Nov 30, 2023 · The best length of the literature review section of published journal articles should be at least 2 pages or a few pages. This depends on the length of the journal. Different topics vary in content which determines the length of the journal article. The literature review of a 5000-word journal article should be between 1200 and 2000 words. ... Oct 7, 2023 · In general, the length of the review should be proportionate to your overall paper. For example, if you’re writing a fifty-thousand-word dissertation, then your literature review will likely be an entire chapter comprising about 20 pages. If it’s for a 15-page research paper, your literature review may only be a few pages. ... Sep 10, 2024 · If you’re writing a 100 to 150 pages dissertation, you can make the review 40 to 60 pages long. An 8-page research paper should have a literature review of no more than 2 pages long. For a 5,000-word journal article, the literature review section should be 1,200 to 2,000 words long. ... Journal articles: Concise and focused, literature reviews in journal articles typically range from 2,000 to 5,000 words (8-20 pages), depending on the journal's guidelines. They concentrate on recent and relevant studies that directly inform the research question. ... Jul 17, 2024 · Remember, the length of a literature review is not a hard and fast rule; it could comprise anywhere from 20 pages to much more in a PhD thesis, or be a stand-alone brief overview in a journal article. The structure of your review, whether thematically, chronologically, or by methodology, helps to summarize and highlight specific findings in the ... ... 2- A typical article is divided in the following way: Introduction section: 14.6% of the total word count. Methods section: 29.7% of the total word count. Results section: 26.2% of the total word count. Discussion section: 29.4% of the total word count. Notice that the Materials and methods is the longest section of a professionally written ... ... A too-short stand-alone literature review will fail to provide enough insights. On the other hand, the too-long literature review will wear the reader out and undermine your stance. The ideal length for a literature review as a stand-alone article is at least 20 pages. You can add more pages if needed, but remember that there is a limit. ... How Many Articles Should Be in a Literature Review? Even though there is no specific set number of articles to include in the literature review, experts recommend having 8-10 pieces for an 8,000-word review. ... A literature review is an essential component of many research projects, providing a comprehensive overview of the existing knowledge and studies on a particular topic. One question that often arises when writing a literature review is how long it should be. ... ">
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Best Length for Literature Review: Thesis, Essays or Papers

  • by Joseph Kenas
  • November 30, 2023
  • Writing Tips

How Long Should a Literature Review Be

Literature reviews are surveys on different topics using scholarly sources. Literature reviews help understand the current knowledge on different topics and hence identify gaps, methods, and relevant theories existing in an area of study.

To write a literature review, one needs to search for relevant literature, evaluate sources, identify themes and gaps, and outline structures. A good literature review will analyze, synthesize, and evaluate a study critically to give a clear picture of knowledge on that subject. 

How Long Should a Literature Review Be?

The length of a literature review depends on the audience and its purpose. The level of study also determines the length of a literature review.


Literature reviews of topics done by undergraduate students are expected to be shorter than literature reviews of postgraduate students.

Literature reviews of essays are also expected to be shorter than literature reviews done for a thesis or dissertation. But how long should it be?

Overall, The length of a literature review should be between 20% and 40% of the total project. This is because the length of your paper also determines the length of the literature review.

Papers with a lot of content have longer literature reviews than papers with lesser amounts of content.

There is a general rule that the length of the literature review should be proportional to the length of your paper.

Optimal Length of a Literature Review for Different Projects

1. optimal literature for thesis.

A thesis can be defined as a long essay that includes personal research done by undergraduate and post-graduate students. The length of a thesis depends on the level of study.

A thesis written by bachelor’s degree students should be between 40-60 pages, while a thesis written for master’s and doctorate studies should be between 60-100 pages.

The length of the literature review for a thesis should be at least 8 pages to the minimum. The optimal length of the literature review for this should be 20% of the total length of the thesis project.

The length varies with the length of the thesis a student is writing. For example, in a 40-page thesis, the literature review should be not less than 8 pages.

Not less than 12 pages for a 60-page thesis and not less than 16 pages for an 80-page thesis. The literature review for a thesis should at least be a whole chapter. 

2. Literature Review Length for Dissertation

A dissertation is a research project that is completed as part of a postgraduate or undergraduate degree. Dissertations allow students to present their findings on areas of research that they choose themselves. The length of a dissertation varies depending on the field of study.

literature review writing

The discipline, type of analysis, and area of research all determine the length of a dissertation.

The general length of a dissertation is usually between 150-300 pages. 

