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Distance Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages
Introduction, the essence of distance learning, advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, works cited.
Computer and information technologies have significantly affected all spheres of human life. These technologies have also changed the field of education, since the improvement and development of this direction is one of the main mechanisms that make up the public life of the United States. Thus, a new form of distance learning has appeared in modern human life, which, along with the traditional form, has taken an important place in our society. This kind of training allows not only to study but also to improve the qualification level of its users.
The research paper offered to the reader is devoted to the concept of distance learning, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. The question of the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning has been in the focus of research attention especially against the background of a general quarantine, which justifies the actuality of this topic. To facilitate the preparation of this final project, the author formulates the problem in several forms of proposals, namely:
- Analysis of the phenomenon of distance learning.
- Analysis of the pros and cons of distance learning.
This study focuses on analyzing the pros and cons of distance learning, as well as predicting its further application. The results of this study are of practical use, because they will be of interest to students and teachers who are choosing whether to switch to remote learning.
Sawsan Abuhammad, the Assistant Professor in Jordan University of Science and Technology, in his article “Barriers to distance learning during the COVID-19 outbreak: A qualitative review from parents’ perspective” (2020) states the following. The author claims that many parents have faced serious problems in the process of distance learning of their children. The author believes that the barriers that arose among the parents were of a personal, financial and technical nature. The author also states that these barriers need to be eliminated with the help of some changes, including through communication with other parents and students.
The author used the social network Facebook to recognize local groups, as well as keywords including distance learning, parents and Jordan. The author used a general qualitative method and analyzed all the messages and posts of parents related to this topic. This article was written by the author in order to describe and clarify the ideas of parents about the obstacles to distance learning during the coronavirus crisis (Abuhammad). The main audience of this article is parents, as well as persons representing the government and making decisions regarding distance learning. Thus, in the process of distance learning, many parents have various barriers that need to be overcome. We intend to use this source to demonstrate the problems and difficulties of distance learning.
Živko Bojović, Petar D. Bojović, Dušan Vujošević and Jelena Šuh, in their article “Education in times of crisis: Rapid transition to distance learning” (2020), state the following. They claim that the pandemic crisis has a negative effect on the standard of living and education. The authors believe that violation can pose a serious threat, and therefore a working model is needed that will allow switching from the traditional form of training to distance learning quickly and painlessly. The authors also argue that distance learning is acceptable on a long-term basis, if it is implemented correctly.
The authors of this article used a modeling method that allowed them to determine organizational and technical solutions for maintaining the quality of teaching. In addition, the authors used the method of comparative analysis of the survey data of students and teachers. The article was written by the authors in order to facilitate the transition from traditional learning to distance learning against the background of the pandemic and quarantine (Bojović et al.). The model developed by them has many advantages and thoughtful solutions. The main audience of this article is teachers and other representatives of educational institutions who face the difficult task of implementing distance learning. We intend to use this article to better understand the essence of distance learning, as well as its advantages.
Tim Surma and Paul A. Kirschner in their article, “Technology enhanced distance learning should not forget how learning happens” (2020), state the following. They believe that the traditional type of learning is under threat due to the accelerated process of adapting the traditional learning process to a new, remote one. They argue that modern technologies are both a danger and a chance for education to reach a completely new level.
The authors of this article used the methods of surveys and interviews to find out the attitude of students and teachers to the new form of education, and to track the progress in learning. This article was written by the authors in order to provide the importance of clear guidelines and optimal use of distance learning technologies (Surma and Kirschner). Moreover, the authors identified important principles that will help students get used to a new form of education, for example, feedback and an individual approach. The main audiences of this article are students, parents and teachers who will be interested in this information for the successful implementation of distance learning. We intend to use this article to understand the possible future prospects of the distance learning method.
John Traxler, the Professor of Digital Learning in the Institute of Education at the University of Wolverhampton, in his article, “Distance Learning—Predictions and Possibilities” (2018), states the following. The author claims that the definition of distance learning is not clear, but vague and changeable. The author considers the process of distance learning in a global context and studies the issue of adaptation and implementation of distance learning. The author believes that people should be ready for global changes, be open and aware, since changes are inevitable.
The author of this article uses observation and comparison methods that allow determining the essence of distance learning, the danger of pressure on educational institutions, as well as the importance of innovations in education. This article was written by the author in order to create a complete understanding of the phenomenon of distance education in a global context (Traxler). In addition, this article demonstrates the difficulties of distance learning application in conditions of ignorance or isolation. The main audience of this article is teachers, students and parents who want to get acquainted in more detail with the concept of distance learning in a global context. We intend to use this article to learn more about what distance learning is, as well as its goals and objectives.
The main benefit of distance learning is that it allows a person to study anywhere, but requires a computer and the Internet. The material is easily accessible and easy to handle and structure, and it also has all the necessary features that students of higher educational institutions need. In addition, the student is free to build their own individual training schedule, depending on their free time and desire to study (Lassoued et al.). The difference between classical distance learning and its more advanced form is small – the lack of personal communication between students and teachers (Bojović et al.). In this paper, the pros and cons of distance learning will be considered, but first it is required to understand the very essence of distance learning.
In the process of remote learning, students and teachers are at a significant spatial and temporal distance from each other. Teachers use a variety of computer technologies to make the process of remote learning as interesting and useful for students as possible (Schneider and Council). Distance type of education has an important goal-to expand opportunities and provide new services for those people who want to acquire new skills or change their profession. There are six main forms of distance learning, which are the most common.
- external education;
- university education;
- training that involves the cooperation of several educational institutions;
- creation of specialized institutions where distance classes are held;
- autonomous learning systems;
- special multimedia courses that differ in a certain informal component.
