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Preparing the manuscript, authors are kindly requested to adhere to the following guidelines.
These guidelines are based on the “ Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals ”, developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors , and also prepared in accordance with COPE ( Committee on Publication Ethics ) guidelines, WAME ( World Association of Medical Editors ) recomendations, ORI ( the Office of Research Integrity ), CSE ( Council of Science Editors ) and EASE ( European Association of Science Editors ) guidelines.
- Manuscript requirements. We accept submissions strictly online, via the form available at our website. Please upload your manuscript as a Microsoft Office Word document (*.doc, *.docx and *.rtf formats).
- Length of the manuscript from an original study, lecture or literature review (including tables and list of references) should not exceed 6000 words. Short reports and letters to the editor should not exceed 1500 words. Please consult the MS Word built-in statistics service prior to submission in order to find out the exact length of your manuscript. Should your manuscript exceed the aforementioned limits, the editorial board will carry out the final decision on its publication based on recommendations from your reviewer.
- Writing an abstract.
- Article title. Best article titles bear short, clear and distinctive messages.
- Authors and their affiliated institutions, linked by superscript numbers, should be listed beneath the title on the opening page of the manuscript.
- Abstract of an original study should start with some brief background information and statement of the study’s AIMS, followed by MATERIALS & METHODS and finishing with the RESULTS. The closing sentence should outline the main CONCLUSIONS of the study in the most comprehensible terms. Please note that your abstract should be 300 words or less.
- Choice of keywords. MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) thesaurus is a preferred source for choosing keywords.
- The body of the text should start with a brief introduction, describing the paper’s significance. In the case of an original study, the body of the paper should follow a common structured approach to the description of the studies aim, its materials, methods and results, as well as Discussion and Conclusions sections.
- Clarification regarding any potential or actual conflicts of interest of the authors. Any affiliations, financial relations, financial or political interests in the manuscript as a whole or in part, including employment and other liabilities that may result in withholding or deliberate corruption of data or adversely influenced interpretation, are considered a conflict of interest and must be explicitly stated as such. Please note that conflicts of interest do not impede a publication, though failure to disclose one does.
- A brief list of funding sources for the results reported in the paper, as well as the publication process itself ( e.g. a commercial organization, a foundation or government grant, etc. ).
- An optional note describing the roles or responsibilities of the authors. You may also place here an acknowledgment for any individuals or organizations that assisted in your work.
- References should be numbered in the order in which they are cited.
- Number of references is limited to 60 for literature reviews, and to 20 for original studies and lectures.
- Within the body of the text references should be provided in Arabic numerals enclosed in square brackets.
- A complete list of all authors should be presented in every bibliographical entry. Please put an “et al.” notation after the third name if cited paper has more than 4 authors. Do not shorten titles of your citations. Shortened journal titles should correspond to the MedLine catalogue. If the journal is not indexed by MedLine, please provide its full title.
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- Graphs should be labeled on the ordinate and abscissa with the parameter or variable being measured, the units of measure, and the scale.
- Units should be metric and follow SI convention.
- Kindly take care to provide references to all of your supplementary materials (tables, graphs, etc.) within the body of the text.
- humans (live or tissue), including studies that are observational, survey-based, or include any personal data;
- animals (live or tissue), including observational studies;
- non-commercial cell lines.
- Cover letter. The journal editorial board requires authors to submit a scanned copy of a cover letter from authors team in *.pdf format. We expect a cover letter to summarize concisely why your paper is a valuable addition to the scientific literature and briefly relate your study to previously published work. Cover letter should be signed by all of your co-authors. We accept separate letters from authors if they have different affiliations declared in the manuscript.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.
Absence of plagiarism . The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
Correct manuscript format . Manuscript file format is Microsoft Word (has the extension *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf). The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in " For Authors " section.
Cover letter . All the required supporting documents will be submitted together with the manuscript. Authors guarantee to upload scanned original of the filled cover letter in PDF. A cover letter signed by all authors.
All the Copyright statements for authors are present in the standart Publishing Agreement (Public Offer) to Publish an Article in an Academic Periodical 'Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery' .
Standart Publishing Agreement (Public Offer) to Publish an Article in an Academic Periodical 'Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery'
The Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko, hereinafter referred to as the Publisher, on the one hand, hereby offers to the public at large, hereinafter referred to as the Author, on the other hand, hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties, to enter into this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the Agreement, regarding publication of scholarly materials, hereinafter referred to as the Article, in the Journal named 'Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery', hereinafter referred to as the Journal, under the following terms.