A literature review for a dissertation should at least be between 40-60 pages. There is no specific set length for dissertation literature reviews. The length depends largely on your area of study.

If you have a short literature review, ask yourself whether there is other relevant research that you have not explored or if the information you have provided for what you explored is enough. 

For proper preparation when writing a dissertation literature review, do the following:

  • Search using key terms

Using key terms will help you do proper research and find many key terms to search. You will also find articles that are directly related to your area of study. 

  • Immerse yourself in literature

Immersing yourself in literature helps you massively explore your area of study and choose the right approach for your dissertation. 

  • Consider the research gaps

Focus on an area that has not been studied for your research. Recommendations made by authors can help you identify gaps in different areas of study. 

  • Organize what you find

Note down what you find in sections to avoid mixing of ideas. Copy and paste your findings to avoid losing them. Note the references of each researched work to avoid inconveniences later. 

To write a literature review of your dissertations, create an outline, write the paragraphs, analyze the study, and justify the methodology.

3. Literature review length for Published Journal Articles

These are articles that are shorter than books and are written about very specific topics.

Recommended length of a literature review for journal

Journal articles are written regularly throughout the year and are written by experts for experts.

Journal articles can be original research, short reports or letters, review articles, case studies, or methodologies.

A published journal article should have an average of 5000 words. 

The best length of the literature review section of published journal articles should be at least 2 pages or a few pages. This depends on t he length of the journal. Different topics vary in content which determines the length of the journal article.

The literature review of a 5000-word journal article should be between 1200 and 2000 words. 

4. Literature review length for Research Paper

A research paper argues a point and analyses perspectives. It is centered on the writer’s thinking which is backed by other ideas and information. To write a research paper , pick a topic if you are not provided with one, do research, and present it.

Conduct the research, organize the research, form a thesis, create an outline, and then write your research. After writing, edit the content and re-read it to make sure that your research is ready for submission.

The length of a research paper should be at least 25% of the research paper or term paper. However, this usually depends on the area of study. There are also short research papers and long research papers. Short research papers are between 5 and 8 pages long and are usually direct to the point.

The literature review of research papers depends on the length of the research papers. Short research papers can have 2-3-page research reviews. The longer the research paper gets, the longer the literature review should be.

Research papers are common and instructors can give a maximum length of the literature review. In such cases, the instructions of the instructor have to be followed. 

5. Best length for Capstone Paper Literature

This is a form of academic paper that students write to summarize their experiences. They are usually written in the last year of high school or middle school as part of a university or college course.

To write a capstone research paper, think of the topic you want to write, create a capstone project proposal, gather information, and come up with a structure.

After writing your paper, proofread the text and prepare the defense. The average length of a capstone paper is between 20-25 pages. A capstone paper should not exceed the length of 45 pages. 

A literature review of a capstone paper depends on its length and the instructions given by your faculty. For instance, a 20-25-page capstone paper should have a 5 to 6-page long literature review. The longer the paper gets, the longer the literature review should be.

After writing the literature review, submit a draft to your capstone adviser for corrections before proceeding. 

Optimal Length for Essays

An essay is a piece of writing that can be used to support an argument, present an idea, express emotion, or initiate debate. Ideas are presented in essays in a non-fictional way. There are many different types of essays. Essays can be as short as 500 words and as long as 10,00 words.

The length of the literature review section for an essay depends on the length of your essay. A 15-page essay can have a 3-page long literature review. The lesser the pages the lesser the literature review. Therefore, there is no universal length for the literature review of an essay.

The more the pages, the longer the literature review. Literature reviews of essays should have an introduction, main body, and conclusion.

The introduction part should introduce your topic, introduce your point of view, review the literature and state the scope of the literature.

The main body should organize the literature into themes, show the relation between the chosen topic and the wider subject, and move from a general view to a specific view.

The conclusion should summarize the important aspects of the main body, identify areas for future study, and link your research to existing knowledge. 

Factors Determining the Length of a Literature Review

1. type of the project.

The type of project you have determines the length of your literature review.

Literature Review Length

Dissertations have longer literature reviews than published journal articles.

A thesis has a longer literature review compared to essays.

One, therefore, will need to know the type of project at hand before starting and writing the literature review to avoid making mistakes.

Each type of project has its specified length of the literature review. 

2. The Number of Sources

The number of sources one has regarding a certain topic will determine the length of the work they right. Longer writings have longer literature reviews and shorter writing has shorter literature reviews.

Sources of information determine the content one will gather before writing an essay. It is the sources of information that will help you gain knowledge of the topic you are handling.

