigrants on crime rates.
- Drug trafficking by organized crime groups.
- Criminology and victimology: victim stereotypes in criminal justice .
- Can genetics lead to crime?
- The procedures of crime scene investigation.
- Labeling theory and critical criminology: sociological research .
- Hate crimes in modern society.
- The phenomenon of white-collar crime and its causes.
- How to prevent crimes in the workplace?
- Criminology: the social control theory .
- Stereotypes that surround serial killers and their crimes.
- The comparison of organized crime in New York and Chicago.
- Prevention strategies for small business crimes.
- Criminology: four types of evidence .
- Relations between crime, justice, and the media.
Criminology Research Proposal Topics
- How to prevent intellectual property crimes in cyberspace?
- Identity theft and cybercrime in modern society.
- Contemporary theories in criminology .
- The problem of racial profiling in the US.
- How has criminology contributed to the study of terrorism ?
- Possible solutions to the issue of street harassment .
- Postmodern criminology: the violence of the language .
- Gender bias in the investigation: pink-collar criminals.
- The phenomenon of digital terrorism and how to prevent it.
- How do immigration services help fight against terrorism?
- Green criminology: environmental harm in the Niger Delta .
- How has marijuana legalization influenced crime rates?
- Tools for collecting and analyzing crime evidence.
- How does international law manage war crimes ?
- The due process: criminology .
- What are victimless crimes ?
- The relation between crime rates and poverty.
- National system for missing and unidentified persons.
- Three case briefs in criminology .
- The impact of mental illness on criminal behavior.
- The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in reducing crime rates.
- The use of AI technology in crime prevention and investigation.
- Sexual assault: criminology .
- The role of media coverage in public perception of crime.
- The impact of community policing on reducing crime rates.
- The impact of mass shootings on gun control laws.
- The impact of automation technology on criminology .
Criminology Thesis Topics
- The role of juvenile justice in preventing future criminal behavior.
- Feminism and criminology in the modern justice system .
- The effectiveness of mandatory minimum sentencing in the US.
- Drug laws : fighting crime or fueling it?
- Police brutality : a systemic problem in criminal justice.
- Criminology: USA Patriot Act overview .
- The impact of hate crimes on marginalized communities.
- How does organized crime affect the global economy?
- The significance of DNA evidence for criminal investigations.
- Use of statistics in criminal justice and criminology .
- The ethics of plea bargaining in criminal cases.
- Mental illness and criminal behavior: breaking the stigma.
- The impact of social media on cyberbullying and harassment.
- Robert Merton’s strain theory in criminology .
- Causes and consequences of police corruption .
- The role of restorative justice in repairing harm caused by crime.
- The effectiveness of treatment programs in reducing drug-related crimes.
- Hernando Washington case: criminology .
- The negative effects of human trafficking on global communities.
- The role of forensic science in crimes investigation.
- The effectiveness of community-based alternatives to imprisonment.
- Integrity as a key value: criminology and war .
- The relationship between poverty, education, and crime rates.
- Cybercrime : the dark side of the digital age.
- Hate crimes: motivations and impact on modern society.
- Feminist perspectives’ contribution to criminology .
- The impact of incarceration on families and communities.
Criminology Research Questions for Dissertation
- Can criminal profiling accurately predict offender behavior?
- How do hate crimes affect individuals and communities?
- How were the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights influenced by the classical school of criminology ?
- What are the psychological effects of cyberbullying on victims?
- What factors contribute to domestic violence , and how can it be prevented?
- How have organized crime groups evolved over time?
- How is statistics used in criminology and criminal justice ?
- Is the death penalty an effective crime deterrent?
- What motivates individuals to engage in white-collar crime?
- What are the consequences of police corruption for society?
- What is variance analysis in criminal justice and criminology ?
- How does drug addiction contribute to criminal behavior?
- How does gender influence criminal behavior and justice outcomes?
- What drives individuals to commit mass shootings?
- What is the broken window theory in criminology ?
- What are the biggest challenges facing criminal justice reform efforts?
- How do urban gangs perpetuate violence and criminal activity?
- How do criminal law and procedures protect individual rights and liberties?
- What is the impact of corporate fraud ?
- What challenges do individuals with mental health issues face in the criminal justice system?
- How can society combat human trafficking and exploitation?
- What measures can be taken to enhance cybersecurity and protect against cybercrime?
- What is the aboriginal crisis from a criminology perspective ?
- How can victimology help us better understand the experience of crime victims?
- What are effective crime prevention strategies for different types of crime?
- What is legal insanity in criminology ?
- How does environmental crime impact communities and the environment?
- How is the peace-making model applied in criminology ?
A significant part of criminology research is dedicated to various types of crimes and their reasons. Consider our crime topic ideas that will spark instant interest in your readers:
- The psychological impact of kidnapping on victims and their families.
- The racialization of crime and cultural panic .
- The ethical considerations surrounding ransom payments in kidnapping cases.
- The effect of burglary on small businesses and their ability to recover.
- The impact of race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status on homicide rates and patterns.
- Shoplifting: a crime of convenience .
- The effectiveness of different types of anti-theft devices in preventing motor vehicle theft.
- The role of forensic science in investigating arson cases, including the use of accelerant detection dogs.
- The concept of natural legal crime .
- The psychological profiles of white-collar criminals and their motivations.
- The psychological effects of burglary on victims and their sense of security.
- The concept of juvenile crime .
- The role of social media in facilitating and preventing kidnappings.
- The use of forensic evidence in homicide investigations and the challenges of prosecuting homicide cases.
- Sex crime recidivism rates.
- Illegal immigration and its effects on crime .
- The effectiveness of international efforts to combat money laundering .
- The efficacy of community watch programs in reducing burglary rates.
- The role of corporate culture in facilitating or preventing white-collar crime.
- Crimes in America: the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks .
- Technology in motor vehicle theft: GPS tracking and remote disabling systems.
- Human trafficking and the exploitation of vulnerable populations.
- Crime and criminals: general characteristics .
- The ethical and moral implications of capital punishment as a response to homicide.
- The effectiveness of fire prevention and education programs in reducing instances of arson.
- US gun control measures and crime rates reduction .
- The use of cryptocurrency in money laundering and illegal activities.
- White-collar crime and the abuse of power in corporate and financial settings.
- Cargo crimes and threats: government accountability office .
- The rise of cyberstalking and its impact on victims’ mental health.
- The effects of pollution on communities and the legal response to environmental crimes.
- Cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking as crimes .
- The effects of society’s reaction to crime.
- The use of technology in financial fraud schemes .
- Crimes against property and their characteristics .
- The intersection of racism and hate crimes against Asian Americans.
- The impact of deforestation on indigenous communities and wildlife.
- Crime types and their harm to society .
- The prevalence of domestic violence and the legal response to it.
- The exploitation of child labor in the fashion industry .
- Race and crime among minorities in the US .
- The ethical implications of using artificial intelligence in law enforcement.
- The psychological effects of hate crimes on victims and their communities.
- How does local television news viewing relate to fear of crime ?
- The evolution of cybercrime and its most common types.
- Parental responsibility for children’s crimes.
- The sex crime: influence of childhood experiences .
- Prostitution : a victimless crime.
- Sociology and media representation of crime.
- The profile of a crime victim .
- A theory of gendered criminology: women’s crime.
🚔 Research Topics in Law Enforcement
Another exciting area within criminology to investigate is law enforcement and police jobs. Have a look at the list of burning and controversial topics we came up with:
- The impact of community policing on crime rates and public trust.
- Law enforcement: online crimes and social media .
- Do body-worn cameras reduce police misconduct?
- The effects of implicit bias on the police use of force.
- Law enforcement cameras as an invasion of privacy .
- The impact of police militarization on community relations.
- Why is mental health training essential for police officers in crisis situations?
- Law enforcement officers’ attitudes regarding body-worn cameras .
- The role of police in addressing hate crimes and bias incidents.
- The effectiveness of community-based alternatives to traditional policing.
- Organizational changes in law enforcement agencies .
- The efficacy of police-community partnership in addressing gang violence.
- The impact of police officer diversity on community relations and trust.
- Local, state, and federal law enforcement in the US .
- The role of police in addressing cybercrime and online harassment.
- The effects of police body language and nonverbal cues on public perceptions.
- Cumulative career traumatic stress in law enforcement .
- Social media and its role in shaping public perceptions of police behavior.
- The role of police discretion in enforcing drug laws and addressing addiction.
- Mindfulness practice in law enforcement .
- The effectiveness of hot spot policing in reducing crime rates.
- Organizational culture in the police department.
- Stress in law enforcement officers and available programs .
- The role of police leadership in promoting ethical behavior and accountability.
- The effectiveness of community-based justice programs for juvenile offenders.
- Law enforcement in colonial America .
- Police-community partnerships for addressing domestic violence.
- The role of police in addressing human trafficking and exploitation.
- Misrepresentation of law enforcement by media .
- School safety and the police.
- How does stress affect the performance of law enforcement officers?
- The law enforcement: verbal communication as the best form of interaction .
- The significance of federal and state law enforcement mechanisms.
- The adverse effects of toxic leadership in quality law enforcement.
- Balance between effective law enforcement and personal liberty .
- The importance of discipline in public services.
- The connection between police salary and rates of police brutality.
- Role of police agencies in law enforcement .
- Police investigative questioning and techniques.
- The issue of corruption in law enforcement.
- Significance of computer forensics to law enforcement .
- Case study: police response to the Ningbo protest.
- Police actions to stop school bullying .
- Law enforcement position in society .
- New technological advances within the police department.
- Do law enforcement cameras violate privacy right?
- Different types of evaluation designs in law enforcement .
- Recognition of women’s right to work as police officers.
- The effectiveness of foot and bike patrols of the streets.
- Firearms types and usage in law enforcement .
- The competencies of international law enforcement authorities.
- Comparison of police brutality statistics for different genders.
- Ethical theories in law enforcement practice .
🕵️ Criminal Investigation Research Topics
The criminal investigation process is another criminology area worth discussing in your research paper. Below you’ll find the most intriguing criminal investigation topics:
- The history and evolution of criminal investigation techniques.
- Crime scene investigation in media and real life .
- How forensic science has transformed criminal investigations.
- How does technology impact modern criminal investigations?
- Why preserving crime scenes and evidence is crucial.
- Crime scene investigation effect in the justice system .
- The ethics of interrogation techniques used in criminal investigations.
- Eyewitness testimony: how reliable is it?
- Criminal profiling: does it help solve crimes?
- Organized business crime prosecution and investigation .
- How media coverage can influence investigations.
- The role of informants in gathering evidence.
- Undercover police investigations in drug-related crimes .
- Challenges in investigating white-collar crime.
- Private investigators and their part in criminal cases.
- The problem of false confessions.
- Crime level investigation in the United States .
- Collecting DNA evidence: the process and importance.
- The FBI’s involvement in national investigations.
- How undercover operations help crack cases.
- Investigating crime with age and mental illnesses factors .
- Challenges in organized crime investigations.
- The importance of witness protection programs.
- Plea bargains: their impact on investigations.
- Drug trafficking: investigation on Frank Lucas .
- Techniques for surveillance in investigations.
- International cooperation in criminal investigations.
- How to investigate cybercrime.
- The influence of racial bias in investigations.
- Homicide investigations and forensic evidence .
- Polygraph tests: are they reliable?
- Investigating terrorism-related crimes: the main challenges.
- The role of forensic psychology in the investigation .
- Victim advocacy in the investigation process.
- Lie detector tests in criminal investigations.
- How community involvement can affect investigations.
- Approaches in criminal investigation .
- Dealing with false accusations.
- Forensic accounting in financial crime investigations.
- How media shapes public opinion about investigations.
- Key rulings on the conduct of investigators at the scene of a fire .
- Political pressure and its impact on criminal investigations.
- Investigating human trafficking: the main hurdles.
- The Breonna Taylor case and criminal investigation .
- Victim compensation in the investigative process.
- Behavioral analysis in investigations.
- Procedures within crime scene investigation .
- Crime scene reconstruction: how it aids investigations.