At the same time, different technologies are combined: pedagogical, informational, and often andragogic. There is a British synchronous model of distance learning and an American asynchronous one. Distance education is a new, specific form of education, somewhat different from the usual forms of full-time or distance learning (Dietrich et al.). As for the present, the real contingent of potential students can include those who are often on business trips, military personnel, women on maternity leave, and people with physical disabilities. In addition, this category consists of those who want to get additional education with a lack of time. Distance learning has several key characteristics that are important to consider when analyzing this type of learning.
- flexible and convenient schedule of classes;
- modularity;
- mass character;
- active mutual communication and a variety of communication tools;
- the totality of knowledge and orientation to the independence of students, to the motivation of learning.
Indeed, the effectiveness of distance learning directly depends on those teachers who work with students on the Internet. Such teachers should be psychologically ready to work with students in a new educational and cognitive network environment. Another problem is the infrastructure of student information support in networks. The question of what the structure and composition of the educational material should be remains open. Also, the question is raised about the conditions of access to distance learning courses.
Analyzing the components of distance learning related to the educational institution, they can determine the structure of the network system. It should include educational material submitted in the form of programs, tasks, control and graduation papers, and scientific and practical assistance (Costa et al.). The student should be provided with fundamental printed textbooks, teaching aids, and hypertext multimedia programs (Arthur-Nyarko et al.). Additional materials may include lectures prepared by teachers on disciplines that can be transmitted via the network. In addition, distance learning provides communication in various modes, teacher advice on implementing term papers, theses, or other final work.
The essential component of distance learning is the ability to consider situations that are close to reality. In addition, important elements are creating conditions for the self-realization of students, the disclosure of their potential, the systematic learning process, the individuality of the approach (Bojović et al.). This component is the basis of academic and cognitive activity and affects the quality of distance learning.
Electronic versions of textbooks, which became the basis for the creation of distance courses and traditional books, do not solve the problems of independent activity in obtaining knowledge. These software products only create a virtual learning environment in which distance learning is carried out. Here there are psychological problems, such as inexperience, lack of self-education skills, poor volitional self-regulation, the influence of group attitudes, etc. When developing distance learning programs, it is crucial to carefully plan classes, including each of them with the setting of learning goals and objectives.
If interpersonal communication between students and the teacher is ineffective, there is a possibility of a communication barrier. If this happens, the information is delivered in a distorted form, which leads to the fact that there is a threat of the cognitive barrier growing into a relationship barrier. The barrier of relations turns into a feeling of distrust and hostility towards information and its source.
There are also many disadvantages in distance learning that should be listed and that cannot be ignored. It is worth starting with technical and methodological problems, including ignoring the psychological laws of perception and assimilation of information using multimedia tools of different modalities. There are also methodological problems, including the complexity of developing electronic versions of traditional educational materials, primarily textbooks and practical manuals.
Many students and experts believe that distance learning has many indisputable and obvious advantages.
- A student studying remotely independently plans their schedule and decides how much time to devote to studying.
- The opportunity to study anywhere. Students studying remotely are not tied to a place or time, as they only need an Internet connection.
- Study on the job from the main activity. Distance learning allows to work or study at several courses at the same time to get additional education.
- High learning outcomes. Remote students study the necessary material independently, which allows them to better memorize and assimilate knowledge.
- Distance learning is much cheaper, since it does not require expenses for accommodation and travel, as well as for a foreign passport if the university is located abroad.
- Remote education provides a calm environment, as exams and communication with teachers are held online, which allows students to avoid anxiety.
- Teachers who conduct remote classes have the opportunity to do additional things, cover a larger number of students, as well as teach while, for example, on maternity leave.
- Remote learning allows teachers to use a more individual approach to their students, as well as to devote a sufficient amount of time to all students.
Experiments have confirmed that the quality and structure of training courses, as well as the quality of teaching in distance learning is often much better than in traditional forms of education. New electronic technologies can not only ensure the active involvement of students in the educational process, but also allow them to manage this process, unlike most traditional educational environments (Arthur-Nyarko et al.). The interactive capabilities of the programs and information delivery systems used in the distance learning system make it possible to establish and even stimulate feedback. Despite the predominant number of advantages of distance education, this system is not perfect. During the implementation of e-learning programs, the following problems of distance education were identified.
- Remote learning requires strong concentration and motivation. Almost all the educational material is mastered by a remote student independently. Remote classes require students to have perseverance and developed patience.
- In the process of distance learning, it is difficult to develop interpersonal communication skills, since contact with teachers and other students is minimal.
- In the process of distance learning, it is quite difficult to acquire practical skills, thus, specialties that require practical skills suffer.
- The problem of user identification. It is difficult to track whether a student wrote their exam honestly, since the only way to check this is video surveillance, which is not always possible.
- Insufficient computer literacy. In every country there are remote areas where there is no direct access to the Internet. Moreover, often the residents of such areas do not have any desire to learn, so it is necessary to spread computer literacy.
It is required to start by creating special Internet conferences and forums in schools that would guarantee the relative “live” communication of groups of students to deal with disadvantages (Chen et al.). It is also necessary to cooperate with traditional and distance learning, cooperation between teachers and students using a broad terminological and methodological base of psychology and pedagogy (Abuhammad). Despite all these problems, distance learning is very much appreciated by psychologists and teachers (Traxler). Nevertheless, the complete replacement of traditional education systems with similar ones-distance ones still causes some caution. One thing is indisputable – remotely studying students are more adapted to external conditions, are responsible and active, and therefore more successful in the modern business world.