The less content and knowledge about a topic one has, the lesser the content and knowledge one will write. Without content and knowledge about a topic, even formulating a literature review becomes hard.

When one has many sources of information, ideas will flow and understanding of the area of study will increase. This helps one formulate accurate literature reviews and include the majority of information obtained from the sources in them. 

3. Your Experience in Writing

You can have everything needed to write a literature review of the required length, but without experience writing, it may prove to be hard. If one has never written a literature review before, he or she will experience difficulties in writing it.

In most cases, one may write literature reviews that are too short or too long. Transforming the information gathered into a literature review is hard.

This is why one may use too much or less information in the literature review. Such writers are advised to go through beginner tutorials to explain the writing of literature reviews to avoid too many mistakes.

Experienced writers, on the other hand, know how to utilize every piece of information gathered and transform it into a literature review of the required size. Amateur literature review writers are also advised to seek help from experienced writers. 

4. The Length of the Entire Project

In most academic assignments, instructors give students the length required in different projects. This length should guide students in determining the length of the literature review.

A literature review should not take the majority of your project. Longer assignments have longer literature reviews, while shorter assignments have shorter literature reviews.

Students should consider the number of words or pages provided by the instructor for certain assignments and gauge the length that the literature review.

The literature review reflects the whole content of your project. You can’t have a short literature review and a very long essay. You will probably include things that do not relate to your literature review in the essay.

Short projects like essays and term papers mostly have mini-reviews. Read this guide on how long a mini literature review is so that you can get the point.

5. The Topic Involved

Different topics usually have different sources of information. Some topics are majorly researched on the internet, and some topics are rarely researched.

The topics that many people have looked into have a lot of information that one can use in writing literature reviews. This is contrary to the topics that have been looked into by few people and have little content.

A writer will usually find it hard to write long literature reviews on such topics. When you are asked for a specific length of an essay and given the mandate to choose a topic yourself, never choose a topic that has not been majorly researched which is likely to cause you problems writing the length required by the instructor. 

6. The Technicality of the Research

Some topics are usually hard for students to understand, while others are easy for students to understand. This usually varies among students.

Some students will find history projects harder than science projects, while to other students, it is different.

It is hard for students to write long literature reviews or essays on subjects or topics that they find hard to understand. This is different in the subjects and topics that students enjoy. 

7. Level of Study

This is the most obvious reason that influences the length of literature reviews. Postgraduate students will always be required to write longer essays than undergraduate students. Their level of knowledge and understanding is different.

Though the post-graduate level is more complex, the students are expected to be able to handle the problems that the project poses. Postgraduate students are also required to conduct research that provides them with more information about their projects, unlike undergraduate students. 

8. Professor Factors

Professor factors that determine the length of the of literature review include:

  • The number of words expected.

Most professors usually give the length that they expect the assignment they give to be. This length determines the length of the literature review. Some professors can be specific and give the length they expect the literature review of projects to be. 

  • Availability.

If the professor feels like he will not have enough time to deal with the projects of all students, he can give shorter projects that he will be able to handle. If the professor is available, he can give longer assignments to the students. 

  • Gauging students’ understanding.

Professors can give long assignments to students to establish their level of understanding of an already tackled area. They use this to find out how well can students apply the knowledge gained in different areas. 

Types of Literature Reviews

The most common types of literature reviews include argumentative reviews, integrative reviews, historical reviews, systematic reviews, systematic reviews, methodological reviews, and theoretical reviews. Argumentative and historical reviews are usually longer than the other types of reviews. 

Projects Deadlines

Shorter deadlines usually limit students from conducting enough research. The lesser the research one conducts the lesser the amount of information one has to write about.

This leads to short literature reviews. When one is given enough time to conduct research, they gather all the information needed to write full-length projects hence longer literature reviews as well.

FAQs on Optimal Literature Review

How long should a literature review be in a research proposal .

Research proposals vary in length depending on the level of study and the topics involved. Longer literature proposals should have longer literature reviews, whereas shorter research proposals should have shorter literature reviews.

Literature reviews are usually the longest part of research proposals. The introduction and the methodology parts are always shorter. If your introduction part is 2 pages long and the methodology part is 4 pages long, the research proposal should be longer than the two.

How long does it take to write a literature review?

Most students do not know how long it should take to write a literature review because the deadlines are determined by the professors.

Most believe that the time the professor sets the deadline is the time required to write a literature review. The time one uses to write a literature review usually depends on the hours allocated per day to do the work.

The more hours, the fewer days it will take. The fewer the hours, the longer it will take. A literature review can take between 2-6 months to be completed. 