Criminology goes hand-in-hand with legal studies. If you’re interested in both areas, you should definitely write a research paper on one of the criminal law research topics:
- The evolution of criminal law in the US.
- Criminal law: stolen valor .
- Key differences between criminal and civil law.
- Human trafficking and criminal law responses.
- Types of criminal offenses and the elements of crime.
- International criminal law and measures .
- Burden of proof: its role in criminal trials.
- Assessing the validity of criminal defenses.
- The insanity defense: its use and controversies.
- Actus reus in English criminal law .
- The death penalty: examining its legal and ethical implications.
- Juvenile delinquency: how criminal law treats minors.
- Cybercrime and its legal challenges.
- Criminal law – is graffiti a crime or not ?
- Domestic violence laws and their impact.
- Hate crimes: legal consequences and challenges.
- Restitution for victims: the role of criminal law.
- Civil vs. criminal law and differences between them .
- Admissibility of forensic evidence in court.
- Sexual assault laws: their development and enforcement.
- The rights of the accused in criminal trials.
- Regulatory criminal laws in the criminal justice system .
- Immunity deals: their role in securing testimonies.
- Criminal offenses: how they’re legally classified.
- How Canadian criminal law regulates deviant conduct .
- Self-defense claims in criminal law.
- Sentencing guidelines: how they shape justice outcomes.
- DNA evidence: its role in criminal law.
- Fundamental aspects of Canadian criminal law .
- Eyewitness testimony: is it reliable in court?
- The media’s role in shaping criminal trials.
- Social inequality and its impact on justice outcomes.
- Criminal law in India and access to justice .
- The future of criminal law and its societal impact.
- International criminal law: enforcement challenges.
- Extradition: legal implications across borders.
- Juvenile vs. adult criminal law .
- Globalization’s effect on criminal law.
- Victim rights in criminal cases: their importance.
- Restorative justice: can it replace traditional sentencing?
- Automatism as a defense in criminal law .
- Alternatives to imprisonment for non-violent offenders.
- Defense attorneys: their influence on criminal trials.
- The role of prosecutors in shaping case outcomes.
- Civil and criminal law penalties and differences .
- Public trial rights in criminal cases.
- Car searches and the law: when are they justified?
🔒 Criminology Topics for Research in Crime Prevention
Researching crime prevention allows you to learn more about the strategies for reducing criminal behavior. Have a look at our outstanding crime prevention topic ideas:
- Crime prevention explained: theories and applications.
- Theories that explain criminal activities and criminology .
- How community policing helps stop crime.
- Pros and cons of crime prevention efforts in the U.S.
- Can education reduce crime rates?
- Crime prevention programs and criminal rehabilitation .
- Technological advances in crime prevention.
- Early childhood intervention: preventing future crime.
- The link between poverty and crime prevention strategies.
- Youth crime prevention and needs assessment .
- How restorative justice reduces reoffending.
- Are gun control laws effective at stopping gun crimes?
- Social media’s role in crime prevention and awareness.
- Crime prevention program in Australia .
- Do CCTV cameras actually prevent crime?
- Crime prevention programs in developing nations.
- Mental health services and their role in reducing crime.
- Crime prevention practices: overview .
- Community-based programs: preventing juvenile crime.
- Environmental design’s impact on preventing criminal behavior.
- Victim support programs: do they reduce crime rates?
- Situational and social crime prevention approaches .
- After-school programs: their role in preventing youth offenses.
- Strategies for situational and social crime prevention.
- How citizens help in crime prevention efforts.
- Computer crime prevention measures .
- Community watch programs: their impact on crime.
- How community centers prevent gang crime.
- Sentencing policies and their role in crime prevention.
- Biometrics recognition and crime prevention .
- Do violent video games lead to youth crime?
- Cybercrime prevention through social media awareness.
- The role of social workers in preventing crime.
- Three-strikes law for preventing violent crimes .
- Can education and medicine lower crime rates?
- Animal-assisted therapy in reducing criminal behavior.
- Aftercare programs: can they cut recidivism rates?
- Capital punishment as ineffective crime deterrence .
- Strategies for proactive crime prevention.
- Domestic violence prevention programs and their impact.
- Probation and parole: do they prevent future crimes?
- Juvenile weapon crimes and strategies to address .
- Faith-based organizations: their role in crime prevention.
- Diversion programs: preventing juvenile crime.
- Crime prevention vs. community safety: understanding the difference.
- Preventing crime victimization in international students .
- Agriculture and rural development’s role in preventing crime.
Criminal justice might be a challenging research topic, but it is worth the time and effort. Consider our unique topic ideas for your successful research:
- The effectiveness of community policing programs.
- The use of statistics in criminal justice and criminology .
- Are prison rehabilitation programs effective?
- Defense attorneys: their significance in criminal justice.
- The code of ethics in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice .
- The role of restorative justice in the legal system.
- Mandatory minimum sentences: do they work?
- Criminal justice process: felony criminal charge .
- Judges’ roles in shaping justice outcomes.
- The role of probation and parole in justice.
- Veterans in the criminal justice system .
- Prison privatization: comparing the US and UK
- Challenges women face in prison.
- US terrorism and criminal justice decision-making model .
- Prisons in a democratic society: are they compatible?
- Psychologists’ roles in the criminal justice system.
- Transgender offenders in the criminal justice system .
- Private prisons and their effect on crime rates.
- Victim compensation programs: how effective are they?
- The successes and failures to reform punishment in the criminal justice system .
- Community involvement in criminal justice.
- Long-term prisoner rehabilitation: the main issues.
- Victim-offender mediation programs.
- Technology application in criminal justice .
- Gender disparity in criminal justice outcomes.
- The impact of solitary confinement on prisoners.
- Recidivism in criminal justice: the American prison system .
- Legal and ethical dilemmas in international interventions.
- Mandatory minimum sentences: helping or harming?
- Racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal justice system .
- Children of incarcerated individuals: the long-term effects.
- The importance of mental health professionals in criminal justice.
- How to bring about change in the criminal justice system.
- Non-inclusiveness of the criminal justice system .
- Racial profiling: its impact on justice outcomes.
- Diversion programs for veterans: how effective are they?
- False confessions in the US criminal justice system .
- Racism in the U.S. criminal justice system.
- People with disabilities in the criminal justice system.
- Ethical dilemmas in the criminal justice system .
- Forensic psychology guidelines for criminal justice.
- Technology’s impact on jury selection.
- Effective writing and criminal justice .
- Mandatory drug testing: does it work for probationers?
- Wrongful executions and their effect on justice.
- Discontinuity of care in the criminal justice system .
- Media’s influence on the criminal justice system.
- The rise of cybercrime: how the justice system is responding.
- Criminal justice: coerced confessions .
- Private prisons: their role in criminal justice.
- Diversion programs for the homeless: how they work.
- Lessons from the history of criminal courts.
- Criminal justice case: types of sentences, probation, and final decision .
- Comparing US and UK legislative systems.
- The modern justice system: an overview.
- Unjust arrests: exploring ethical issues.
- Civil liability in criminal justice .
- Juvenile recidivism: identifying risk groups.
🆚 Difference between Criminology and Criminal Justice
Students often confuse criminology with criminal justice because both areas study crime and criminal behavior. Understanding their main differences is essential before conducting research in any of these areas.
- Criminology and Criminal Justice: Pick a Topic | Marquette University
- Criminology Questions & Topics | David H. Kessel
- Topics | Ghent University
- Emergent Issues in Crime & Justice | University of Maryland
- Qualitative Research in Criminal Justice | University of North Texas
- Criminology, Law & Society | UCI Libraries
- What the Data Says (and Doesn’t Say) about Crime in the United States | Pew Research Center
- Types of Criminal Offenses | Justia
- Criminal Justice and Criminology Theses | East Tennessee State University
- Research Overview | The University of Alabama
- Criminology Research | University of Portsmouth
- Research | Arizona State University
- Research Themes | University of Surrey, Centre for Criminology
- Advanced Criminology & Criminal Justice Research Guide | Mardigian Library
- Criminology – Research Guide: Getting Started | PennLibraries
- Law and Criminology | University of Plymouth
- Topics for a Criminology Research Paper | Classroom
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Criminology Dissertation Topics: 20+ Examples for Inspiration
by Antony W
May 9, 2023
Criminology is field that focuses on investigating crimes from a societal viewpoint, with an emphasis on offenders, their motivation, consequences, and prevention. Also, the subject examines human behavior in relation to crime.
Since criminologists investigate the societal foundations and consequences of crime, they also incorporate other subjects such as philosophy and anthropology .
When all of these fields of studies are used, a precise diagnosis of the underlying reason for criminal behavior is likely. Criminologists will then be able to develop effective and realistic strategies for averting criminal activities.
This post includes a list of the best criminology dissertation topics, which are ideas you can improve and investigate further in your assignment. Also, if you need help to work on this type of dissertation, especially if you’re already running out of time, you can get our dissertation writing help here.
Criminology Dissertation Topics Examples
The following is a list of some of the best criminology dissertation topics that you might consider exploring in your writing:
Criminology Dissertation Ideas Mental Health
- The effect of harmful mental health disorders on an individual’s behavior
- The role of a psychological examination in a criminal investigation
- How the media affects a person’s mental health when they commit a crime
- Utilizing community-based treatment centers to assist individuals with mental illnesses
- Is it possible for an unlawful to fabricate a mental illness in order to avoid punishment?
- Traumatic events that may serve as a catalyst for criminal activity
- Mental treatments are critical for offenders accused with murder.
Also Read: The Complete Guide for Dissertation Defense
Controversial Dissertation Topics in Criminology
- Was the Black Lives Matter movement tarnished by violence rather than by a desire for justice?
- How parental estrangement contributes to future violence
- Regulating prostitution will result in a decrease in crime.
- Coronavirus has encouraged criminal activity on a scale never seen before.
- When it comes to domestic abuse against people, the law is subjective.
- Should the government raise the minimum age for obtaining a national identification card?
- Is the media the primary catalyst for moral panics in society?
- Demystifying social media as a crime scene in the technology era
- Is it appropriate to inform rape perpetrators of their bail conditions?
Argumentative Dissertation Topics in Criminology
- Is someone responsible for the growth of teenage gangs in a certain society?
- Is it possible that political tensions are to blame for internal militia uprisings?
- Are religious beliefs capable of becoming the source of terrorism?
- Is gun regulation in the United States the first step toward increased crime rates?
- Is racial abuse directed at international students a contributing factor to crime and violence?
- Is crime more dangerous than natural catastrophes or infectious diseases?
- Is parental monitoring effective in lowering teen crime?
- Is education falling short in its job of instilling sound principles and character?
- Is the boundary between law enforcement and criminology a fine one?
- Is domestic violence directed only at women, or do males also suffer?
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Masters and PhD. Criminology Dissertation Topic Ideas
- Analyzing how marginalization and discrimination on the basis of religion contribute to crime
- An examination of cybercrime laws and their role in preserving law and order
- A critical examination of the United States government’s response to terrorism threats
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and crime: An examination of their role or influence
- Corruption’s impact on a country’s political, social, economic, and security systems
- A discourse study of the coronavirus’s influence on criminal behavior
- Is it true that metropolitan environments foster more crime than rural regions?
General Dissertation Topic Ideas in Criminology
- Age in criminology research in the context of capital punishment
- Examining the consequences of police empowerment in high-crime neighborhoods of developing countries
- An assessment of the major features of police personnel deployed in crime hotspots in the United Kingdom.
- A study of how the season and topography of a location effect crime.
- How residential architecture and community structures aid in crime prevention and management
- How significant is the sociocultural background of a residential community in terms of the volume and quality of crime in the area?
- An Analysis of Research on the financial and societal costs of crime deterrence in the United Kingdom
- An assessment of the ramifications of political backing for criminal activity and its influence on the community
- A phenomenological examination of students’ exposure to drugs and the criminal lifestyle in the United Kingdom
- A review of pertinent literature on how gender affects crime in the United Kingdom
- What can quantitative data tell us about the link between crime and unemployment?
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Criminology Dissertation Topics On Prison and Society
Prisons and convicts have long been a source of contention in British society. When selecting dissertation on social criminal offenders, condense your ideas to a single social element.