Speaking about the distance form of education, it is necessary to talk about the creation of a single information and educational space. When it comes to distance learning, it is necessary to understand the presence of a teacher, a textbook and a student in the system, as well as the interaction of a teacher and students. It follows from this that the main thing in the organization of distance learning is the creation of electronic courses, the development of didactic foundations of distance learning, and the training of teachers-coordinators. It is not necessary to identify the distance form with the correspondence form of education, because it provides for constant contact with the teacher and imitation of all types of full-time training.
The dynamism of economic and socio-cultural processes in society causes changes in the field of education. Since the features of distance education are simply not acceptable for many students. Based on psychology and the methodology of independent learning, distance learning has some advantages and disadvantages. Summing up, we can unequivocally answer that distance education has a future. However, much depends on how quickly the problems of eliminating information illiteracy, technical equipment and improving the quality of e-education will be resolved. These factors arise during the implementation of remote scientific programs and projects. So, the factors and examples given above show the need to create and expand distance learning in the United States.
Abuhammad, Sawsan. “ Barriers to distance learning during the COVID-19 outbreak: A qualitative review from parents’ perspective. ” Heliyon (2020): e05482. Web.
Arthur-Nyarko, Emmanuel, Douglas Darko Agyei, and Justice Kofi Armah. “Digitizing distance learning materials: Measuring students’ readiness and intended challenges.” Education and Information Technologies (2020): 1-16. Web.
Bojović, Živko, et al. “Education in times of crisis: Rapid transition to distance learning.” Computer Applications in Engineering Education 28.6 (2020): 1467-1489.
Chen, Emily, Kristie Kaczmarek, and Hiroe Ohyama. “Student perceptions of distance learning strategies during COVID‐19.” Journal of dental education (2020). Web.
Costa, Roberto D., et al. “The theory of learning styles applied to distance learning.” Cognitive Systems Research 64 (2020): 134-145. Web.
Dietrich, Nicolas, et al. “Attempts, successes, and failures of distance learning in the time of COVID-19.” Journal of Chemical Education 97.9 (2020): 2448-2457. Web.
Lassoued, Zohra, Mohammed Alhendawi, and Raed Bashitialshaaer. “ An exploratory study of the obstacles for achieving quality in distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. ” Education Sciences 10.9 (2020): 232. Web.
Schneider, Samantha L., and Martha Laurin Council. “Distance learning in the era of COVID-19.” Archives of dermatological research 313.5 (2021): 389-390. Web.
Surma, Tim, and Paul A. Kirschner. “Technology enhanced distance learning should not forget how learning happens.” Computers in human behavior 110 (2020): 106390. Web.
Traxler, John. “ Distance learning—Predictions and possibilities. ” Education Sciences 8.1 (2018): 35. Web.
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Distance Learning: Advantages and Limitations Essay
Introduction, a shift from classroom to distance learning: advantages and limitations, theories of distance learning, advantages of distance learning, disadvantages of distance learning, works cited.
The theme of this study chose distance learning, which is relevant in connection with the recent coronavirus pandemic. After the searches, the three most relevant articles were selected. Namely: University Students Online Learning System During Covid-19 Pandemic: Advantages, Constraints and Solutions by Purwanto, which covers all the aspects of distance learning in terms of coronavirus (570).
Indonesia Education Readiness Conducting Distance Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic Situation by Churiyah et al. represents the Indonesian government’s attitude to this phenomenon (491). Moreover, in A Shift from Classroom to Distance Learning: Advantages and Limitations by Sadeghi, the author discusses distance learning in all its terms (80).
All three articles cover the topic of distance learning in the context of the coronavirus and everyday practice. However, Sadeghi’s article seems to be the most priority among all three articles, as it reveals this topic in a pros and cons format that is understandable to everyone.
This article consists of distance learning theory, its history, and its advantages and disadvantages. The article’s primary purpose is to familiarize itself since it does not prove anything but explains the complex in simple language. The author states that students participating in distance education may not always be present at a school (Sadeghi 80). In other words, students learn and pass their chosen subjects online without visiting a testing facility, a college campus, or a university building. The question of whether the provided education is as effective as it could be is raised because of its popularization.
The same is valid for online education, just as no single learning theory has been developed for instruction in general. Many theories have developed based on the significant learning theories we previously covered. The convergence of four overlapping lenses — community-centeredness, knowledge-centeredness, learner-centeredness, and assessment-centeredness — is one of the theories discussed in this section of the article (Sadeghi 82). These lenses served as the framework for the author’s strategy for researching an online education theory because they considered the qualities and resources the Internet offers about each of the four lenses. The author also pointed out how all types of media are now supported and readily available on the Internet, which formerly existed only as a text-based environment (Sadeghi 82). They also correctly noted that the linking function of the Internet is best suited to how human information is stored and accessed.
Speaking of the advantages of distance learning, the author suggests that remote learning may not be ideal for some students, and there will be a list of disadvantages. The best thing about remote learning is that one can take it anytime and anywhere. According to Sadeghi, a distance education degree earned online or through another method may be significantly less expensive for any given program than an on-campus degree (Sadeghi 83). Thus, one of the advantages is the lower cost of higher education in this format. The author also points out that forms of distance learning enable students to design their learning schedules at their leisure rather than adhering to a fixed course of study (Sadeghi 83). These three advantages can be called the most significant since they are most very distinguishable by remote education from traditional one.
While more people have the chance to pursue higher education due to distance learning, there are also some drawbacks. According to the author, the likelihood of being distracted and forgetting deadlines is considered when there is no teacher for face-to-face interaction and no classmates to assist with ongoing reminders about pending work (Sadeghi 84). Additionally, because training is done online, there is almost no physical interaction between students and instructors.
In conclusion, the author states that while distance learning programs and courses are here to stay and will grow in the future, many unclear concerns still need to be defined and looked at. The author believes that the other significant issue is that employers still favor traditional college or university degrees over those obtained through online or remote learning. Summing up, one can note the deep work carried out in the study of the concepts of distance learning.