1. General Terms and Conditions
1.1. Pursuant to Clause 2 of the Article 437 of the Russian Federation Civil Code, this Agreement shall be recognized as the public offer, hereinafter referred to as the Offer. Subject to Article 438 of the Russian Federation Civil Code, this Offer shall be deemed to have been completely and irrevocably accepted after the Author had submitted his/her materials by uploading those onto the network electronic system of the article acquisition for review available at the respective section of the Journal's site at URL: http://vestnik-surgery.com/index.php/journal/author/submit/1 on the Information and Communication Network known as the Internet, hereinafter referred to as the Internet.
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Whenever any published materials are used within the context of other documents, a reference to the original source needs to be specified.
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2. Terms Used in This Agreement
The Author is an individual (or individuals) whose creative labor has produced the Article.
The Offer Acceptance means a complete and irrevocable acceptance of the Offer under the terms specified in Clause 3 hereof (the Author accepts the Offer by submitting an application to the Publisher, i.e. by uploading the Article along with support materials onto the network electronic system of the article acquisition for review available at the respective section of the Journal's site at URL: http://vestnik-surgery.com/index.php/journal/author/submit/1 on the Internet).
The Journal means an academic periodical named 'Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery'.
The Application means an electronic request of the Author addressed to the Publisher for publishing the Article in the Journal by uploading the Article and support materials onto the network electronic system of the article acquisition for review available at the relevant section of the Journal's site at URL: http://vestnik-surgery.com/index.php/journal/author/submit/1 on the Internet).
The Publisher is the Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko , being the Journal's founder and publisher.
The Article's Metadata means any materials in Russian and English intended to be included into the Science Citation database as per the original version of the Article such as the Article title; authors' details (full last name, first name, patronymic, present employer of each author with indication of the postal code, contact details (e-mail) of each author; abstract; keywords; topical classifications: UDC or any other bibliographic and library classification, and subject indices; bibliography (list of references).
The Offer means this document (offer to the Author) to publish an Article by uploading it onto the site at URL: http://vestnik-surgery.com/index.php/journal/author/submit/1 on the Internet.
The Publication means the act of publishing the Article in the Journal.
The Journal's Editorial Staff means a creative team engaged in preparing the Journal for publication.
The Editorial Board is an advisory body of the Journal's Editorial Office.
The Article means a result of fundamental and applied scholarly efforts in the form of a scholarly material, scientific review material, scientific message, bibliographical review on specific topics of the scholarly study, and background information on Russian and foreign scientists submitted by the Author for publication in the Journal.
The Parties mean the Author and the Publisher.
The Article Requirements mean requirements to the materials published in the Journal's section named "To Authors" of the Journal's site at URL: http://vestnik-surgery.com/index.php/journal/ about/submissions#authorGuidelines on the Internet.
The Service means publication of the Article in the Journal as per the Author's application.
3. Subject Matter of the Agreement (Offer)
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4. General Terms of the Services Provision
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5. Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties
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6. Offer Acceptance and Conclusion of the Agreement. The Term of the Agreement
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Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko. Address: 10 Studencheskaya Street, 394036 Voronezh, Russian Federation Tel./fax: +7 (473) 253-1222, +7 (473) 253-0005 E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected] Web: http://www.vrngmu.ru
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Page 1 of 15
No significant differences in 60-day postoperative complication rates between conventional and shortened stems
To compare 60-day complication rates, radiographic outcomes, and clinical outcomes following primary THA with conventional versus shortened stems, in a large cohort study.
- View Full Text
Correction: Soft‑tissue tension during total hip arthroplasty measured in four patients and predicted using a musculoskeletal model
The original article was published in Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics 2023 10 :130
Correction: Posterior stability of the shoulder depends on acromial anatomy: a biomechanical study of 3D surface models
The original article was published in Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics 2023 10 :59
The reimbursement system can influence the treatment choice and favor joint replacement versus other less invasive solutions in patients affected by osteoarthritis
The aim of this study was to assess how physicians perceive the role of the reimbursement system and its potential influence in affecting their treatment choice in the management of patients affected by osteoa...
Skin sensory alteration and kneeling ability following cruciate retaining total knee arthroplasty are not affected by the incision position: A randomised controlled trial of simultaneous bilateral surgery
The purpose of this randomised controlled trial was to assess the impact of skin incision location on the patients’ ability to kneel.
The role of arthroscopy in the management of adult elbow trauma
Fractures around the elbow are often challenging to treat and in most cases require an extensive approach. Since the development of elbow arthroscopy, most authors have pointed out the potential advantages of ...