Here are some topic ideas to get you started:
- Should pupils be required to visit jail as part of their curriculum?
- Is the imposition of jail sentences for economic or political offenses justified?
- Eliminating negative stigma associated with ex-prisoners and social service.
Criminology Dissertation Topics On Crime and Justice
When someone commits a crime, people frequently consider the current criminal justice system, which has a variety of defects and benefits depending on who analyzes it.
Choosing a justice dissertation subject is not a simple effort, which is why you should explore the following topics:
- The death penalty’s meaning in History video game violence and serial murderer cases
- Control and reporting methods for gang activity: proof vs. official accounts
- Alternative punishment methods: International System Comparisons
Criminology Dissertation Topics On Ethnicity and Race
Many of us are aware that certain crimes committed in the United Kingdom have racial or ethnic overtones. While these offenses have diminished in recent years, they continue to be widely publicized to educate people on how to prevent them and resolve any issues that arise.
Several ethnicity and race dissertation topics include the following:
- How the media contribute to the emergence of racial hatred
- Sports and legal ramifications of racial tensions
- Laws that Could Help Reduce Crimes Against Ethnic Minorities Murders Across English Cities on the Basis of Race & Ethnic Minority
- Inequality between races in the United Kingdom and South Africa
About the author
Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.
Home » Blog » Dissertation » Topics » Criminology » 80 Criminology Research Topics
80 Criminology Research Topics
If you are a student passionate about understanding the complexities of crime and its impact on society, your search for compelling research topics in criminology ends here. As you embark on your academic journey, we present you with a comprehensive list of criminology research topics catering to undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels. Criminology, a multifaceted […]
If you are a student passionate about understanding the complexities of crime and its impact on society, your search for compelling research topics in criminology ends here. As you embark on your academic journey, we present you with a comprehensive list of criminology research topics catering to undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels.
Criminology, a multifaceted discipline, delves into the causes, consequences, and prevention of criminal behaviour. From exploring the psychology behind criminal motivations to analyzing the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs, these topics offer a wide range of opportunities for in-depth inquiry. Whether you seek to shed light on emerging trends in cybercrime or to uncover the dynamics of criminal justice policies, our list aims to ignite your curiosity and guide you towards a research path that aligns with your interests and aspirations. Let these thought-provoking topics inspire you as you delve into the captivating world of criminology and make valuable contributions to the field. So, let us embark on this intellectual journey together as you embark on a scholarly exploration of criminology’s intriguing dimensions.
A List Of Potential Research Topics In Criminology:
- Analyzing the effectiveness of community policing in reducing crime rates.
- Understanding the implications of privatization in correctional facilities and criminal justice services.
- A comprehensive review of white-collar crime: theories, patterns, and detection.
- Understanding the role of social media in facilitating gang activities in the UK.
- The role of social disorganization and covid-19 on neighbourhood crime patterns.
- A systematic review of criminal profiling techniques and their validity in an investigation.
- The role of technology and social media in organized crime activities during COVID-19.
- The effectiveness of community-based corrections: a critical review of recidivism outcomes.
- Analyzing the use of technology in policing strategies: lessons from UK law enforcement.
- The impact of COVID-19 on the prison system: challenges and policy implications.
- Analyzing the relationship between mental health and criminal justice system: a review.
- Exploring the role of cybercrime during the COVID-19 lockdown: trends and challenges.
- A critical review of criminal justice policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Understanding the psychological factors behind serial offenders and crime spree patterns.
- The influence of drug decriminalization policies on drug-related crimes in the UK.
- The role of technology in modernizing criminal justice systems: benefits and challenges.
- Investigating the impact of COVID-19 on crime rates and criminal justice responses.
- The role of family structure in juvenile offending and delinquency.
- Investigating the influence of social media on gang culture and criminal activities.
- The influence of public opinion on criminal justice policies: a UK case study.
- The role of sentencing policies in criminal justice disparities.
- The relationship between childhood trauma and criminal behaviour: a longitudinal study.
- Examining the dynamics of human trafficking: causes, consequences, and countermeasures.
- Analyzing the effects of gang injunctions on gang activities in UK cities.To covid-19.
- Understanding the role of social media in criminal behaviour and online activism.
- The role of community engagement in crime prevention during the pandemic.
- Investigating the intersection of race, class, and crime: a multidimensional approach.
- Understanding the effect of COVID-19 on gang activities and recruitment.
- Understanding the connection between mental health and criminal behaviour during the pandemic.
- A comprehensive review of restorative justice programs: evaluating effectiveness and challenges.
- Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on juvenile delinquency and youth justice systems.
- Analyzing the impact of mass incarceration on communities and social inequalities.
- The role of environmental factors in shaping criminal behaviour: a geospatial analysis.
- Understanding the dynamics of knife crime in London: a case study analysis.
- Examining the impact of neighbourhood characteristics on crime patterns: a literature review.
- The effectiveness of prison rehabilitation programs in reducing recidivism in the UK.
- The effectiveness of hate crime legislation in addressing bias-motivated offences.
- The impact of cybercrime on society: trends, challenges, and prevention strategies.
- Exploring the psychology of white-collar criminals: motivations and rationalizations.
- Examining the relationship between pandemic-related stressors and criminal offending.
- Investigating the effectiveness of restorative justice programs in promoting rehabilitation and healing.
- Investigating the link between human rights violations and state crimes.
- Reviewing the role of technology in advancing crime investigation and policing strategies.
- The effect of COVID-19 on domestic violence incidents and interventions.
- Reviewing the influence of media representations on perceptions of crime and criminals.
- Examining the impact of COVID-19 on criminal justice responses in the UK.
- Analyzing the use of forensic evidence in solving cold cases and unsolved crimes.
- The influence of substance abuse on recidivism rates: a comparative study.
- Investigating the impact of body-worn cameras on police-citizen interactions.
- Analyzing the use of technology in criminal investigations and law enforcement.
- The impact of COVID-19 on crime rates: a comparative analysis of pre and post-pandemic periods.
- Understanding the impact of gun control policies on crime rates.
- Investigating the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in reducing recidivism.
- Reviewing the efficacy of gun control policies in reducing gun violence.
- Understanding the role of gender in criminal offending and victimization.
- Analyzing the effectiveness of cybersecurity measures in preventing cybercrime: a review.
- Understanding the implications of COVID-19 on recidivism and reentry programs.
- The impact of COVID-19 on human trafficking and exploitation.
- A critical review of mass incarceration and its socioeconomic consequences.
- Exploring the link between mental health and juvenile delinquency.
- Analyzing the role of media portrayals in shaping public perceptions of crime and criminals.
- The influence of gang culture on youth criminalization and membership dynamics.
- Exploring the effects of COVID-19 on cybersecurity and digital crimes.
- Reviewing the use of predictive policing algorithms in crime prevention: ethics and implications.
- Analyzing the impact of racial bias in criminal justice systems.
- Exploring the role of CCTV surveillance in crime prevention and investigation in the UK.
- Understanding the relationship between economic inequality and crime.
- Exploring the relationship between COVID-19 lockdowns and environmental crime.
- Analyzing the impact of drug policy reforms on crime rates: a systematic literature review.
- Examining the impact of the economic downturn on property crime rates during the pandemic.
- Analyzing the relationship between economic inequality and crime rates in the UK.
- Exploring the relationship between immigration and crime: myths and realities.
- Analyzing the changes in criminal justice policies and practices in response to the impact of police reforms on crime rates and community perceptions in the UK.
- Exploring the relationship between drug legalization and crime rates.
- A systematic review of human trafficking interventions: lessons from global efforts.
- The influence of COVID-19 on hate crimes and bias-motivated offences.
- The impact of Brexit on cross-border crime and criminal justice cooperation in the UK.
- Analyzing the effectiveness of early intervention programs in preventing juvenile delinquency.
- Analyzing the effects of COVID-19 on restorative justice and victim-offender mediation programs.
- Analyzing the social implications of criminal records on reentry and employment opportunities.
This comprehensive list offers compelling research topics for criminology students at all degree levels. From exploring the impact of technology on crime investigation to studying the influence of social media on gang activities, these themes provide abundant opportunities for in-depth inquiry and analysis. Whether you are pursuing an undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral degree, choosing a research topic that aligns with your interests and objectives is essential for a successful dissertation journey. Delve into the captivating world of criminology, contribute to understanding complex issues, and pave the way for positive change in criminal justice systems. Best of luck as you embark on your dissertation writing and research endeavours!
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213 Criminology Dissertation Ideas And Thesis Titles
Finding criminology topics is not as easy as pulling out an essay idea from any website. It requires students to go the extra mile to investigate a particular problem and derive a professional topic. Does this give you chills already? Well, our expert UK writers have prepared a list that will earn you high grades. Make sure to pick one that will impress your stingy criminology professor to the core!
Criminology Topics: What Do They Entail?
Criminology focuses on examining crime from a social perspective with a close lens at the perpetrator of the crime, their motive, effects, and prevention. As you will note in the list of writing ideas below, criminology also studies human behaviour about crime.
Since criminologists go to the extent of looking at the social roots and impacts of a crime, they also s-encompass other fields of study such as philosophy and anthropology. The combination of all these methods leads to a precise determination of the root cause of criminal behaviour. They will therefore be able to determine effective and practical ways of preventing its occurrence in the future.
For you to have a top-rated criminology paper, ensure that you:
- First, understand the task at hand
- Collect relevant details to furnish your paper with
- Outline your criminology paper
- Structure your ideas into sections
- Abide by the formatting requirements of your college or university
- Maintain originality throughout your paper
- Reference and cite your sources well
The result of this is a brilliant criminology paper that will earn you a spot on the top of your class leaderboard. Do you want to try out our sample criminology dissertation titles? Here is your unique opportunity now!
Top-Notch Criminology Dissertation Ideas
- Why are the majority of crimes committed by the youths?
- Reasons why men are more prone to commit crime than women
- What to improve in the British criminology curriculum
- Is it possible to develop a society without crime?
- How does the environment motivate one towards criminal behaviour?
- Evaluate the role of music in enhancing crime
- Are the current laws on criminology effective enough?
- Why do college and university students engage in cases of arson?
- Predisposing factors behind the activities of serial killers
- The role of guardians and societal leaders in preventing crime
- Possible causes of rape and other indecent sexual behaviour
- Discuss the relationship between crime and punishment in the past decade
- Are criminology related laws implemented to the latter?
- The role of specialized police units in preventing crime
- Why the internet is a harbour for vigorous criminal activity
- How to detect domestic violence before it occurs
- Innovative ways of dealing with social disorders in a community
- Why serial crimes always present a complex puzzle to solve for investigators
Criminology Dissertation Ideas Mental Health
- The role of trauma in forcing one to commit a crime
- Evaluate the association between mental illness and crime
- Possible mental disorders that make teenagers commit crimes
- Using community-based treatment centres to help people with mental cases
- A global perspective on the mental health of sexual offenders
- How anxiety and depression may cause one to premeditate committing murder
- Impact of detrimental mental health problems on a person’s conduct
- The relationship between aggressive behaviour and mental disorders
- Traumatic experiences that may trigger criminal activities
- How the media impacts the mental health of a person in committing a crime
- Ways of promoting a healthy mental state in a society
- How phobias prevent or trigger people about crime
- The role of a mental check-up in a criminal investigation
- Can an illegal fake a mental disorder to evade punishment?
- Importance of mental therapies for criminals charged with murder
Criminology And Psychology Dissertation Ideas
- How attitudes and emotions compel people to criminal behaviour
- Impact of domestic violence on a child’s aggressive behaviour
- A psychological examination of people who start trouble every time
- How race is a critical factor in the police’s judgment of criminal activity
- The role of forensic psychology in criminal investigations
- A psychological view of the gender-based violence against women
- Psychological disorders as a result of divorce may lead to crime
- How parenting styles affect a child’s behaviour: A case of poor parenting
- Discuss criminal intent based on a psychological disorder
- How drug abuse contributes to crime as a result of psychological dysfunction
- How attitudes towards criminal justice shape people’s behaviours
- Why most employers are reluctant to employ people with past criminal records
- Discuss criminal psychology with communist states
- Current trends and practices in crime related to psychology
- Compare and contrast situation and premeditated child abuse
Custom Criminology Dissertation Topics
- Do criminals get justice after being sentenced?