Sadeghi, Manijeh. “ A shift from classroom to distance learning: Advantages and limitations .” International Journal of Research in English Education , vol. 4, no. 1, 2019, pp. 80–88., Web.
Churiyah, Madziatul, et al. “ Indonesia Education Readiness Conducting Distance Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic Situation .” International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, vol. 7, no. 6, 2020, p. 491., Web.
Purwanto, Agus. “ University Students Online Learning System during COVID-19 Pandemic: Advantages, Constraints, and Solutions .” Sys Rev Pharm, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 570–576., Web.
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IvyPanda. (2024, January 26). Distance Learning: Advantages and Limitations. https://ivypanda.com/essays/distance-learning-advantages-and-limitations/
"Distance Learning: Advantages and Limitations." IvyPanda , 26 Jan. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/distance-learning-advantages-and-limitations/.
IvyPanda . (2024) 'Distance Learning: Advantages and Limitations'. 26 January.
IvyPanda . 2024. "Distance Learning: Advantages and Limitations." January 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/distance-learning-advantages-and-limitations/.
1. IvyPanda . "Distance Learning: Advantages and Limitations." January 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/distance-learning-advantages-and-limitations/.
IvyPanda . "Distance Learning: Advantages and Limitations." January 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/distance-learning-advantages-and-limitations/.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Learning Essay
Today, the Internet is firmly entered into our lives. Modern education is unthinkable without computers and the Internet. Most of today’s school children and students are actively using the computer and the Internet in their lives and education. Moreover, in modern society, a specialist is needed to study virtually all his life with rapid growth of the information. Previously, a vast majority of people could afford to learn once for all. The stock of knowledge was sufficient for a lifetime. Today, the idea of ‘life-long education’ leads to the need to find new methods of knowledge and learning technologies transfer. Constant use of Internet technologies and e-learning opens up new opportunities for continuous learning and retraining of specialists; the opportunity to get the second education makes learning more accessible. Thus, it becomes obvious that distance education became a significant part of our life, and a person should know all its advantages and disadvantages, making the own choice between different kinds of education. The main advantages of distance education are widely known for people; therefore we are going to discuss the main disadvantages of distance education in the body of this paper. The thesis of this paper is the following: distance education is convenient and inexpensive kind of education, but is limited in practice and live communication.
At the beginning, it is believed that the main disadvantage of distance education is the lack of communication with teachers, as well as with other students. Into the acknowledgement of this fact Motamedi (2001) stated that “in distance education, neither teachers nor students are physically present to clarify, discuss, or provide feedback – there is no face-to-face contact. Yet, distance education continues to be popular because it provides access to education for those who are unable to attend an educational establishment regularly.” The emotional component of education disappears; students do not feel an individual approach during the process of education, etc. The transfer of knowledge becomes impersonal. In such a way, distance education leads students to social isolation, because students can feel the lack of direct communication with their teachers and classmates in many cases. However, such psychological anonymity can be reduced by using modern communication technologies, such as forums, e-mails, chats, video – and online conferences, etc.
The next drawback of distance education is absence of technical opportunities. For a continued access to the source of knowledge, the student should be well equipped technically. At least one must have a laptop and the internet access. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this. If the person likes to travel and receive education at the same time, then he / she is seriously dependent on the points of Wi-Fi, flash-modems, etc.
The disadvantages of distance education are also the lack of a permanent control over the students; the student does not feel the practical knowledge. In addition, not all courses are suited to distance learning. For example, it is wrong to expect that the distant courses are suitable to such occupations as a doctor or a pilot of an airliner. But at the present time, according to Prümmer (2000), distance learning is increasingly growing in the fields of education. Demand for such distance education has increased particularly since many require advanced training, but do not have enough time for such full-time programs of education.
Discussing the disadvantages of distance education, we can also mention that there exist some problems with students’ authentication while checking knowledge, because traditional education requires full-time exams, while distance education allows students to cheat their tutors. Tait & Mills (2003) mentioned that distance education does not provide quick feedback. In traditional education the student’s performance can be immediately assessed by questions and informal testing, while the distant student must wait for verification of his work and answer from his instructor exactly with distance education. Many distance learners say that it is easy to relax at home, and they loose interest to learning. Taylor (2007) added that “students who are weaker academically may be at a disadvantage in the distance learning environment. Distance learners have to be self-directed and intrinsically motivated”. As a result, distance education requires rigid self-discipline and strong motivation that would help the student to learn independently and without constant supervision.
And, finally, not every employer recognizes distance education, although the vast majority does not mind. Meyer (2002) said that despite the fact that many distance education diplomas are recognized equally with traditional ones, employers prefer applicants with familiar traditional degrees.
Thus, we have observed the main disadvantages of distance education and proved the thesis that in spite of the fact that distance education is convenient and inexpensive kind of education, it is still limited in practice and live communication. To date, various programs of distance education are not well developed still, because distance education is a relatively new trend in education. By itself, this way of education has a number of features, and they should be considered in the preparation of textbooks, but in practice teachers often use the same materials as for full-time study. In addition, if the student cannot exchange the live communication with the teacher and other students on e-mails, online education is unlikely to suit him.
To sum up, the distance education is a quite convenient and useful opportunity to receive knowledge. There is no doubt that it is a big step in the education of the future. But we should not forget the traditional education that will give the student more advanced skills, particularly in obtaining basic education. As a result, we can recommend to choose distance education as a kind of extra education, or if a person has no opportunity to learn in traditional way for some strong reasons.
