List of 50 Comprehensive Exam Questions
Check a list of questions asked during comprehensive examination and prepare your answers. With this list of COMPs your PhD graduation will be easy. Read less
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- 1. List of 50 Comprehensive Exam Questions Being a student, you might be assigned to answering exam question, which should be answered correctly so that you can get good grades. Today, we’ve prepared a list, which you can refer to when looking for questions that you should prepared yourself for. Here are some of the comprehensive exam questions that you might want to know so that you can keep yourself updated with the exam questions and that you can memorize and practice them yourself. Comprehensive Exam Questions 1. Why boundaries and ethnic groups exist? Make a comparison and contrast about their views. 2. Talk about the last study on ethnicity, race as well as gender and about the most essential questions, lines and problems for the future researching study. 3. For doctoral comprehensive examination questions, write if there are any essential shift about construction of gender, race and ethnicity. 4. If you are conducting an analysis about regression, what will be the relationship of student’s family demographics and student’s scores on ACT? 5. If you have the chance to choose a good policy issue, what would it be and how would you examine it? It is important to discuss its relevance in terms of agenda setting, policy implementation, policy adoption, policy termination and policy change. 6. Give a logical and well reasoned argument on whether or not the Six Sigma can cure what the ails of public sector. 7. Make a good discussion about major ethical theories that you studied that is relevant to ethics in the public administration Tell about strengths and weakness of every theory. Make sure to make references to the specific thinkers. 8. Tell about the criteria in establishing causality and discuss about role of the causality when it comes to policy analysis. Write also about the complications of it in establishing causality.
- 2. 9. For the PhD comprehensive exam questions, discuss about changes of employment as well as the importance of those changes to the human resource managers. 10.Make great explanation about green marketing and give examples. 11.Explain about classical conditioning and give examples. 12.Why advertising is known as awareness builder? Explain clearly and give examples on what it means and why advertising create psychological relationship between customers and brand. 13.Explain the difference of 4 levels of the scale. It is better if you give examples on the various type of it. 14.Differentiate the various types of the qualitative research techniques. 15.Explain what is non-probability and probability sampling and give examples. 16.Tell about statistical analysis and types of scales. 17.Develop a marketing plan for newly introduced service train between Kolkata and Dhaka. 18.Explain more about administrative management and ways they can affect people. 19.Discuss about the differences and similarities between principles approach to study public organizations and Weberian bureaucratic model. 20.How bureaucracies and bureaucrats can be held accountable? What does it mean that they can be held accountable? Is it better if you give measures that should be taken in increasing bureaucratic accountability? 21.Define what is bureaucracy and give its functions that is being performed by agency members 22.There are administrative agencies. Can you identify their powers and discuss how it is being used by the public bureaucracies in the American government. 23.Provide about the legitimate powers being possess by the public administrators. Where are these powers legitimate and where they getting it?
- 3. 24.Discuss stages of policy cycle. How policy advocacy is affecting evolution of the policy on every stage for better or worse? 25.Define the stages of rational model about policy analysis. Give illustrations about stages with the use of any public policy that you like. 26.What is Pareto efficiency? How it is related to policy analysis. 27.What is the nature of externality? 28.Discuss concerns about computers and ways they are being productive. 29.Explain why proliferation of the computers in business and society increased concerns about ethics and privacy. 30.Give major ethical issues and the best solutions. 31.How IT affect role of the public administrators. 32.What are the implications of information technology on enterprise? 33.What issues are involved when it comes to government investments? 34.Compare and contrast the United States federal budget process. 35.Describe types of the potential market and give an example of every type. 36.What is the concept of the market failure of the government in economy? 37.Why Tiebout’s theory has implications to the fiscal federalism 38.Distinguish capital and operating budgeting. 39.Discuss the principles that are used in evaluating the tax policy. 40.Discuss classical experimental research design and explain its importance. 41.Write comprehensive discussion about contributions of early scholars to development of public administration in US. 42.What different approaches and theories are being used in studying phenomena 43.What are the desired outcomes of the cross-sector social partnerships
- 4. 44.What does literature teach about structures, especially on forms, processes and partnerships? Explain your answers in detail. 45.Give safe, nutritious and sufficient food that is socially and environmentally sustainable. 46.Potential role of the human resource managers to the development of the organization 47.Main debates about academic literature on risk, precaution and uncertainty in relation to environmental governance. 48.Give critical assessment about philosophical literature and explain it in details. 49.What challenges are faced by the economy today? Explain your points of view and discuss the reasons you think these all exist. How they can be solved? 50.How will you structure upper level undergraduate course and why? There you have the best MBA comprehensive exam questions that you can check out and practice yourself with, allowing yourself to be familiar with the exam Q&A that you might have to deal with in college, university or MBA. Refer to this list and share it with friends who might also be looking for the same list when practicing for their PhD exams or for their upcoming quizzes. Study and learn about these comprehensive exam questions and be guided today!
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Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Sample Essays
Part One of the HALE Doctoral Comprehensive Exam is a written exam designed as an opportunity for students to demonstrate the integration of knowledge of topics, issues, and resources in postsecondary education reflecting successful completion of the HALE Core Curriculum. For more information on the HALE Comprehensive Exam, please visit the HALE Program Handbook , under the Program Requirements and Policies section.
Two essay samples of Part One follow:
Part One examples:
- PhD Comprehensive Exam, Part One, Sample One
- PhD Comprehensive Exam, Part One, Sample Two
- PhD Comprehensive Exam, Part One, Sample Three
- PhD Comprehensive Exam, Part One, Sample Four
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Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Committees
Published by Τασούλα Λόντος Modified over 6 years ago
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PhD Comprehensive Examination: Things to Pay Attention - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
PhD Comprehensive Examination: Things to Pay Attention
Here is all important information about the cumulative final exam. more: – powerpoint ppt presentation.
- It is a serious test and you must be prepared for any difficult task.
- How to pass the cumulative final exam?
- Start your preparation earlier
- Do exercises regularly
- Look through the important materials
- Make a schedule
- Understand the structure of the exam
- Attend extra classes
- Work with a private tutor
- The cumulative exam is a specific task and you have to pay your attention on
- Writing style
- Informative answers
- Evidence and examples to support your answers
- Reasoning method
- Strong arguments regarding the topic
- Some tips that will encourage your mood before the test
- Take breaks 20-25 minute
- Do cardio exercises
- Eat fat food and fruits to give energy to your brain
- Plan your day
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Part One of the HALE Doctoral Comprehensive Exam is a written exam designed as an opportunity for students to demonstrate the integration of knowledge of topics, issues, and resources in postsecondary education reflecting successful completion of the HALE Core Curriculum. For more information on the HALE Comprehensive Exam, please visit the HALE Program Handbook, under the Program
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