- How to investigate a serial crime in a society
- Techniques used in monitoring people with suspecting criminal behaviour
- Evaluate the role of private detectives in solving societal crimes
- How the neighbourhood topography relates to illegal activities
- Best approaches to combating crimes committed by gangs
- The part of the police in keeping society safe and peaceful
- How the mental health of women relates to aggressive behaviour at a times
- Predisposing factors behind human traffickers and children abductors
- Should the government enact more laws to curb domestic violence?
- The role of modern technologies in complicating criminal investigations
- How schools can enhance good morals among students at a tender age
- Do suspensions act as a cause for violence in the future among students?
- How to deal with protests and violence in a school setting
- How the use of force only serves to stir up crime
First-Class Dissertation Ideas For Criminology
- Policing strategies that wage war against smuggling of goods
- The role of the US-Mexican border in combating criminal activities
- How marginalization leads to the discrimination of various people
- An analysis of the genocides in the past decade: What caused them?
- What motivates young men to join gangs and other criminal groups?
- How does alcohol catalyze sexual assaults?
- The relationship between crime and LGBT groups
- The implication of racial profiling in causing criminal activities
- A critical review of how the US government responds to mass shootings
- Gun ownership policies that will make America safe
- The role of corruption in facilitating illegal underground activity
- How the economic state of a country can lead to crime
- Discuss the relationship between oil and civic disorder
- Historical factors that have necessitated crime in the 21 st century
- The contribution of propaganda and Yellow Journalism to crime
Criminology Dissertation Ideas On Terrorism
- Evaluate the response of the US forces towards terrorist activities
- Implications of the 9/11 attack on the safety of airlines
- Discuss the relationship between radicalization and terrorism
- Ways in which ISIS lures young men into joining them
- How technology has helped advance terrorist activities in the country
- Assess the impact of terrorism on religious profiling of people
- Why terrorist activities are most prevalent in urban centres
- How terrorists instil fear on their victims
- Has the coronavirus slowed down terrorist activities?
- Exploring the role of attitude in fueling terrorist activities towards certain countries
- Reasons why the media can serve as a super-spreader of fear during terrorist attacks
- Ways of detecting terrorist plans before they come of age
- Significant strides made in the war against terrorism in Africa
- The role of intelligence services in combating terrorism
- A critical analysis of the bombings on the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
Criminology Dissertation Ideas About Drugs
- The role of drug rehabilitation centres in reducing criminal activities
- A critical evaluation of heroin and cocaine users
- The impact of legalizing marijuana on criminal behaviour
- Is there a thin line between drug abuse and violence?
- How to curb drug and substance abuse among college students
- The role of the media in sensitizing society against the adverse effects of drugs
- How the doping technology can help curb drug and substance abuse
- How drug abuse is a stepping stone to high crime rates in developing nations
- Explore the different types of crimes resulting from drug abuse
- What are the possible ways of eradicating corruption caused by criminal behaviour?
- Why it is difficult for drug addicts to go for guiding and counselling
- Impacts of excessive drug abuse on one’s mental state
- Why most gangs are associated with drug and substance abuse
- Post-traumatic drug disorders that lead to criminal activities
- Most commonly abused drugs by teens in the United Kingdom
The Best Criminology Dissertation Ideas UK
- Government policies that are curtailing the spread of criminal behaviour
- How the UK government is dealing with criminals of any kind
- Are the court systems in the UK doing enough to curb crime?
- Describe the application of the social learning theory in reducing crime
- How a criminal investigator develops a perspective on a particular crime
- How developed economies are handling corruption-related cases
- The standards of correctional facilities in the United Kingdom and their effectiveness
- An investigation of the legal policies against crime in Britain
- Compare and contrast criminal activity in UK suburbs and those of America
- A critical review of past illegal activity in Britain over the last five years
- Perceptions and attitudes towards UK criminal investigators
- How antisocial behaviour relates to illegal activities
- Are introverts more prone to crime than extroverts?
- A study of the UK media and its implication on crime
- How criminal investigative exposes have led to the arrest of various criminals
Criminology Dissertation Ideas On Domestic Violence
- Multiple forms of domestic violence in the 21 st century: A case of sexual and verbal abuse
- Acts that lead to psychological intimidation in domestic violence
- Economic impacts of domestic violence
- Does the word ‘abuse’ downplay the severity of domestic violence acts?
- Are domestic violence acts ‘terroristic’ in nature?
- Social structures that reinforce the suppression of women
- The growing cases of male abuse in the recent days
- An analysis of the various aspects of domestic violence
- The role of writers in speaking out against domestic violence
- How to look out for warning signs in the case of domestic violence
- Do victims of domestic violence find a safe place to talk without judgment?
- Discuss the implications of the Domestic Abuse Bill in the UK
- How to address the needs of survivors and their families
- The role of society in holding perpetrators of domestic violence accountable
- The role of grants and government funding in supporting anti-domestic violence movements
Criminology Dissertation Ideas About Prisons
- Do prisons deny inmates their human rights?
- Investigate reports of sexual abuse in prisons
- Why murderers should not be in one prison facility with other offenders
- Are prisons breeding grounds for criminal activity?
- Compare and contrast crime in female and male prisons
- The role of prison wardens in shaping the conduct of prisoners
- Should all offenders be kept in one prison irrespective of their crimes?
- Is denying prisoners visitations a catalyst for their aggressive behaviour?
- The role of society in helping criminals change
- How prison wardens contribute to crime in prisons
- Should all correctional facilities be outside significant cities?
- Should convicts of life sentences stay with those of shorter sentences?
- An analysis of cases of convicts killed in prisons
- What should determine the suitability of an officer as a prison warden?
- How should inmates relate with the prison wardens?
Forensic Psychology Dissertation Ideas
- Technological advances in forensic psychology and its impacts
- The procedure of investigating a crime using forensic psychology
- Compare and contrast the use of forensic psychology on men versus women
- Different approaches to forensic psychology in criminology
- Do we have enough forensic psychologists?
- How does genetics affect forensic psychology?
- Factors affecting eyewitness identification performance
- A study on male victims of partner violence
- Investigate the jury decision-making process based on forensic psychology
- A study of knowledge and attitudes towards conduct disorder
- How race affects psychotherapeutic performance
- Examine the association between psychosis and being a migrant
- Using a measurement scale to assess psychopathic personality traits
- How personality functioning may predict a person’s engagement in cyberstalking
- The collateral consequences of money bail
Latest Knife Crime Dissertation Titles
- What happens when the police become criminals?
- The impact of cybercrime on international peace and security
- Unearthing the underworld of hardcore teenage crimes
- How some police office rob banks and participate in serious crimes
- Dealing with drug trafficking in the technological era
- A comparative analysis of European law enforcement agencies
- Using children as witnesses in a criminal case: Is it ethical?
- Discuss the role of psychological intervention for criminals
- Analyze the rise of militia uprisings
- Impact of political tensions on criminal activities
- How the media stereotypes young people as criminals
- Social insecurity and brutality
- Impact of forced labour on correcting detainees: Does it help?
- Does the media exaggerate terrorism activities?
- Cultural values that can shape the morals of a society
Additional Terrorism Dissertation Ideas
- Is white supremacy terrorism?
- How domestic terrorism has risen in the US over the past few months
- The role of the UN Mission in keeping terrorists at bay
- How to cut off funding for terrorist activities
- How terrorism has become a threat to human existence
- How to prevent young men from joining terrorist groups
- Why terrorists take hostages and threaten to detonate bombs
- Psychological implications of terrorism activities
- Can someone who has been a terrorist fit into society again?
- Discuss the breeding of local terrorism in countries
- Counter-terrorism measures that work
- The role of surveillance in countering terrorism activities
- How terrorism creeps into conflict zones
- How the rule of law can help eliminate terrorism
- How to empower minors against terrorism
- The role of community anti-terrorism awareness programs
- How terrorists cause insubordination and waywardness
Criminal Law EPQ Questions
- Proactive policing
- Pretext stops and charter remedies
- Working with virtual legal assistants
- The part of the sedition law
- Analyze the right to protest
- Is life imprisonment a myth?
- State’s role in regulating crimes against women
- Appeal to the death sentence
- Laws about custody and maintenance of minors
- Are Promissory notes and Bills of Exchange the same?
- What is the difference between fatal and non-fatal offences?
- Are ideas protected under copyright?
- What is a crime of passion?
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100+ Best Criminology Dissertation Topics and Thesis Titles to Explore
Table of Content
Criminology Dissertation Ideas Mental Health
Criminology and psychology dissertation ideas, criminology epq questions, feminist criminology dissertation topics, forensic psychology dissertation ideas, terrorism and criminology dissertation topics, sociology and criminology dissertation topics, criminology dissertation ideas serial killers, masters and phd. criminology dissertation topic ideas.
Writing a dissertation on criminology is a complex task. What's more difficult is to choose the right topic from the pool of criminology dissertation ideas. Yes, that's true! The reason is that the list of crimes worldwide is endless. You will see one happening every minute, it doesn't matter if it is small or big. A crime is a crime! However, to help you narrow down from the list of criminology dissertation topics, let's understand the meaning of Criminology and what it covers.
A Quick Overview of Criminology
To clarify, criminology is the study of criminal behaviour and crimes. In this field, you will learn about the causes, impacts, preventions, and corrective measures that can be taken to eliminate crimes. It comprises several sub-fields and diverse disciplines, such as anthropology, biology, psychology and psychiatry, economics, sociology, psychiatry, and criminal law.
Therefore, to choose the best criminology dissertation ideas UK, you need to choose a particular field from any of the above. Once you have decided on the field, writing a dissertation on the selected topic will become easier. If you face issues, it is best to seek dissertation writing services from our experts.
Now, let's discuss the best part of this blog. We have provided a list of criminology dissertation examples UK in the section below. Check them out now!
List of 100+ Criminology Dissertation Topics
We know students often face issues in selecting criminology dissertation topics, so we have provided you with the 100+ most trending dissertation topics in criminology. All you have to do now is pick up the category of your interest, whether it is criminology dissertation ideas youth crime, mental health, psychology, sociology, or any other topic. We have covered it all. Check them out now!
- Describe the Role of Criminal Psychologists
- Compare Therapeutic and Forensic Evaluation
- How Does a Lack of Education Affect Incarceration Rates?
- How Mental Health Can Be Promoted in a Society?
- How Phobias Prevent or Trigger People About Crime?
- Aggressive Behaviour and Mental Disorders Relationship
- Does Socioeconomic Status Affect One's Criminal Behavior?
- Traumatic Experiences That May Trigger Criminal Activities
- Detrimental Mental Health Problem's Impact on a Person's Conduct
- Impact Of Media on the Mental Health of a Person in Committing a Crime
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- Role of Music in Enhancing or Curbing Crime
- Are the Current Criminology Laws Effective Enough?
- The Role Of Forensic Psychology In Criminal Investigations
- Current Trends And Practices In Crime Related To Psychology
- Impact of Domestic Violence on a Child's Aggressive Behaviour
- Psychological Disorders As a Result Of Divorce May Lead To Crime
- A Psychological View of the Gender-Based Violence Against Women
- A Psychological Examination Of People Who Start Trouble Every Time
- A Case Of Poor Parenting: Parenting Styles Affecting a Child's Behaviour
- How is Race a Critical Factor in the Police's Judgment of Criminal Activity?
- Does Attitude and Emotion Play a Role in Compelling People to Criminal Behaviour?
- Criminal Justice System Deter Crime Effectively To What Extent?
- Use of Capital Punishment Justified In Modern Criminal Justice Systems
- How Has the Concept of 'Mens Rea' Evolved In Criminal Law Over the Years?
- What Are the Ethical Implications of Using Plea Bargaining in Criminal Cases?
- What Role Does Forensic Science Play in Solving and Prosecuting Criminal Cases?
- How Do Different Legal Systems Define 'Self-Defense' in Criminal Cases in the World?
- To What Extent Does the Media Influence Public Perceptions Of Crime and Criminality?