Meyer, K. (2002). Quality in Distance Education: Focus on On-Line Learning. Jossey-Bass. Motamedi, V. (2001). A Critical Look at the Use of Videoconferencing in United States Distance Education. Education, Vol. 122. Prümmer, C. V. (2000). Women and Distance Education: Challenges and Opportunities. RoutledgeFalmer. Tait, A. & Mills, R. (2003). Re-Thinking Learner Support in Distance Education: Change and Continuity in an International Context. RoutledgeFalmer. Taylor, N. (2007). Education Leaders Perspectives: Pros and Cons of Distance Education in a Small Caribbean Island. Distance Learning, Vol. 4.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Learning Essay
Type of paper: Essay
Topic: Knowledge , United States , Training , Autism , Students , Public Relations , Internet , Education
Words: 1400
Published: 11/04/2019
The current technological arena has taken learning to greater heights. Several institutions have incorporated distance learning in their programmes as it has proved to be fruitful. This has made it one of the common learning systems nowadays among various institutions. Before looking into the advantages and disadvantages of this learning system, let us first get its clear meaning.
Definition of Distance Learning
Distance learning is a system of learning where the physical presence of the student is not considered. The main aim of this system of learning is to deliver education to the required parties without the physical presence of the parties.
In this learning system, both the trainer (the source of information or the teacher) and the trainee (recipient of the information or the student) are far apart in terms of distance and time. It can also be described as a learning process that creates quality and equal learning opportunities to students outside the classroom environment. If in any case distance learning requires a physical presence, the resulting system is considered as a hybrid (blended) system.
Distance learning takes place in several forms. The most common ones include: the internet conducted systems; correspondence through mails, both regular and irregular; the CD-ROM, where the course content is stored in the CD for the student; the broadcast system or the telecourse where the course contents are delivered through TVs and Radios; the mobile learning system in which the course contents are stored in a wireless system; and the integration of live-in-group learning with a distance curriculum among others.
The Pros of Distance Learning
In the critical analysis of distance learning, several benefits are identified. The most common benefits that are associated with this learning system include: increase in flexibility; cost reduction; commuting is not necessary; there is increased accessibility and so on.
- Cost Reduction (financial benefits) – when compared to physical programmes, online courses are generally cheap. In addition, the expenses involved in distance learning cannot be compared to the other learning systems. For instance, there are no transportation expenses, no housing charges, meals charges and other charges that are imposed on the physical students. Also, the student can continue with his/her duties and at the same time continues with the learning process.
- Flexibility – with this learning system, students can continue with the course work at any place as long as the course materials are available e.g. the computers, the internet connection, the CDs among others. This makes it possible for learners to learn at the most convenient place. For those with irregular work schedule, this system comes in with great flexibility. The learner chooses to learn when and where is appropriate. The issue of time constraints or the geographical barriers is completely done away with.
- Increased accessibility – with this system, there is no worry about the access into schools or classrooms. It has therefore made it possible for students with mobility problems to access the courses at the comforts of their rooms. Distance learning has also made it possible for students to have a wide variety of institutions which they can choose from. Online institutions that provide specialized knowledge in various fields have been made accessible through this system. It therefore matters not whether one comes from a community with or without colleges as the online opportunity is available to everyone.
- More access to experts and materials – here, the learners have increased access to experts all around the globe. The learners can also access various materials from several sources including the online databases and the online materials. The institutions and the trainers (experts) in this system get proper marketability. Since these institutions must be advertised online, many students get informed about them and the most likely result is that many students attend them.
- Interactive teamwork – in this system, students are able to correspond with other students from different locations. Students are also able to get information from various experts from around the world. The result in this case is an improvement in the quality of education.
- Increase in student–teacher relation . The introduction of emails and live chats in the internet makes it easier for the teacher-student relation to improve. The student is able to communicate with the teacher one-on-one which results in better experience on the side of the student.
- Reduction in inconveniences – there are numerous inconveniences that arise in the normal physical learning process. Amongst them are: collection of assignments, submission of home-works, exams, assessment tests, attending classes at required times, etc. The online learning system has eliminated all these inconveniencies.
- In terms of quality and nature of the examinations, online institutions are miles away. Instead of the physical appearance of the trainer or the invigilator during the course of the exam, various online institutions use proctors to monitor the process of the examination.
- Physical movement from one place to another , especially of different social lifestyle, requires that one readjusts the lifestyle in order to fit in the new environment. This is very common with classroom learning. Distance learning comes along with a pool of social benefits. One does not need to leave his/her community, lifestyle or culture. On the other hand, distance learning has some problems associated with it. Let us look deep into these problems.
Cons of Distance Learning
- Hidden costs – although distance learning comes with reduced costs, there are some hidden costs that may be overlooked. For such learning, the equipment and the technology must be paid for. This calls for careful planning. The cost of setting up a computer system with internet connection, the cost of installing live video communication equipment, the cost of ordering the materials and the shipping charges, all contribute to the overall under-looked costs.
- Poor Social interactions – this system of learning lacks the social interaction that is linked with the classroom. In interactions in the chat rooms, the emails and discussion boards cannot be compared to the classroom interaction. This learning system is not ideal for students who need individual attention of the teachers. This makes its format non ideal for all students. Those with motivation and procrastination problems may find it quite un-ideal.As much as the online learning is gaining popularity, some of the employers do not recognize it. Some still do not believe in distance learning as they assume that the online degrees do not prepare an individual well enough to be resourceful in the job market.
- Adaptability to new technology – online learning requires that one is not left behind with technology. It requires that one becomes more comfortable with computers and with online programs before he/she can enjoy the online learning.
- Limited Courses – Not all courses can be offered online. Some courses need extensive practical work that needs physical guidance of the trainer. Such courses can not be offered online. Engineering courses and nursing courses cannot be offered entirely online.