How long should a literature review be for a PhD

A Ph.D. literature review is the main chapter of your Ph.D. thesis. Your Ph.D. literature review should assess your field of research critically and present the current knowledge that you have gained from previous work.

The literature review should help you identify the gaps in your knowledge of your field. Most Ph.D. literature reviews are always between 6000-12000 words. The main focus of Ph.D. literature reviews is the quality of the work and not the quantity.

how many pages should an article review be

Joseph is a freelance journalist and a part-time writer with a particular interest in the gig economy. He writes about schooling, college life, and changing trends in education. When not writing, Joseph is hiking or playing chess.

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How Long Should a Literature Review Be?

How Long Should a Literature Review Be?

4-minute read

  • 7th October 2023

If you’re writing a research paper or dissertation , then you know how important it is to include a thorough, comprehensive literature review. But exactly how long should your literature review be in relation to the rest of your work? While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to that question, there are some factors that will help determine the length of your review. In this post, we’ll discuss what information to include in your literature review and how long it should be.

Keep reading to learn more.

What Is a Literature Review?

A literature review is a critical summary and evaluation of the current resources (e.g., books and journal articles) on a specific topic or research question. It is a crucial part of academic writing, such as dissertations, in all categories and fields. Essentially, literature reviews help contextualize your investigations and show how your work is building on existing research.

No matter how long your literature review is, it should generally:

●  Establish context for your research (i.e., provide relevant background information so your reader understands the historical significance of your study ).

●  Identify gaps in the existing literature (such as unaddressed questions or aspects of your topic).

●  Highlight significant concepts related to your topic.

●  Cite relevant studies.

●  Support your argument.

It’s also essential that a literature review critically analyze the sources cited in your study, considering factors such as sample size, research design, and potential biases. Be sure to structure your literature review using the same referencing style as the rest of your research paper (e.g., APA , Chicago , MLA ).

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The length of your literature review depends on several factors, including the scope and purpose of your research. In general, the length of the review should be proportionate to your overall paper. For example, if you’re writing a fifty-thousand-word dissertation, then your literature review will likely be an entire chapter comprising about 20 pages. If it’s for a 15-page research paper, your literature review may only be a few pages.

Here are several factors that could affect the length of your literature review:

●  Institutional guidelines : Always check the guidelines provided by your institution or journal (such as an APA journal ). There may be a specific length or word count required for publication.

●  Scope : If your research topic is narrow and focused, your literature review may be shorter. Conversely, if your topic is broad and encompasses a large body of literature, your review may need to be longer.

●  Field of study : Different academic fields may have different expectations regarding the length of literature reviews. For example, literature reviews in the humanities might be longer than those in the natural sciences.

Also, consider your audience. If your literature review is for a general audience or a class assignment, it can probably be shorter and less specialized. However, if it’s for an academic audience in your field of study, you may need to be more thorough and provide an extensive review of the existing literature.

Most literature reviews follow the same basic structure of an introduction, body, and conclusion. Most of the time, they are part of a larger work, so the introduction and conclusion paragraphs will be relatively brief.

However, if the review is a standalone piece, then your introduction and conclusion will be longer since you will need to discuss your research objectives, methods, and findings as well as analyze the literature used in your study.

To ensure your literature review makes an impression, have it professionally proofread by our expert literature review editing services . Submit your free sample of 500 words or less to get started today!

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How Long Should a Literature Review Be?


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by  Antony W

September 10, 2024

how long is a literature review explained

Once you know how to write a literature review from scratch, you can confidently work on the introduction, the main body, and the conclusion. But how long is a literature review? 

How long a literature review is depends on purpose and audience. It can be 20 pages or more for a dissertation but shorter for regular assignments. Whether you write 4 or 20 pages, ensure you stick to the standard structure to score top grades.  

Key Takeaways 

  • A literature review for a thesis must not be more than 20% of the project’s length.
  • If you’re writing a 100 to 150 pages dissertation, you can make the review 40 to 60 pages long. 
  • An 8-page research paper should have a literature review of no more than 2 pages long.
  • For a 5,000-word journal article, the literature review section should be 1,200 to 2,000 words long.
  • A 25-page capstone project should have 5 to 6 pages literature review.

How Long is a Literature Review? (Understanding the Ideal Length)

The length of a literature review depends on the audience, purpose, and a student’s level of education. 

The literature review written by an undergraduate student is shorter unlike the review written by a PhD student. It gets even shorter for an essay – if your instructor ever ask you to include one.