- Challenges and Benefits of Using Restorative Justice Practices in the Criminal Justice System
- How Does the Criminal Law Address Cybercrime And Digital Privacy Issues in the Modern Age?
- Implications of Criminalizing Behaviors Such As Drug Possession or Sex Work, on Society And Individuals
- Intersectionality and Women's Experiences of Victimization
- Feminist Perspectives on Policing Practices of Gender Bias
- Exploring the Gender Gap in Sentencing: A Feminist Analysis
- Exploring the Intersection of Gender, Parenthood, and Criminality
- Understanding Female Gang Involvement Through a Feminist Lens
- The Role of Masculinity in Understanding Female Perpetrators of Violence
- How does Women's Mental Health Relate to Aggressive Behaviour at Times?
- Examining the Unique Challenges and Needs of Incarcerated Women in Prison
- Strategies for Addressing Human Trafficking and Exploitation of Women and Girls
- Feminist Approaches to Restorative Justice for Survivors of Gender-based Violence
- The Impact of Patriarchal Norms on Female Offenders within the Criminal Justice System
- Do We Have Enough Forensic Psychologists?
- A Study on the Male Victims of Partner Violence?
- How Does Genetics Affect Forensic Psychology?
- How Race Affects Psychotherapeutic Performance?
- A Study of Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Conduct Disorder
- Technological Advances In Forensic Psychology and its Impacts
- The Procedure of Investigating a Crime Using Forensic Psychology
- Examine The Association Between Psychosis and Being a Migrant
- Using A Measurement Scale to Assess Psychopathic Personality Traits
- An Analysis of Different Approaches to Forensic Psychology in Criminology
- A Case Study of the Factors Affecting Eyewitness Identification Performance
- Investigate the Jury Decision-Making Process Based on Forensic Psychology
- Compare and Contrast the Use of Forensic Psychology on Women Versus Men
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- Is White Supremacy a Type of Terrorism?
- Psychological Implications of Terrorism Activities
- Discuss the Breeding of Local Terrorism in Countries
- Role of Surveillance in Countering Terrorism Activities
- Role of Community Anti-Terrorism Awareness Programs
- How do Terrorists Cause Insubordination and Waywardness?
- How Can The Rule Of Criminal Law Help Eliminate Terrorism?
- An Analysis of How to Cut Off The Funding For Terrorist Activities
- a Case Study on Terrorism Becoming a Threat to Human Existence
- Possibilities of Preventing Young Men From Joining Terrorist Groups
- Chances of a Person With Terrorism Acts Fitting Back Into The Society?
- How Technology Has Given Rise to Terrorist Activities In The Country?
- How antisocial behaviour relates to illegal activities
- The Impact of Activism on Law Enforcement Practices
- Youth Gangs and Social Exclusion: A Sociological Perspective
- Challenges for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Systems
- Societal Implications of Cybercrime and Technological Advances
- Innovative Ways of Dealing with Social Disorders in a Community
- Understanding the Relationship Between Built Environments and Crime
- Eliminating Negative Stigma Associated with Ex-Prisoners and Social Service
- Exploring and Examining the Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System
- Investigate How Societal Norms and Values Shape Perceptions of Criminal Behavior
- Understanding the Social Construction of Masculinity and Femininity in Criminal Behavior
- Prevention And Intervention Strategies For Serial Offenders
- Geographic Profiling Of Serial Offenders And Their Implications
- Implications For Victimology Research In Serial Homicide Cases
- Assessing The Forensic Techniques In Serial Killer Investigations
- Why Do Crimes Of Serial Killers Always Present a Complex Puzzle?
- Examining The Relationship Between Serial Killers And Mental Illness
- Investigating The Prevalence Of Gender Disparities Among Serial Killers
- A Case Study of the Social Influences on Serial Killers and their Behaviour
- Discuss the Behaviour and Crimes of the Top 10 Serial Killers of All Time
- Examining The Role Of Media In Sensationalizing Serial Killers And Its Potential Impact
- Investigating The Ideological Motivations, Tactics, And Impact As a Form Of Terrorism
- An Analysis Of The Psychological And Behavioral Characteristics Common Among Serial Killers
- Does Street Lighting Reduce Crimes?
- Illegal Research and the Dangers of Genetics
- Crime Control in Criminal Justice Administration
- An In-depth Analysis of Crime Prevention Programs
- Portrayal of Serial Killers in Media and Digital World
- Genocidal Acts Impact On Community Cohesiveness
- Role of Psychometric Examinations in Criminal Justice
- Role of Community Policemen in Preventing and Solving Crimes
- Explore The Role Of Rehabilitation Centers In Curbing Crime
- Describe The Relationship Between Racist Stereotyping And Crime
- Place of Cyber Crime Legislation in Maintaining Law and Order
- Corporate Crime: The Ruling Class Criminals and Their Behaviours
- Explain the Use and Function of Smart Hand Held Devices in Enhancing Security
Also Read- A List of 85+ Best Criminal Law Dissertation Topics | 2024
We hope this list of 100+ criminology dissertation examples has been worth checking out. It has great suggestions that can help you write an excellent criminology dissertation. However, if you struggle to write one and need assistance, we advise you to seek the help of our experts. They have mastered the art of writing a thesis or dissertation. Read the following section to learn more about them.
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167 Top Criminology Dissertation Ideas
Are you taking criminology in college, and it is time to work on your dissertation, but it appears challenging? Many university students get stuck even before starting, but there is no need to worry because we are here to hold your hand. The first, and we must emphasize, most crucial step, is picking the title of your dissertation. So, how do you select the right criminology dissertation topic?
The best title should be unique, interesting, and have ample resources to help you craft a paper that will impress your professor and the assessment committee. To make selecting the best easier, we have picked the hottest 167 criminology dissertation ideas for you. Keep reading to identify the preferred option and use it as it is or tweak a little to fit your preference.
Criminology Dissertation Ideas on Terrorism
- Religious ideologies: Can they be a source of terrorism?
- Analyzing the relationship between media and terrorism.
- Political tensions: Are they to blame for the ever-growing number of militias on the globe?
- Comparing the trends of terror in the 19 th and 20 th centuries: A literature review.
- What are the leading causes and motivations of terrorism?
- Analyzing literature on identity theft and social media.
- What motivates women to join ISIS?
- Comparing male and female serial killers: What are the main differences?
- How does the US respond to terror threats?
- The US efforts to combat terror after the 9/11 attack: Are they effective?
- Was the US justified in killing Osama Bin Laden instead of taking him to court?
- Comparing two known terror networks of your choice in different countries.
- Terrorism from the viewpoint of international law.
- Islamic charities: Are they the main sources of finance for terrorists?
- Are recent attacks by Hamas and Israel acts of terrorism?
Criminology Dissertation Ideas about Drugs
- Analyzing the relationship between people of various backgrounds and police.
- What are the most effective methods of preventing drug trafficking internationally?
- Analyzing the effectiveness of drug courts.
- Reversible and irreversible impacts of drug abuse.
- People incarcerated for drug abuse: What are the impacts on their children?
- Club culture: How does it enhance drug abuse in the society?
- Preventing drug abuse in society: Which is more effective between voluntary learning and mandatory examination?
- Reviewing the harm done to society by drugs.
- Comparing the impacts of cannabis and alcohol on a person’s behavior.
- The most abused drugs and their effects on societal behavior.
- Cannabis and deviant behavior among youths: What is the relationship?
- Cannabis legalization: Is it a good idea? What should we expect in the coming years?
- Drug use and youth arrests: A case study of Paris, France.
- Comparing drug court operations in the UK and USA.
- War on drugs in the US: Can it solve the problem of drug abuse and crime?
- Drug testing in school.
- The influence of drugs on sexual assaults.
- Prostitution: A study of the main risk groups in the UK.
- Drug traffic tracking strategies used in the UK.
- Drug abuse in prison cells: What are the causes and effects?
Criminal Law EPQ Questions
- Harassment in school and workplace: What are the main strategies adopted to address the problem in the UK?
- Homicides: A review of motivations that make people kill.
- Are the strategies adopted by your state enough to counter juvenile delinquency?
- What is the relationship between crime in Texas and people living with mental disorders?
- Domestic violence: What are the rights of victims?
- How can the marginalized get access to justice? A case study of the Netherlands.
- A study of the main types of robberies reported in the US in the 20 th century.
- Arson investigations: How do investigators determine whether the fire was deliberate or accidental?
- What is the relationship between substance abuse and poor schooling?
- What causes addiction among cannabis users?
- What is the effectiveness of witness programs in criminal justice? A closer look at the International Criminal Court (ICC).
- Robbery: What are the main risk groups, methods of prevention, and prosecution?
- What is the effectiveness of the International Criminal Court in achieving its mandate?
- Should employers check an all applicants’ criminal history during recruitment?
- The extradition law in the United States: Is it fair?
- Maximum-security prisons: Are they justified or simply cruel?
- A study of incarcerated parent’s responsibilities. How do they cope?
Masters Dissertation Ideas for Criminology
- Death penalty in the justice system: Is it effective in crime prevention.
- The rising rates of mass shootings in the US: What are the main causes?
- Studying the impact of genocidal acts on the cohesiveness of society.
- Police shootings: Comparing top three cases in the US and the UK.
- Sex offenses: Which are the main risk groups, prevalence, and prevention efforts?
- How corruption affects the social, political and economy of a country.
- Why are most crimes in the US and UK mainly committed by the youths?
- US vs. China’s criminal justice system: What are the main differences?
- Are the current US laws on criminology effective?
- A review of the British criminology curriculum: What needs to be improved?
- Analyzing the relationship between education levels and crime levels in a country of your choice.
- What is the relationship between ownership of guns and law violations?
- Law enforcement and criminology: What are the differences?
- Does racial abuse of international students and immigrants motivate them to join criminal gangs?
- Using culture to mold responsible citizens: A case study of communities in Georgia, Europe.
Forensic Psychology Dissertation Ideas
- A comprehensive analysis of competence to stand trial concept and its application in the UK.
- The age of criminal culpability: A review of the effectiveness of this idea in criminal justice.
- The ethics of death penalty: A review of the literature.
- Studying the mind of a criminal on death row: What goes in the mind of a person on a death row hours before execution?
- Should the death penalty be used on juveniles?
- What are the chances that a person on death row can change into a law-abiding citizen?
- How does memory impact eyewitness testimony?
- Analyzing the strategies used by the justice system to evaluate the reports of eyewitnesses.
- Methods used in the UK to protect eyewitnesses.
Criminology Dissertation Ideas Mental Health
- What role do guardians play in crime prevention in society?
- A review of criminological theory in the US justice system.
- A comprehensive analysis of how persons exposed to alcohol perform in different areas of their lives.
- Sexual violence use as a weapon of armed conflict: A literature review.
- Drug abuse and media: Should media that promote the use of hard drugs be controlled?
- How effective are the methods used in rehab to counter drug addiction?
- A review of delinquent cases among immigrant teenagers in the UK.
- Why do college students engage in cases of arson?
- Evaluating how prejudice motivates violence.
- Is it possible to remain neutral in mental criminal case trials?
- Is it possible to eliminate the problem of drug abuse and related crime?
- Solitary confinement for drug traffickers: What are the implications?
Criminology Dissertation Ideas UK
- How does the UK government respond to terror threats?
- Rehabilitation centers in the UK: What roles do they play in addressing crime?
- Racial stereotyping and crime in the UK: What is the relationship?
- A discourse evaluation: How has coronavirus shaped crime in the UK?
- Do urban settings in the UK act as breeding grounds for criminals?
- A critical review of the police force and crime in the UK.
- Interrogation by police officers: How does it work?
- A study of the main categories of crime in the UK.
- A review of the latest innovations in experimental criminology.
- Identify theft in the UK: What are the main consequences for perpetrators?
- Online child predators: How effective are the UK laws in protecting children?
- Is it possible to have a crime-free society?
- Which crime has a greater impact on society in the UK? Comparing street crimes and white-collar crimes.
- A review of the main principles applied in crime prevention in the UK justice system.
Controversial Criminology Dissertation Topics
- The less explored world of male rape in the society.