Even though disadvantages of distance learning exist, its benefits are beyond compare. This system of learning has indeed taken learning to greater heights. The dissemination of information is highly encouraged by this system as majority can now access information from various fields. Learning has been made easy at less cost as the inconveniencies in open classrooms have been completely eliminated. With this system, students can now carry on with their studies and at the same time do some other things like part-time jobs. The greatest of all is the convenience of the online learning. Worries about when and where to study no longer exist as students always learn at the comfort of their rooms. It is a piece of advice to the organizations that still do not recognize the online learning. The world is changing at a terrible speed and nobody should be left behind. Distance learning should be encouraged so that its benefits are enjoyed by all.
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Home Essay Samples Education Distance Education
Exploring the Pros and Cons of Distance Learning
Table of contents, pros: accessibility and flexibility, pros: self-directed learning and skill development, cons: limited social interaction, cons: motivation and self-discipline, cons: technical challenges and inequity.
- Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2013). Changing Course: Ten Years of Tracking Online Education in the United States. Babson Survey Group.
- Bates, A. W., & Sangrà, A. (2011). Managing Technology in Higher Education: Strategies for Transforming Teaching and Learning. John Wiley & Sons.
- Garrison, D. R., & Cleveland-Innes, M. (2005). Facilitating Cognitive Presence in Online Learning: Interaction Is Not Enough. American Journal of Distance Education, 19(3), 133-148.
- Hodges, C., Moore, S., Lockee, B., Trust, T., & Bond, A. (2020). The Difference Between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning. EDUCAUSE Review, 27.
- Zawacki-Richter, O., & Naidu, S. (2016). Mapping Research Trends from 35 Years of Publications in Distance Education. Distance Education, 37(3), 245-269.
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Advantages & Disadvantages of Distance Learning
Given the current unfavourable financial prerequisites and implications involved with traditional learning in the UK, it’s no wonder that distance learning – or ‘home learning’ or ‘e-learning’ – continues to soar as an alternative approach to higher education amongst individuals looking to gain a certified qualification. Around 21% of British people have completed an online learning course of some kind.
Anybody qualifies for distance learning courses but most distance learners tend to be people who are too busy with other responsibilities – be it work, family or both – to commit to a full-time, traditional course at a higher education institution.
Under these circumstances, to be able to study in the comfort of your own home and work at your own pace is generally far more appealing than the idea of travelling long distances and struggling to keep up with peers.
Here at Oxford Learning College, we appreciate that studying a course online might not be for everyone – which is why we’ve summarised a few of the main advantages and disadvantages of distance learning to help you decide for yourself if it’s going to be right for you.
Advantages of Distance Learning
There are many distance learning advantages for those who want a change from traditional classroom-based, in-person learning. Let’s take a look at some of the key advantages of online learning below.
Flexibility is of course the key benefit of e-learning. Unlike traditional courses, you don’t have to plan your entire day around your studies; your studies can be planned around other responsibilities.
At the beginning of a course, you’ll be given deadlines for various modules and coursework assignments, and it’s up to you to decide when, where, and for how long you are going to study. You can also study around other commitments like work or family time, giving you freedom to create a work-study balance.
A homely, quiet learning space with comfy sofas, cups of tea and an ample supply of biscuits at your fingertips versus a crowded, stuffy lecture theatre with a desk the size of a cookbook and no light refreshments in sight; there is no competition really, especially when you consider the added stress of actually getting to the latter.
A peaceful and agreeable learning environment brings out the best in any learner, and courses from home are more likely to help establish this. For those who find a busy classroom or lecture hall overwhelming, studying at home can provide a much more productive environment.
Instant Support & Updates
Another of the main advantages of online education is that everything is instantaneous. Tutors are able to quickly create and communicate updates to courses just as easily as students are able to receive and respond to such changes and messages.
Online support is nearly always available at the click of a mouse, either through instant or, probably in most cases, video messaging services, and lectures can be delivered to thousands of students at a time, with none of the squinting or fear of speaking up you get with university lectures.
Cost of Online Learning
As you might expect, the cost of implementing online learning courses is much lower than that of traditional courses, where hiring classrooms, printing necessary course materials, and the physical presence of staff at lectures are basic requirements.
Thus, the cost for students is significantly reduced too, and they can be assured that more of the money they do spend is being invested on actually improving/researching courses, rather than on imposed overheads. This is another of the benefits of distance learning that appeals to students.
Distance Learning is Eco-friendly
Needless to say, distance learning provides an alternative to paper-based learning and students don’t have to travel to and from lectures, meaning the CO2 emissions are reduced substantially.
Energy is also saved on lighting and heating large lecture halls and electronic equipment that might be used in classroom settings.
Disadvantages of Distance Learning
As we mentioned earlier, distance learning may not be the right choice for everyone. While there are plenty of benefits of e-learning, there are some things you should consider if you’re unsure if it will work for you.
Here are some of the possible disadvantages of online learning for some people.
You Need to be Disciplined
With greater learner autonomy comes greater responsibility, particularly where discipline and organisation are concerned. Distance learners can’t afford to take their eye off the ball even for just a couple of days, since there is nobody around to remind them of deadlines or incredibly important announcements.
It is essential that emails are checked and study timetables are stuck to, no matter what, or else students will quickly fall behind.
Isolation and Lack of Community
Although studying at home may create a more comfortable learning environment, students are of course left to tackle the course without the support and camaraderie of fellow peers, and as a result, can become frustrated or demotivated.
Furthermore, distance learning centres are often few and far between so face-to-face encounters are very rare. Social network groups offer an adequate alternative but naturally learners will feel more confident about discussing course content if they have previously met their peers.
Hands-off Learning Approach
Online learning doesn’t appeal to all learning styles so some people may find that they don’t enjoy the experience. Anyone suited to practical, hands-on learning, for example, will have to adapt to the new approach and might find they get easily frustrated.