The size of the Hill Sachs defect increases during reduction of a first time shoulder dislocation in older adults: a pilot study in 20 cases
To evaluate if the size of Humeral Hill-Sachs Defects (HSDs) increases during reduction in the emergency department (ED) in subjects that have a first-time anterior shoulder dislocation.
A non-weight bearing protocol after ACL reconstruction improves static anterior tibial translation in patients with elevated slope and increased weight bearing tibial anterior translation
Aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of a non-weight bearing (NWB) protocol within 21 post-operative days after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction on static and dynamic anterior tibial tran...
The quest for optimal femoral torsion angle measurements: a comparative advanced 3D study defining the femoral neck axis
There is high variability in femoral torsion, measured on two-dimensional (2D) computed tomography (CT) scans. The aim of this study was to find a reliable three-dimensional (3D) femoral torsion measurement me...
Effect of lateral hinge fractures for bone union and clinical outcomes following opening-wedge distal tibial tubercle osteotomy in comparison with opening-wedge high tibial osteotomy
Although the effects of lateral hinge fractures (LHF) on bone union and clinical outcomes after opening-wedge high tibial osteotomy (OWHTO) have been established, the effects of LHF after opening-wedge distal ...
Tough gel adhesive is an effective method for meniscal repair in a bovine cadaveric study
To test tough gel adhesives to repair meniscus tears under relevant loading conditions and determine if they have adequate biomechanical properties to repair meniscus tears in a bovine cadaveric study.
Virtual reality simulation training improve diagnostic knee arthroscopy and meniscectomy skills: a prospective transfer validity study
Limited data exist on the actual transfer of skills learned using a virtual reality (VR) simulator for arthroscopy training because studies mainly focused on VR performance improvement and not on transfer to r...
Surgical technique: posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction using double posteromedial arthroscopic portals
The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction is a technically demanding surgical procedure that requires optimal identification of both the femoral and the tibial anatomical footprints. To aid the tibi...
Case report: unusual posteromedial capsular lesion with posterior lateral meniscus root tear in two patients with constitutional genu recurvatum presenting after an acute ACL injury
Ramp lesions of the medial meniscus and posterior lateral meniscus root tears (LMPRT) can be present simultaneously in up to 8% of patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. The preva...
Extrusion of the anterior segment of the medial meniscus extrusion initiates knee osteoarthritis: evaluation using magnetic resonance imaging
Meniscus extrusion contributes to the progression of knee osteoarthritis (OA). It is not clear which site of the medial meniscus (MM) extrusion (MME) is greatest. Moreover, the relationship between sites of MM...
No difference in Oxford Knee Score between medial and lateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty after two years of follow-up: a clinical trial
In patients with monocompartmental knee osteoarthritis, unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) can be performed. This study compared the medial versus lateral UKA in patients with monocompartimental knee art...
Robotic-assisted total knee arthroplasty improves the rotational mismatch between femoral and tibial components, but not the forgotten joint score 12: a single-center retrospective cohort study
The primary aim of this study was to compare postoperative short-term patient reported outcome measurements (PROMs) and rotational mismatch between femoral and tibial following conventional jig-based total kne...
Does posterior tibial slope laterality exist? A matched cohort study between ACL-injured and non-injured knees
The purpose of this study is to examine 1) the degree and frequency of laterality in posterior tibial slope (PTS) with control and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury groups and 2) the laterality of PTS be...
A systematic approach to managing complications after proximal tibial osteotomies of the knee
Proximal tibial osteotomy (PTO) is an effective procedure for active and young adult patients with symptomatic unicompartmental osteoarthritis and malalignment. They were considered technically demanding and p...
Soft-tissue tension during total hip arthroplasty measured in four patients and predicted using a musculoskeletal model
Soft-tissue tension around the hip joint is related to the incidence of dislocation after total hip arthroplasty (THA), but it remains difficult to quantify the soft-tissue tension during surgery. In this stud...
The Correction to this article has been published in Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics 2023 10 :148
Defining hip cartilage repair: a modified delphi study to establish the Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of the Repair of Cartilage in the Hip (MERCH) score
To develop a standardized scoring system to evaluate pre- to post-operative repair or reconstruction of hip cartilage using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
ChatGPT and large language models in orthopedics: from education and surgery to research
ChatGPT has quickly popularized since its release in November 2022. Currently, large language models (LLMs) and ChatGPT have been applied in various domains of medical science, including in cardiology, nephrol...
Superior bone fixation of conical compared with hemispherical trapezial cup design: an experimental radiostereometry study
The most used cup designs for trapeziometacarpal (TMC) arthroplasty are of hemispherical and conical geometrical shape. Using a validated pig bone model, we compared the bone fixation using radiostereometry (R...