- Abortion: Should it be categorized as a crime?
- Parental separation: How does it result in future violence?
- Information sharing technology: How does it help fight the problem of terrorism?
- Back lives matter campaigns: Were they marred with violence instead of search for justice?
- Coronavirus has accelerated crime in the society more than any other time in the past.
- Do prisons help to correct bad behavior for the incarcerated?
- Facebook helps to encourage more negative behavior than promoting socialization.
- Domestic violence: Who suffers more between men and women?
- Human trafficking has one main role of sexual exploitation.
- On domestic violence, the law is subjective on males.
- The government should increase the age limit for citizens to acquire national IDs.
- Social media is the main source of moral panic in society.
- Music is a major contributor to crime in society.
Criminology Dissertation Ideas on Domestic Violence
- Theoretical perspectives on domestic violence.
- Applying the control balance theory in domestic violence.
- Popular culture and domestic violence: Are they related?
- The effects of homelessness on domestic violence: A case study of Texas.
- A review of cross-cultural perspectives on domestic violence.
- Comparing the rates of domestic violence in the US and India.
- Trends of domestic violence in Spain.
- Analyzing the main legal issues for women who are victims of domestic violence.
- A review of domestic violence within the military families.
- Analyzing police decision-making factors when dealing with domestic cases.
- Male victims of domestic violence: Why do most of them opt to keep quiet and stick with abusive partners?
- Mothers who kill: What are the motivating factors?
- Postpartum depression and domestic violence: How are they related?
Interesting Criminology Dissertation Titles
- Comparing the impacts of crime to those of natural disasters: A literature review.
- Is the education system in the globe failing in shaping good morals?
- A review of sexual aggression by women in ASIA.
- Acquainting rape perpetrators on bail terms: Is it acceptable? What does the law say?
- Regulating prostitution in the society: Is it enough to reduce crime?
- Corruption comes from limitations.
- A study of the connections between law violation and family status.
- Prostitution regulation: Can it stop crime?
- Use of expert testimony in domestic violence cases.
- Should we ban police from carrying guns in public?
- How does systemic bias impact criminal justice?
- Genetics: A comprehensive review of illegal researches and associated dangers.
- Assessing the effectiveness of street lighting in reducing crime.
- What role do psychometric assessments play in criminal justice?
- Is crime rate related to neighborhoods? A literature review.
- How has counterfeiting changed with the development of new technologies?
Criminology Dissertation Ideas about Prisons
- Forced labor among prisoners: Is it a good method of correction?
- Why is drug violence a problem in many US jails?
- A review of prison gangs in a prison of your choice.
- Training correctional officers in the UK: How effective is the training in enhancing the efficiency of correctional facilities?
- A review of the efforts used to address child molesters in prison.
- A review of study programs offered in prisons.
- Healthcare system in the UK prisons: Is it effective?
- A review of police corruption in prisons: Comparing the prisons in the 19 th and 20 th centuries.
- What are the main causes of high recidivism in the US?
- How do women end up in prisons? A review of common causes.
- Prisons through the UK history.
- How well are inmates prepared for re-entry into the society after serving jail terms?
- Racial profiling in the US prisons.
- Aggressive behavior: How is it related to criminal tendencies?
- Comparing human trafficking in the modern and classic worlds: What are the main differences?
- Comparing women’s recidivism rates in the US to those of Australia.
Knife Crime Dissertation Titles
- Knife crime in the US: Applying the criminology theory.
- Comparing knife crimes in Europe and Asia
- What are the motivating factors for knife criminals?
- Knife laws in the US: Analyzing the effectiveness of the pocket knife rules & laws.
- Comparing the knife rules of the United States to those of the UK.
- A review of knife crimes trends in the 21 st century.
Criminology Dissertation Help by Best Writers a Click Away
Now that we have looked at the best titles, from terrorism dissertation ideas to criminology topics on drugs, have you picked the preferred option? If “yes,” you are one step in the right direction. However, the next step of writing the dissertation is longer and requires a deep understanding of criminology. You also need excellent writing skills, time, and access to all the required resources. If you do not have the combination of all the above, which happens regularly to most students, you have a way out – seeking help from the best writers online. Our custom writing service stands taller than others because we have top-notch ENL writers who stop at nothing in ensuring clients get high grades. They have a lot of experience in the discipline and can work on any topic, from criminology and psychology dissertation ideas to terrorism-related topics. Again, they are fast and can easily beat even the toughest deadline. Our service is also cheap. Do not let the criminology dissertation stress you in any way – our expert can help you complete it professionally and fast too!
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Best Criminology Dissertation Topics You Should Research
Table of Contents
Are you in search of Criminology Dissertation Topics? Criminology, as defined by the University of Queensland, delves into the study of crime, deviance, and the response of the criminal justice system to crime control.
It offers a comprehensive examination from a sociological perspective, analyzing various facets of criminal behavior, societal influences, and the mechanisms of law enforcement.
In this article, we’ll explore a curated list of Dissertation Topics for Criminology that are ideal for crafting your research proposal and dissertation.
Whether you’re pursuing undergrad or master’s studies, we can assist you in finding a unique dissertation topic within the realm of Dissertation Topics in Criminology to suit your academic pursuits.
With our guidance, you can delve into contemporary issues such as cybercrime, white-collar crime, restorative justice, or explore historical perspectives on criminal justice systems. Let’s embark on this journey of scholarly exploration together.
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- The impact of social media on cyberbullying among teenagers.
- Cybersecurity measures and their effectiveness in combating online fraud.
- Psychological profiles of cybercriminals: Understanding motivations and behaviors.
- The role of cryptocurrency in facilitating cybercrime activities.
- Legal and ethical considerations in prosecuting cyber offenders.
White-Collar Crime:
- Corporate fraud detection methods: A comparative analysis.
- The role of organizational culture in promoting or preventing white-collar crime.
- Environmental crimes and their impact on public health and safety.
- Insider trading: Case studies and regulatory responses.
- The effectiveness of whistleblower protection laws in combating corporate misconduct.
Criminal Psychology:
- Psychopathy and its correlation with violent crime: A meta-analysis.
- Understanding the psychology of serial killers: A case study approach.
- The influence of childhood trauma on later criminal behavior.
- Investigating the efficacy of rehabilitation programs for juvenile offenders.
- Neuropsychological factors influencing criminal decision-making.
Restorative Justice:
- Victim-offender mediation programs: Assessing outcomes and participant satisfaction.
- Restorative justice practices in indigenous communities: Cultural considerations and implications.
- Restorative justice in schools: Promoting accountability and conflict resolution.
- Community-based restorative justice initiatives: Case studies and best practices.
- Restorative justice for non-violent offenders: Benefits and limitations.
Policing and Law Enforcement:
- Community policing strategies and their impact on crime prevention.
- Use of force policies in law enforcement: Balancing public safety and civil liberties.
- Racial profiling in law enforcement: Addressing biases and promoting equity.
- Police discretion: Factors influencing decision-making in the field.
- The role of technology in modern policing: Surveillance, drones, and predictive analytics.
Criminal Justice System:
- Bail reform: Assessing the impact on pretrial detention and recidivism rates.
- Alternatives to incarceration: Rehabilitation programs and diversionary measures.
- Jury decision-making processes: Influences and biases.
- The intersection of mental health and the criminal justice system: Challenges and solutions.
- International perspectives on criminal justice reform: Comparative analysis of policies and practices.
Best Criminology Dissertation Topics List for research
Here is the list of criminology dissertation topics from our experts’ writers:
- To explore the life of a police officer in the United States.
- Studying the research methods in Criminology and how these are beneficial for improving the laws.
- The increase in Criminology in the covid’19 period.
- Do you consider stalking a crime? A case analysis.
- To explore the use of drugs in High school students in the UK.
- To analyze the crimes in which the criminals run away.
- What is the role of social media in increasing rates of crime?
- To investigate the blackmailing crimes of a teenager.
- What is the reason for the rising of youth gangs?
- Do you think poverty is also the reason for the rising crimes?
- To analyze the relationship between psychology and crimes.
- What factors influence young adults to commit a crime?
- Do you think bad parenting is the reason for young adult crimes?
- To study the crimes of color discrimination.
- The increasing crime of sexual assault with children in schools – a review of 10 cases in this context.
- Do you think everyone should have a gun license? If yes, then don’t you think it will increase the crime rates?
- What are the punishments for cruelty to animals? A comparison of developing and developed countries.
- To study the life of Acid victims – a case example.
- Analyses on crime and police in the Asian market.
- Can religious ideologies be the cause of terrorism?
- Do you think crime is worse than natural disasters?
- Why does the media portray young adults as criminals?
- Do you think social security is mere brutality?
- How can you explain the racist abuse towards international students?
- What is the difference between law enforcement and Criminology?
- How can we have a crime-free society? A case analysis.
- What do you think about abortion? Is it also a crime?
- How does divorce affects children’s minds toward criminology?
- To study the Human trafficking crime rates in Japan and China
- To analyze the increasing rate of corruption cases in the Asian markets.
- Do you feel safe sending children to school? – an analysis.
- To study the bullying cases at school and how it has increased the chances of students growing up to commit crimes.
- What is the punishment for revenge pornography according to international laws? A comparative analysis.
- How does the media portray the lifestyle of prison? – The US media analysis.
- Do you think mental health criminals should not get punished? – research analysis.
- The role education can play in the life of people and how it leads to reducing the rate of crime in countries.
- To study the relation between illiterate people and crimes – a case review.
- To study the history of the death penalty – a literature review.
- What is the meaning of an illegal act? – A literature review.
- To explore cyberbullying crime in the light of US law history.
- How does cyberbullying lead to suicide? – A case review.
- Do you think prisoners should get the right to vote?
- To study the life of prison – research analysis.
- Do you rape victims can also become criminals?
- What are the mental effects of domestic violence on mental health?
- How can you explain the criminology of torturing the victim before committing the murder?
- To explore the different cybercrimes in the UK market.
- What are the sexual crime rates in America?
- To study criminology in Asian countries and how the laws have evolved.
- Do you kill someone in the name of religion okay?
- Juvenile sex offenders, community notification, and reintegration.
- Our prisons are doing what we expect of them, analyzing political and social responses to Criminal Penalties in the United Kingdom.
- Is live telecast on social media forcing our young generation to perform criminal acts?
- Offenders Serving Life Imprisonment from a Psychological Perspective.
- Gender is not the main cause of sexual and domestic violence, discuss.
- The rise in violent crime rates of children ages 6-16 since the evaluation of social media
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Sociology Dissertation Topics
It is a common fallacy, which almost all researchers initially commit, that ‘research’ is something that can bring an entirely new innovation in academia. Dissertations should always be based on the golden rule that the word ‘research’ is a combination of two words ‘re-‘ and ‘search’. So ideally, a dissertation should be focused on adding value to an existing research area by ‘re-searching’ the current material. Instead of going for buzzwords and a generic area of research, an optimum dissertation is always focused on a precise, narrow and easy to manage research area. While developing dissertation topics, research aims and objectives, researchers should always follow the advice to ‘never choose a topic merely on the grounds that it is hot in current debate.’ A preferable topic would be the one that may be less common but matches the researcher’s interest and aptitude. This article suggests topics for your sociology dissertation in the areas of cultural sociology, sociology of education, sociology of religion, sociology of family, economic sociology, criminology, industrial sociology, political sociology, comparative sociology and the sociology of gender.
Cultural Sociology dissertation topics
Sociology of education dissertation topics, sociology of religion dissertation topics, sociology of family and marriage dissertation topics, economic sociology dissertation topics, sociology of crime/criminology dissertation topics.
- Industrial Sociology dissertation topics
Political Sociology dissertation topics
Comparative sociology dissertation topics, sociology of gender dissertation topics.
Cultural sociology is one of the most commonly used disciplines of sociology. It covers analysis of a society’s macro level and micro level cultures, including their values, beliefs, norms, material and non-material culture etc. Normally cultural sociology is encountered through the ideas and theories of famous sociologists including Marx, Weber and Durkheim. Topics within this area that could be used for your sociology dissertation are:
- Analysing the validity and application of Marx’s ‘Conflict Theory’ in UK society.