Similarly, learners who feel they benefit strongly from going over learned material in small groups will find the process more challenging.
Technical Issues
Most can relate to the infuriation brought about by a computer randomly switching itself off when work hasn’t been saved, or a poor internet connection preventing you from reading and responding to emails. For distance learners, however, the repercussions of such disastrous moments are far greater.
No working device or no internet means you are completely locked out, so it’s crucial that all your devices are functioning properly and you have a reliable internet connection wherever you plan to work.
Diminished Social Life!
Unfortunately, there’s no way around this one; your social life will be impacted by your studies and you must have the discipline to both accept and endure this. However, all those Friday nights spent sitting in front of a computer screen researching or re-editing (for the fifth time) a 2500-word assignment will pay off in the long run, and you’ll have saved a good deal of pub money too. Just focus on tea and biscuits instead of lager and crisps, and you’ll be fine.
For more detail on our Distance Learning courses head over to our courses page, or, if you’re already signed up, check out our post on top time management tips for distance learners !
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Distance Learning
SUMMARY: Distance learning is the new and advanced way of seeking education in which you have to study at home without taking regular classes. It’s a new and advanced way of learning, which in some ways a better option than a regular learning style, but it has disadvantages as well. So like everything distance learning has pros and cons side by side. The study is conducted to highlight the different aspects of distance learning. How it is conducted and what are its advantages and disadvantages. The purpose is to be aware of different techniques of learning and adopt the new and more useful ways of education . When we will be aware of different techniques of learning, we will be able to educate ourselves in a more convenient and purpose full way. …show more content…
By all these means it is investigated that distance learning is the best and easy way of education. The students don’t have to be formal and punctual. They can educate their selves at their door step. It is more convenient for students to study whole year or semester by their own selves or by online classes, and at the end just give few papers to get the degree. This way of learning is especially important and easy for people who have to carry their jobs along with studies. They can study in their free times and can get degrees easily without too much hard work. Although it is a better and easy way of education but we can’t deny the fact that regular education has its own advantages. There are many studies which involve practical like medical studies, engineering etc. So we can’t study such subjects by distance learning. Hence limitations are applied on this type of study.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Learning Essay
The concept of distance learning or education or open universities has caught the imagination of the educationists throughout the world. This system is expected to provide education to the masses, particularly in developing countries at their door steps.
Distance education has come to stay as an alternative to the formal system of education. The latter has certain limitations Young people who could not afford to enter a college or a university had no alternative to fulfil their desire to get a higher education. The dropouts from colleges and universities had no future. The working people, in spite of their desire to improve their qualification, could not do so.
Thus, education by mail, started by Delhi University in 1962, came as a boon to such people. They found in it an opportunity to pursue higher education. The physically handicapped, housewives and working people desirous of improving their job prospects, found in this system, a second chance to fulfil their ambitions. The success of this experiment encouraged other universities to set up Directorates of Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education.
To begin with, the philosophy of distance education was not that of openness. It was merely an extension of the formal system with all its rigidities except compulsory attendance. The system was mainly designed to absorb the surplus candidates in the colleges.
Further, it attracted the dropouts of the formal system since the same courses were offered in formal and distance education systems. Certain factors led to a change in objectives and expectations These were: population growth, prohibitive cost education, etc. Consequently, the idea of open education took place.
The first to do so was the Andhra Pradesh University in 1982. The inception of the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) in 1985 is a mile-stone in providing education to the masses. These universities offer an opportunity to students to join at any age and study at their own pace and place.
IGNOU has set up centres for the convenience of its candidates countrywide. Lessons by experts are available on the Doordarshan. The experiment has proved a tremendous success and has been much acclaimed by the elocutionists.
India has ambitious plans of developing a network of open universities with IGNOU at the top. The open universities system is trying to impart quality education by planning lessons carefully, preparing audio-visual lessons, opening study-centres etc.
They are going to be more flexible in their course content. Bold experiments are being tried by making use of labs of regular college on holidays and Sundays. More and more courses are being offered and students are enrolling themselves enthusiastically to improve their skills and qualifications.
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Distance Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages
My research paper aims to thoroughly analyze the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning compared to traditional in-person classes and discuss which format is most likely to prevail. One of the most significant debates among researchers and the public today is whether distance learning is the future of education. I believe that education is one of the major social barriers in Western countries, and thus equal educational opportunity is the key to innovation, social justice, and upward class mobility. Therefore, it is crucial for us to investigate new e-learning platforms to fully understand their social, psychological, and economic impact.
The social significance of the distance learning debate is best exemplified by the shift from traditional classrooms to online platforms during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Before that year, there was already some debate about the viability of the conventional tertiary education business model. As governments worldwide imposed quarantine measures to stop the virus spread, higher education institutions were pushed to adapt remote learning technology in a long overdue move. However, skeptics claim that virtual learning is ineffective and deprives students of essential human connection. Despite the fears of distance learning yielding worse student performance, I will argue that the ability to attend classes virtually from any location in the world at a discounted price will enhance equal educational opportunity. Furthermore, utilizing innovative teaching instruments specifically adapted to the online learning environment makes it possible to improve student engagement and collaboration.
I will devote the first two paragraphs to explaining why the equal educational opportunity is the key to democracy and overcoming social inequality in the postindustrial U.S. economy. Educational capital is the concept of education being a tool of social mobility, such as a higher education degree from a prestigious institution leading to a higher social status in society. It can either reproduce inequality or act as a leveling mechanism to promote equal opportunity. My argumentation will be based on Pierre Bourdieu’s idea of cultural capital as outlined in his 1986 essay “The Forms of Capital” and the 1996 book The State Nobility: Élite Schools in the Field of Power .