Femoral head translation in borderline and definite dysplastic hips during weight-bearing: 2D/3D image registration analysis
The aims of this study were to 1) assess femoral head translation during weight-bearing in symptomatic developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) and 2) compare it between borderline DDH and definite DDH.
Knee extension contracture with fixed anterior tibia subluxation treated with PCL release and quadricepsplasty: a case report
58-year-old male presented with knee extension contracture (25°) with iatrogenic fixed anterior tibial subluxation. Consecutive arthroscopic arthrolysis, manipulation under anesthesia, and quadriceps-Z-plasty ...
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy measurements are reliable for studying patellar bone hemodynamics and affected by venous occlusion, but not by skin compression
According to the homeostasis model, patellofemoral pain (PFP) results from disturbed homeostasis due to vascular insufficiency in the anterior knee. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) measures relative changes ...
Customized-individually-made origin® implants in total knee arthroplasty allow a reliable solution for accurate reproduction of planned implant positioning
To evaluate the accuracy and reproducibility of a patient-specific, customized individually made (CIM) total knee replacement (TKR) using the ORIGIN® prosthesis.
The morphology of the femoral posterior condyle affects the external rotation of the femur
The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to the external rotation of the femur during knee flexion.
Biomechanical evaluation of the spring ligament and the posterior tibial tendon by shear-waves elastography: validation of a reliable and reproducible measurement protocol
The anatomy of the spring ligament complex, as well as its pathology, is not well known in daily clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the shear-wave elastography properties of the sprin...
Definitions and consequences of current alignment techniques and phenotypes in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) – there is no winner yet
Dissatisfaction following total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has been extensively documented and it was attributed to numerous factors. In recent years, significant focus has been directed towards implant alignment...
A 5-year follow-up of Achilles tendon reconstruction using a full-thickness graft processed with the clearant method and retrograde fixation in the calcaneus: a case study of an amateur soccer player
We present a case of a 41-year-old male amateur soccer player with no comorbidities, who experienced a rerupture of the Achilles tendon 5 years after his initial end-to-end plasty. To address this, we opted fo...
Comparison of postoperative isokinetic quadriceps and gluteal muscular strength after primary THA: is there an early benefit through enhanced recovery programs?
Although total hip arthroplasty (THA) is expected to result in a postoperative loss of muscular strength, no study investigated the benefit of an enhanced-recovery-after-surgery (ERAS) concept on the hip muscl...
A practical guide to the implementation of AI in orthopaedic research – part 1: opportunities in clinical application and overcoming existing challenges
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform medical research by improving disease diagnosis, clinical decision-making, and outcome prediction. Despite the rapid adoption of AI and machine learn...
Autologous micro-fragmented adipose tissue injection provides significant and prolonged clinical improvement in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a case-series study
Among the conservative strategies to manage patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (OA), an innovative approach exploiting the regenerative capability of adipose tissue and its resident MSCs (Mesenchyma...
A new tibial insert design with ball-in-socket medial conformity and posterior cruciate ligament retention closely restores native knee tibial rotation after unrestricted kinematic alignment
In total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) retention, the medial and lateral insert conformity that restores in vivo native (i.e., healthy) knee tibial rotation and high function w...
Unrestricted kinematic alignment corrects fixed flexion contracture in robotically aligned total knees without raising the joint line in extension
Mechanically Aligned Total Knee Arthroplasty (MA TKA) typically addresses fixed flexion contractures (FFC) by raising the joint line during extension. However, in unrestricted Kinematically Aligned TKA (KA TKA...
Distal Kaplan fibers and anterolateral ligament injuries are associated with greater intra-articular internal tibial rotation in ACL-deficient knees based on magnetic resonance imaging
The purpose of the present study was to assess the internal rotation of the tibia on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in a series of consecutive athletes with Anterior cruciate Ligament (ACL) tears.
Intra-articular injections in sport-active patients with degenerative cartilage lesions or osteoarthritis of the knee: a systematic review
The aim of this systematic review was to analyse the available clinical evidence on intra-articular knee injections for the treatment of degenerative cartilage lesions and osteoarthritis (OA) in sport-active p...
Changes in tibial cortical dimensions and density associated with long-term locking plate fixation in goats
Cortical porosis, secondary to either vascular injury or stress-shielding, is a comorbidity of fracture fixation using compression bone plating. Locking plate constructs have unique mechanics of load transmiss...
Local adiposity may be a more reliable predictor for infection than body mass index following total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review
Improved understanding of the factors that predispose TKA patients to infection has considerable economic and medical impact. BMI is commonly used as a proxy for obesity to determine the risk of postoperative ...