- Is Weber’s theory of rationalism applicable to the social structure of the UK?
- Analysing the changing trends of the UK’s high culture over the years.
- Is the popular culture of the UK the same as it was few decades ago?
- What are the impacts of cultural invasion from immigrants on the UK’s indigenous values, norms and beliefs?
- What are the dimensions and types of cultural shock that a foreigner from Asia or the US can have?
- Analysing the cultural lags in UK society.
- Tracking the changing elements of counterculture in the UK.
- On a geographical basis, what are the different subcultures prevailing in UK society?
- Identifying the positive and negative aspects of inter sub-cultural social interaction.
- Is the Gramscian concept of hegemony relevant for an understanding of UK culture today?
- Assessing how the methodological ideas of Max Weber can describe the concepts and principles relevant for present day cultural developments.
- Can the ideas of whole groups in society mentioned by Durkheim, and later by the Durkheim school, be used to construct a view of modern culture?
Sociology of education studies the impact of various social elements on the education system of a society. These elements may include individuals of a society, public policies for education, structure of education and public sector institutes. It includes public sector schools as well as higher, further education and continuing education systems. Topics within the sociology of education that could be used for your sociology dissertation are listed below:
- A historical study of education and the sociology of its policy in the UK, since the Second World War.
- Analysing the link between a teacher’s motivation level and class performance in a public school.
- Analysing the structure of the education system in public schools with relevance to socially excluded young people.
- Examining the structure and impact of social guidance and counselling in primary schools.
- The effect of the school environment on children’s perception of the macro level society.
- Analysing the fees/scholarship policies in higher education systems, with relevance to social stratification in UK society.
- Examining and determining the ways and amendments through which a school system itself can narrow the gap in education outcomes for vulnerable groups.
- Examine the readiness of the public school environment to create and develop inter-faith harmony and understanding among children.
- Exploring Marx’s Conflict Theory in education: Is the UK’s public school system maintaining the social status quo?
- Analysing the focus of the national curriculum towards sociological outcomes, as compared to economic outcomes, for students?
- Should the theory of Neo-liberalism be used as a guiding framework for UK Education?
- Is the interaction that occurs between teacher and student beneficial or disadvantageous for students at primary schools?
- Do children fail at school because of ‘individual problems’ or ‘public issues’: The relevance of C Wright Mills ideas in today’s UK education system.
Sociology of religion encompasses a vast range of issues related to the impact that different elements create on religion and the impact that religion creates on various social issues. For instance, it includes the study of various beliefs, values and structures of religions in society, along with the impact that social elements, such as, social interaction, media and politics impose on religion. Similarly, this field of sociology covers contemporary issues, such as, the impact of social issues like gender, inequality and stereotyping on religion. If the area of sociology of religion interests you and you decide to write about it in your sociology dissertation, the following topics may prove useful to you:
- Comparison of cross-religious beliefs and values in the UK.
- How have print and electronic media in the UK created perceptions about different religions?
- Analysing the common religious grounds for developing inter-faith harmony in the UK.
- How has social interaction between people from different religious backgrounds led to religious diffusion?
- Analysing the link between gender and sexual issues with relevance to different religions.
- Is there any link between religion and social change?
- A critical analysis of religious organisations in the UK and their impact on social structure.
- Identifying the link between religion and political behaviour in the UK.
- Identifying the impact of religion on marriages in the UK.
- Exploring the relationship between religion and education as a social institution.
- Can Goffman’s ‘ritualised interactions’ and his interaction of everyday life be used for the analysis of contemporary religious life?
- How, and in what ways are religious values and religious norms binding for members of UK society today?
- Should the public sphere be separate from the private sphere, when the private sphere for some is religious?
This branch of sociology is related to the study of a family and marriage system of a society. The topics include the structure of the family, number of children in a family, parent-child relationships, intra family gender dynamics, family internal and external social interaction, effect of social change on the family, marriage systems, dynamics and types of marriage and rituals and post marriage social interaction. This area will enable you to make comparisons between different cultures, or different periods in history. Some possible topics for your sociology dissertation include:
- Historical analysis of the basic family size and structure in the UK.
- Analysing the impact of periodic social change on family structure in the UK.
- Comparison of benefits and costs of living in a nuclear family system or extended family system.
- Exploring intra household dynamics of child-parent relationships in a typical UK household.
- Analysing the trend of fertility rates in the UK and the causes behind any changing trends.
- Comparative study of marriages in various sub cultures of the UK.
- Historical analysis of changes in the rate of divorces and its main causes in UK society.
- Exploring the nature and outcomes of residential patterns in UK society.
- Identifying the social causes of domestic violence in a family.
- Examining the impact of domestic violence in the family on children.
- Exploring the changes and continuities in the family and how today’s families have patterns that link back to past patterns of family structure.
- Family diversity and stratification: its connection to inequality in society.
- What is the response to family diversity from academic bodies, public bodies and the government, and what impact have such responses had on the commitment to family life?
This field of sociology examines the economy as a social institute that organises a society’s production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Economic sociology can examine different systems such as socialism, communism and capitalism, corporations, social organisations of labour markets, job types, labour migration, sociological dimensions of consumer spending and social aspects of money and informal economy. You could base your sociology dissertation on any of the following topics:
- Comparative study of communism and capitalism as economic models, and their impacts on social hierarchy.
- Is there still a blue collar and white collar social divide in the contemporary UK economy?
- Analysis of the UK economy with relevance to Marx’s critique on capitalism.
- What are the social changes that were generated from transition of the UK’s economy from industrial revolution (capitalism) to the recent informational revolution?
- What are the social impacts of increased international labour migration on UK’s society?
- Can the communist model be applied to UK society? A critical analysis.
- Can informal economy generate local socio-economic development?
- What are the main sociological dimensions of consumer spending in the UK?
- What are the effects of economic downturns on the social status of members from the secondary labour market?
- Identifying the intra-household economic relationships of a UK family.
- The ‘Deliveroo effect’ – what are the social impacts of the growing ‘gig economy’?
- Comparative study of families with one employed parent versus families with both parents working. What are the social effects of dual working?
- Planning for the future? Comparing the spending/saving habits of young people with their parents’ and grandparents’ generations.
This field of sociology is focused to understand the nature and social dimensions of crime, concept of deviance, types of crime including youth crime, gang crime and large-scale crimes and old and contemporary crime control mechanisms, such as state punishment. With crime becoming a prominent and much talked about topic in modern society, a sociology dissertation on the sociology of crime / criminology may prove useful and well read.
- What are the key social factors behind increasing knife crime in the UK?
- Offences ‘known’ and recorded in police records: The issues surrounding UK crime statistics.
- What are the main dimensions of deviance in UK society?
- Historic analysis of social causes behind street and gang fights in the UK.
- Are there any signs of abuse in crime reporting?
- Are there any ethnical, gender and religious dimensions to crimes in the UK?
- Is Durkhaim’s idea of ‘Anomie’ the main cause behind increased youth crime in the UK?
- Critical analysis of the Government’s crime prevention reforms and policies.
- Is punishment the only solution to stop crime? Exploring the social alternatives of crime prevention.
- Is alcohol consumption the main social and behavioural cause of street crimes in the UK?
- A study of victimology: Are offenders the real victims of crime?
- How does positivism account for the control of the criminal?
- The intervention by the state and the social construction of individual crime behaviour.
Industrial Sociology Dissertation Topics
Industrial sociology is also known as sociology of work. This applied field of sociology explores social and human relationships within a workplace. It includes a range of issues, such as productivity, motivation, unionisation, corporate citizenship, line manager-worker relationships, social structures of organisations, social groups in organisations, and cultural diversity in the workplace, technological advancement and social impact on workforce, inequality and anti-discrimination laws. For your sociology dissertation, the following topics could be considered:
- What is the social structure of a typical large scale UK organisation?
- What are the changing trends in the role of trade unions in the social well being of workers in the UK?
- Is there any link in cultural sensitive organisational policies and worker satisfaction and productivity?
- What are the ways through which organisations can create cultural harmony and management of cultural diversity?
- What are the social impacts of automation in workplaces on workers?
- Has the social organisation of a British firm guided the macro level societal norms, values and social status?
- What are the key features of industrial societies like the UK?
- What is the link between motivation of a worker and productivity?
- What are the social dimensions of communication within an organisation?
- Should a line manager-worker relationship be based on social requirements or organisational goals? How can managers create a balance?
- How is the individual viewed in the sociology of work in terms of postmodern identity, control and orientation to work?
- Asian-owned organisations and the social organisation of work.
- Work motivation and the benefits of worker selected reward packages.
Political sociology deals with complex relationship, such as power, authority, individual and group interests and social change. It may cover the historical journey of political movements generated by social forces, as well as the contemporary impact of politics on society due to the power politics between individuals, groups, political institutions and economic interests. If you are interested in creating a sociology dissertation based on political sociology, the following topics may help you to narrow down your research:
- To what extent is power politics in the UK generated by social forces?
- Is politics in the UK a based on social class theory of power struggles between elites of the society? A critical analysis of the UK’s politics on the basis of Marx’s views.
- Is democracy an applicable political model in a capitalist society?
- What is the appropriateness of ‘pluralism’ as a political model in UK society?
- What are the gender dimensions of voting in the British political system?
- Critical analysis of the UK welfare state system.
- What are the intersecting links of religion and politics as major social institutions?
- Considering the British society, is the charismatic leadership or rational-legal model more suitable?
- What is the scope and importance of ethnic minorities in mainstream British power politics?
- What are implications of globalisation in modern nation-state and politics?
- How, and in what ways are political ideology and political values acquired through culture?
- How do individuals manage to shape the social and political events of society?
- What sorts of threats to democracy emerge in society and how does the state respond to such threats?
This field of sociology deals with the comparison of various modes of societies such as capitalism, socialism, communism, welfare capitalism and state capitalism. Sociology can also deal with cross-society comparisons regarding social institutions such as education, economy, family, marriages, health, religion and comparison of social issues such as race, ethnicity and gender. For ideas for your sociology dissertation, see below:
- Comparative study of social inequality – Capitalism vs Communism
- Comparative study of labour markets and labour market movements in the UK and China
- Comparative study analysing the well-being of citizens The UK as a welfare state vs Japan’s State Capitalism?
- Is the UK keeping hold of its own ‘traditional’ culture? Comparing diffusion of multiple cultures within contemporary British society.
- Comparative study of gender issues between UK society and the Middle East.
- Comparison of marriage as a social institution in UK and India.
- Comparing issues of sexual equality between highly religious and non-religious countries?
- Comparative study of family structure in UK society and Russian society.
- Comparing the education system as a social institute for shaping the societal norms in the UK and North America?
- Determining the wellbeing of a citizen and social development – Comparison of the democratic system vs totalitarianism?
- Comparative study examining the health and wellbeing of citizens of countries with predominantly free-to-access healthcare vs predominantly private healthcare.
- Caring for elderly relatives – Comparison of the attitudes and approaches of Western and Eastern societies.
- Comparative study of the family unit – countries that encourage shared paternity/maternity leave vs maternity leave only.
Sociology of gender has been one of the most popular fields within sociology for a substantial period of time. Academically, most of the work in this field is carried out within the context of developing countries, which often exhibit complex gender relations within their society. This field includes intra-household gender dynamics as well as the role of males and females in societal functioning. Additionally, the feminist school of thought has taken the sociology of gender as a means of analysing patterns of discrimination against females. This could be an interesting area for you to base your sociology dissertation on.
- What is the extent of female bargaining power within a household in a developing country?
- What are the stated reasons behind discrimination against women within a rural household in a developing country?
- What are the social forces that shape gender relations in a society?
- What are the links of patterns of inheritance with defining gender roles?
- What are the reasons behind the exclusion of females from accessing education?
- What are the sources of discrimination against women in workplaces?
- How does religion shape gender relations and roles?
- How are women involved in income generation activities in developing countries?
- How can power politics within society determine the role of females in a society?
- What is the role of the media in shaping gender roles in a society?
- How does social media influence gender identity within developed countries?
- Sexual harassment within the workplace – what factors have increased its prevalence and what are the barriers to reporting such encounters?