In the first two paragraphs of the main body of my research paper, I will provide a clear and thorough outline of the distance learning ecosystem before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. I will illustrate how, prior to 2020, opportunities for postsecondary digital learning had accumulated for over a decade and were limited to “massively open online courses” (MOOCs), industry-based certification programs, and programming boot camps. In the following paragraph, I will enumerate the reasons that the traditional on-campus, degree-focused tertiary education model is not suited to the current demands of equal opportunity and employability prospects. My timeline of the switch from traditional to remote learning formats will be based on the 2020 article published in Harvard Business Review by Sean Gallagher and Jason Palmer, “The Pandemic Pushed Universities Online. The Change Was Long Overdue.”
In the following three paragraphs, I will focus on the innovation potential distance learning carries for universities, students, and society at large. Firstly, I will examine how by taking advantage of new technology and providing online courses accessible from any point in the world at a discounted price, universities can attract a larger clientele, maximize their profits, and improve the quality of their services. This is outlined in the 2021 article by Ghada Refaat El Said “How Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Higher Education Learning Experience? An Empirical Investigation of Learners’ Academic Performance at a University in a Developing Country.” Secondly, students can combine education programs that are more accessible and relevant to their chosen field, as mentioned in Gallagher and Palmer’s 2020 article. Thirdly, making tertiary education more accessible levels the playing field and promotes social equality. I still have difficulty identifying academic sources regarding the social impact of distance learning, but there is an abundance of non-academic articles.
The counterargument will be based on the idea that distance learning is less effective and results in worse student performance. It rests upon the fact that students attending in-person classes receive better grades and are less likely to withdraw from the course. Furthermore, online instructors are more likely to be lenient in both grading and enforcing academic integrity. The source I have identified is a peer-reviewed academic article published for the National Bureau of Economic Research, “Is Online Education Working?”
I will attempt to respond to these claims by stating that tertiary institutions have adopted online teaching strategies that emulate face-to-face traditions, such as hosting lectures over Zoom. However, if the innovation potential of technology is utilized correctly, professors can increase engagement and improve student performance, as exemplified by the online learning platform Khan Academy. A study by Yulmaz Zengin, “Investigating the Use of the Khan Academy and Mathematics Software with a Flipped Classroom Approach in Mathematics Teaching,” was published on this topic. It found that using Khan Academy to teach mathematics enhanced students’ understanding, achievement, and retention by helping them visualize mathematics teaching.
The difficulties I may encounter while developing my research paper are finding more academic research regarding the social impact of distance learning and innovative teaching methods that can be utilized in online spaces. However, I will combine the relevancy of non-academic articles with the reliability of academic sources and utilize examples such as Khan Academy in my research.
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ChalkyPapers. (2024, January 14). Distance Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages. https://chalkypapers.com/distance-learning-advantages-and-disadvantages/
"Distance Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages." ChalkyPapers , 14 Jan. 2024, chalkypapers.com/distance-learning-advantages-and-disadvantages/.
ChalkyPapers . (2024) 'Distance Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages'. 14 January.
ChalkyPapers . 2024. "Distance Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages." January 14, 2024. https://chalkypapers.com/distance-learning-advantages-and-disadvantages/.
1. ChalkyPapers . "Distance Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages." January 14, 2024. https://chalkypapers.com/distance-learning-advantages-and-disadvantages/.
ChalkyPapers . "Distance Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages." January 14, 2024. https://chalkypapers.com/distance-learning-advantages-and-disadvantages/.
Nov 12, 2022 · The research paper offered to the reader is devoted to the concept of distance learning, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. The question of the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning has been in the focus of research attention especially against the background of a general quarantine, which justifies the actuality of this topic.
Jan 26, 2024 · Indonesia Education Readiness Conducting Distance Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic Situation by Churiyah et al. represents the Indonesian government’s attitude to this phenomenon (491). Moreover, in A Shift from Classroom to Distance Learning: Advantages and Limitations by Sadeghi, the author discusses distance learning in all its terms (80).
The disadvantages of distance education are also the lack of a permanent control over the students; the student does not feel the practical knowledge. In addition, not all courses are suited to distance learning. For example, it is wrong to expect that the distant courses are suitable to such occupations as a doctor or a pilot of an airliner.
Nov 4, 2019 · Introduction. The current technological arena has taken learning to greater heights. Several institutions have incorporated distance learning in their programmes as it has proved to be fruitful.
Jul 23, 2021 · Advantages and disadvantages of Distance Learning. Distance education, or distance learning, is a field of education that depends on the Information technology, and instructional systems that plan to provide learning to students who are physically not present in a class room setting.
it becomes essential to critically examine the pros and cons of distance learning. This essay delves into the advantages and disadvantages of this virtual educational approach, exploring its benefits for accessibility and flexibility, while also acknowledging its challenges in terms of social interaction and self-discipline.
Advantages of Distance Learning. There are many distance learning advantages for those who want a change from traditional classroom-based, in-person learning. Let’s take a look at some of the key advantages of online learning below. Flexibility. Flexibility is of course the key benefit of e-learning.
“Can You Be Educated from a Distance,” an insightful essay by James Barszcz, brings to focus some of the benefits and disadvantages of Distance Learning education (DL). In it, Barszcz discusses the mechanics of DL courses available to students, the quality of education DL can offer, and some reasoning behind its rapidly growing popularity.
Apr 9, 2019 · Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Learning Essay April 9, 2019 by sajid The concept of distance learning or education or open universities has caught the imagination of the educationists throughout the world.
My research paper aims to thoroughly analyze the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning compared to traditional in-person classes and discuss which format is most likely to prevail. One of the most significant debates among researchers and the public today is whether distance learning is the future of education.