The ligamentum mucosum’s potential as a preventative structure in the development of knee osteoarthritis
This paper aimed to identify whether the presence, type, and/or morphology of the ligamentum mucosum could play a role in the development of knee osteoarthritis. Since its microscopic structure is alike that o...
Increased ACL direct insertion coverage provided more positive biomechanical effects on graft and bone tunnel during knee flexion: a simulation study
Flattened femoral tunnels were recently applied in anatomical single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Little is known about the biomechanical effect of such changes during knee flexion. ...
Diminazene aceturate or losartan ameliorates the functional, radiological and histopathological alterations in knee osteoarthritis rodent model: repurposing of the ACE2/Ang1-7/MasR cascade
Current therapies for osteoarthritis (OA) are limited to analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Considering the importance of oxidative stress and inflammatory mediators in OA etiology, we tested the hypothes...
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound irradiation attenuates collagen degradation of articular cartilage in early osteoarthritis-like model mice
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a combination of degeneration and destruction of articular cartilage due to mechanical stress, secondary synovitis, and bone remodelling. In recent years, early knee OA, a preliminary st...
Outcomes of management of primary benign aggressive or malignant bone tumors around the elbow by limb-salvage surgery
Bone tumors around the elbow are rare, with frequently delayed diagnosis. The current study aimed to assess the functional and oncological outcomes of limb salvage surgery for primary benign aggressive or mali...
Specific types of femoral head fractures: be alert for pre-, intra-, and post-operative ipsilateral femoral neck fractures following fracture-dislocation of the femoral head
Ipsilateral femoral head and neck fractures (iFHNFs) are rare types of fractures that confer extremely poor prognosis among femoral head fractures (FHFs). Owing to the rarity of FHFs, it is challenging to diag...
Interference screws manufactured from magnesium display similar primary stability for soft tissue anterior cruciate ligament graft fixation compared to a biocomposite material – a biomechanical study
Biodegradable interference screws (IFS) can be manufactured from different biomaterials. Magnesium was previously shown to possess osteoinductive properties, making it a promising material to promote graft-bon...
Stem cells for the treatment of early to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee: a systematic review
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) present a valuable treatment option for knee osteoarthritis with promising results. The purpose of the present study was to systematically review the clinical and functional outco...
ESSKA consensus initiative: why, when and how?
The goal of a Consensus in clinical practice is to provide daily practitioners with evidence- based recommendations on data from the literature, clinical expertise and expectations of professionals and patient...
Preoperative demographics and laboratory markers may be associated with early dislocation after total hip arthroplasty
The purpose of this study was to identify modifiable medical comorbidities, laboratory markers and flaws in perioperative management that increase the risk of acute dislocation in total hip arthroplasty (THA) ...
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The journal publishes original articles on clinical and experimental studies, literature reviews, brief reports on clinical observations, information on innovations, inventions and innovative projects, new methods of diagnosis and treatment, materials on the history of departments, clinics and surgical hospitals.
Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics, the official open access journal of the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA), serves as a vital bridge between orthopaedic basic science and clinical practice. We publish a wide range of papers, including those covering basic science, clinical research, translational ...
Dec 28, 2023 · Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics is an international journal that aims to bridge the gap between orthopaedic basic science and the clinics, and publishes papers across the entire orthopaedics field, including basic science and clinical research studies. The journal also welcomes translational and epidemiological studies, across all aspects ...
KSSTA publishes papers about innovative knee surgery, sports trauma surgery and arthroscopy. Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics JEO serves as a vital bridge between orthopaedic basic science and clinical practice.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery ISSN 2070-478X (Print) ISSN 2409-143X (Online) Menu Archives. Home;
The Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics (JEO), is the official Open Access journal of ESSKA (the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery, and Arthroscopy). The Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics serves as a vital bridge between orthopaedic basic science and clinical practice.
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Surgery ISSN 2070-478X (Print) ISSN 2409-143X (Online) Menu Archives. Home;
Sep 24, 2023 · The vision behind its establishment was to create an open access journal that complemented the esteemed Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (KSSTA) journal with a journal focusing on basic orthopaedic research while maintaining a strong surgical background . The structure of open access was selected to increase the visibility and ...
Dec 28, 2023 · The Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics will cease to be published by SpringerOpen as of December 31, 2023. The journal will continue in cooperation with ...
It is the official Open Access journal of ESSKA, the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy. The journal ensures rapid peer-review and publication of high quality papers. Indexing Information. All articles published in Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics are included in: Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)