- Same job, different pay: what are the reasons behind the inequality of male:female pay scales within society?
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Top Criminology Dissertation Topics – Select The Best One
Published by Alvin Nicolas at January 4th, 2023 , Revised On February 2, 2024
Criminology students can research any of the several subfields of criminology when writing a dissertation or thesis paper. An excellent criminology dissertation topic will play a crucial role in helping you achieve the desired grades.
If you are a student of criminology pursuing a graduate or postgraduate qualification but have no idea what should be the topic of your dissertation, there is no need to panic because you are not alone on this boat.
To help you start the dissertation writing process , we have compiled a list of focused and clear criminology dissertation topics . See all the lists of topics available on this page and choose a title with which you can work best.
Also, find out how our dissertation planning service and the full dissertation service can assist you in your time of need.
Criminology Dissertation Topics
- Relationship between a child’s abuse and their involvement in criminal activity.
- Does prejudice against members of the LGBTQA+ community encourage criminal activity?
- Compare youth crime rates in Pakistan and India.
- Examine how crime reflects social responses by analysing the social construction of crime.
- A review of 10 incidents involving the growing crime of sexual assault of children in schools.
- Do you think everyone needs a gun license? If so, would this increase the crime rate?
- What are the penalties for animal cruelty? A comparison between emerging countries and industrialised nations.
- Examine the increase in corruption cases in Asian marketplaces.
- Examining the cases of bullying at school and how it increases the likelihood of young people committing crimes in the future.
- What is the punishment for retaliatory pornography under international law? A study of contrasts.
- How is the prison lifestyle portrayed in the media? – A study of the US media.
- The consequences of police abuse and torture in emerging nations, both now and in the future.
- Effective methods for detecting and combating cybercrimes in the modern world.
- Is increasing police capacity the only method to lower crime rates in underdeveloped countries? Discuss
- What steps may be made to guarantee the safety of the minority community in a nation? Make a judgement based on the criminology literature.
- How did illegal immigration affect crime levels in a state? Talk about it using one of your preferred countries as an example.
- What effects does political support have on how smoothly criminal activity operates?
- Talk about how residential building architecture and community structures contribute to crime prevention.
- Discuss the correlation between unemployment and crime using statistical evidence. Conduct the study based on the academic background, personal interests, and length of employment.
- Who stands to gain from crime prevention? Make a study of the beneficiaries, both direct and indirect.
- Would eradicating poverty result in a drop in crime? Review the qualitative aspects.
- What social and economic effects does crime deterrence have? Give a thorough analysis of the literature on any American state.
- Is there a connection between childhood events and adolescent criminal activity? Review the qualitative aspects.
- The use of biotechnology and digital environments for the prevention and control of crime in the nation of your choice.
- Does crime prediction have any chance of success? Discuss the creation of a logical defence.
Top-Notch Criminology Dissertation Topics
- What are the determinants that lead to the development of a serial killer? Do either genetics or the effects of civilisation have an impact or both?
- Is our educational system falling short of its intended objectives of developing pupils’ solid moral qualities? Discuss
- How does political unrest in a country or region relate to internal militia uprisings?
- explain the subtle distinction between criminology and law enforcement?
- How significant a role does parental supervision play in reducing the number of teenage crimes?
- What are the underlying causes of the emergence and growth of youth gangs in a society that is worried in a less developed country?
- What part can the community and schools play in successfully reducing child abuse cases?
- The development of counterfeiting, along with technological advancement
- How can racial abuse of international students damage a nation’s standing in the eyes of the world’s educational community?
- How forced labour serve as a deterrent for prisoners and provide a more effective punishment for them?
- Discuss instances of honour killings in South Asian countries.
- Was the purpose of maintaining justice tainted by violence during Black Lives Matter (BLM) campaigns?
- How are police changes necessary to enable law enforcement to combat criminal activity?
- How may the regulation of prostitution assist in lessening sex-related crimes?
- Describe the evolution of organised crime and how the Russian mafia practised it. Compare it to the actions of the Italian mafia.
Mental Health Criminology Dissertation Topics
- Analysing the relationship between mental illness and criminal behaviour.
- An international look at the mental health of sex offenders.
- Why can mental illnesses such as anxiety and sadness lead someone to consider killing someone?
- The negative impact of mental illness on a person’s behaviour.
- The link between violent behaviour and mental illness.
- How does the media affect a person’s mental health before committing a crime?
- Amnesia and what impact can it have on people as they get older?
- What impact can trauma and psychological trauma have on people’s long-term health?
- What are the benefits of the insanity defence system for the population?
- What are some ways to prevent unnecessary depression in childhood?
- What effects does religion have on a person’s mental health?
- What exactly are post-traumatic stress disorders, and what treatment options are available?
- What causes mental trauma, and what remedies are available for it?
- What role do mental health nurses have in supporting women who have miscarried?
- What potential difficulties might nurses in the UK face?
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Psychology and Criminology Dissertation Topics
- Is the strategy used in the fight against terrorism causing a surge in domestic terrorism?
- Maximising the advantages of imprisonment as a tool for rehabilitation to reduce the likelihood of repeat offences.
- How does drug misuse result in psychological dysfunction, which increases criminality?
- Understanding the causes of special needs of individuals becoming criminals
- Is the increased focus on mass murder to blame for a rise in the number of incidents?
- Why are most employers hesitant to hire applicants with criminal histories?
- Could domestic violence against men factor in the increase in social crimes?
- The internet and other media resources have played a role in the rise of copycat crimes.
- Can social media effectively be used to prevent and detect crime?
- Does parenting have any impact on the likelihood of committing crimes?
- Are religious scandals to blame for the lowering of morality and the rise in crime?
- How do people’s attitudes and emotions drive them to commit crimes?
- Domestic abuse’s effects on a child’s violent behaviour.
- A psychological analysis of those who always instigate trouble.
- How important race in the way that the police evaluate criminal activity?
Also read: Psychology Dissertation Topics
Drugs and Criminology Dissertation Topics
- The contribution of drug treatment facilities to the reduction of crime.
- An assessment of users of cocaine and heroin.
- The relationship between drug offending, low-income households and poverty?
- The impact of marijuana legalisation on criminal behaviour.
- Is there a thin line between violent behaviour and drug abuse?
- How can drug and alcohol abuse among students be reduced?
- The role of the media in raising public awareness of the adverse effects of drug abuse.
- How can doping technology be used to prevent drug and alcohol abuse?
- How can drug use contribute to high crime rates in poor countries?
- Examine the different forms of crime caused by drug abuse.
- What are the ways to counter corruption caused by illegal activities?
- What are the adverse effects of heavy drug usage on mental health?
- Why is drug and alcohol misuse so common among gangs?
- Explore the PTSD-related drug problems that result in criminal behaviour.
- Study the most popular drugs teenagers use in the UK and their effect on their life.
Domestic Violence and Criminology Dissertation Topics
- Domestic abuse in the 21st century takes many different forms, including verbal and sexual abuse. Discuss the phenomena.
- Analyse the effects of domestic violence that result in psychological intimidation.
- Discuss the effects of domestic violence on the economy.
- Does the word “abuse” minimise how severe domestic violence actions are?
- Do acts of domestic abuse qualify as “terrorism”?
- Social systems that support the sexism of women
- Why are there reports of an increase in male abuse?
- The impact of domestic abuse on women’s mental health Makes a comparison of the circumstances in Western and Asian nations.
- Take a look at several domestic abuse incidents and compare victimology.
- What to look for in the case of domestic abuse as warning indications?
- Do domestic violence victims have a place to go where they can communicate without being judged?
- Examine the effects of the UK’s Domestic Abuse Bill.
- How can the requirements of survivors and their families be met?
- Discuss the role of society in prosecuting domestic violence offenders.
- Grants and government funding support movements against domestic violence.
Criminology Victimisation Dissertation Topics
- How do biological elements relate to breaking the law?
- The prevailing view on crime, economics, deterrence, and the logic of choice.
- What do former prisoners have to say about the matter?
- How can social interactions spread criminal norms?
- How can fear of punishment prevent people from committing crimes?
- How can committing crimes fit into the criminal’s personal goals?
- Illegal behaviour is seen through the prism of the personality of the offender.
- How does good socialisation relate to a decline in criminal activity?
- How environmental factors in a neighbourhood affect crime rates.
- How is the crime committed in line with the offender’s personal goals?
Terrorism and Criminology Dissertation Topics
- Analyse the US military’s response to terrorist activity.
- Consequences of the 9/11 attack for airline safety.
- Describe the connection between terrorism and radicalisation.
- How the country’s terrorist actions have advanced thanks to technology.?
- Analysethe effect of terrorism on the use of religion to identify people.
- Why are metropolitan areas the scene of the majority of terrorist attacks?
- Investigating the effect that perceptions play in encouraging terrorist activity in various countries.
- Reasons why during terrorist strikes, the media can be a super-spreader of dread.
- An examination of the US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.
- Significant progress has been made in the fight against terrorism in Africa. Discuss
Dissertation Links
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How Can you Find a Top-Rated Criminology Dissertation Topic?
Students generally find criminology dissertation topics online, but one should only select from reliable sources. So, if you are looking for motivational criminology dissertation topics, you should look at the circumstances below.
- If you want to write an excellent criminology dissertation, you are advised to choose topics that solely focus on contemporary issues.
- Remember that you are going to have a direct impact on people’s lives. Make sure you understand the close relationship between criminology and law enforcement.
- You should choose a contentious issue or problem. You might want to build relationships with people. Otherwise, your research might become tedious.
The Importance of Studying Criminology
Study criminology, and you could take on a precious job for society. You could study crime, research the causes of criminal behaviour and improve education, rehabilitation and crime prevention programs. This degree could be right for you if you want to contribute to maintaining public safety.
Criminology students have a wide range of career options available to them. Immigration, education, policing, law enforcement, personal security, community planning, advocacy, counselling, public administration and international development are all exciting fields of work.
Frequently Asked Questions
Tips to write an excellent criminology dissertation.
To write an excellent Criminology Dissertation:
1. Choose a compelling topic. 2. Conduct thorough research. 3. Develop a clear and coherent structure. 4. Analyze data critically. 5. Use appropriate referencing. 6. Edit and proofread meticulously.
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The sociology of crime (criminology) is the study of the making, breaking, and enforcing of criminal laws. Its aim is to understand empirically and to develop and test theories explaining criminal behavior, the formation and enforcement of laws, and the operation of criminal justice system. 60 Sociology of Crime Research Paper Topics. Age and crime
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May 9, 2023 · Also Check: Custom Dissertation Writing Service. Criminology Dissertation Topics On Prison and Society. Prisons and convicts have long been a source of contention in British society. When selecting dissertation on social criminal offenders, condense your ideas to a single social element. Here are some topic ideas to get you started:
Jul 27, 2023 · A well-researched list of research topics in criminology for undergraduate, masters and doctoral students to write their dissertation. 44-20-8133-2020
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Apr 20, 2024 · We know students often face issues in selecting criminology dissertation topics, so we have provided you with the 100+ most trending dissertation topics in criminology. All you have to do now is pick up the category of your interest, whether it is criminology dissertation ideas youth crime, mental health, psychology, sociology, or any other topic.
A great dissertation must have one thing – an excellent topic. Keep reading to see the best 167 criminology dissertation ideas for students. Toll-free: +1 (844) 222-8496
Mar 13, 2020 · Customize Criminology Dissertation topics brief service. These are a few best criminology dissertation topics and research ideas we have been able to come up with for you. Still not getting what you are looking for? we have a cheap topic help service for criminology research topics. Fill out the form below and get a custom topic brief of 500 to ...
Sociology of Crime/Criminology dissertation topics. This field of sociology is focused to understand the nature and social dimensions of crime, concept of deviance, types of crime including youth crime, gang crime and large-scale crimes and old and contemporary crime control mechanisms, such as state punishment.
Jan 4, 2023 · An excellent criminology dissertation topic will play a crucial role in helping you achieve the desired grades. If you are a student of criminology pursuing a graduate or postgraduate qualification but have no idea what should be the topic of your dissertation, there is no need to panic because you are not alone on this boat.