Ideally, the average length of a literature review should be between 20 and 40 percent of the entire project.

For example, if your professor asks you to write a 10,000 words dissertation, 2,000 words of the total word count will be the literature review.

Literature Review Writing Help

The literature review chapter requires research, analysis, and synthesis. Given the depth of research involved and the structuring and writing process, it can take a while to get the work done.

If you have a few days left to complete the review but you have other more demanding assignments, take advantage of our literature review assignment help and one of our top writers will help you get the work done.

How Long Should a Thesis Literature Review Be?

A thesis is a research assignment written by undergraduates and postgraduates. Its length vary depending on the level of study.

A thesis written by Masters’ degree and Doctorate students is 60 to 100 pages long and the one written by Bachelor’s degree students is between 40 and 60 pages long.

The literature review for a project of this nature is at least 8 pages long or at most 20% of the overall word count of the project.

For example, if you’re writing a 40-page thesis, your literature review should be at least 8 pages. If your instructor states that you make your thesis 60 pages long, the literature review should be at most 12 pages. 

How Many Pages Should Journal Articles’ Literature Review Be?

Journal articles are not only shorter than books, but they’re also very specific in context because they focus on specific topics.

Because experts write them throughout the year, journal articles can present case studies, original research, methodologies, and short reports on specific areas or review articles.

The average length for journal articles is 5,000 words. As such, expect the length of the literature review to be at least 2 pages – or just a few more pages depending on how many words you write.

For example, a 5000-word journal article should have a literature review of no more than 2,000 words.

How Long is a Literature Review for a Capstone Project? 

Often written as part of a college or university course in the final year of middle or high school, a capstone project is an assignment that summaries a student’s experience.

The project requires students to select a topic, create a proposal, conduct research, and write the paper.

On average, a capstone project is 20 to 25 pages. While you can make the assignment longer, it should be no more than 45 pages.

How long the literature review section of the capstone project should be depends on the length of the assignment and/or the instructions issued by a teacher. For a 25-page capstone project, about 5 to 6 pages of literature review should be enough. 

What’s the Literature Review Length for Research Paper?

In a research paper, you argue a point by analyzing a perspective based on an individual perception. The assignment takes some time to complete because it requires both research and analytical skills.

A research can be long or short depending on the area of study. Shorter papers tend to be between 5 and 8 pages long, meaning you do have to go straight to the point in your writing, as you don’t have room for more words.

Because a research paper requires a closer examination of existing studies before the methodology chapter, it has to have a literature review.

The literature review for a research paper varies in length based on the nature of the assignment. For example, if your instructor asks you to write an 8-page research paper, you should have a 2-page literature review for the assignment.  

How Long is a Literature Review for a Dissertation?

A dissertation is a project completed as part of a postgraduate degree. Student have to present their findings on their area of study in a dissertation defense.

The length of the literature review for this assignment depends on the field of study, the topic selected, and the type of analysis required.

A dissertation is a 150 to 300 pages long project. The review for a project this big should be between 40 and 60 pages.

There is some flexibility here, so you don’t have to panic if your work doesn’t hit the 60-page target.

Final Thoughts

The takeaway from this post is that the length of a literature review depends on the type of project, the length of the project, and the level of study.

Also, it’s important to read the assignment brief provided by your instructor, as it helps to steer you in the right direction as you write the review.

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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

how many pages should an article review be

The Guide to Literature Reviews

how many pages should an article review be

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What determines the length of a literature review, structure and organization, lengths in different kinds of literature reviews.

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How Long Should a Literature Review Be?

A literature review is an essential part of many academic papers and research projects. It provides a comprehensive overview of existing research on a particular topic, allowing the researcher to identify gaps, build on previous work, and position their study within the broader academic context. The length of a literature review can vary significantly depending on the context, purpose, and research scope . In this article, we will explore the factors that influence the length of a literature review and provide guidelines to help you determine the appropriate length for your work.

how many pages should an article review be

The length of a literature review is influenced by multiple factors, including the type of review, the research aims, the scope of the topic, and institutional guidelines. Writing a literature review involves synthesizing existing research and providing a critical analysis, which varies depending on the depth and breadth of the subject. Additionally, a literature review involves evaluating and summarizing scholarly sources to support the research objectives. Understanding these factors is crucial for researchers to effectively plan and structure their reviews, ensuring they meet academic standards and adequately cover the relevant literature.

Context and purpose

In most literature reviews, the length largely depends on the context and purpose of your research. Here are some common scenarios to consider:

Undergraduate research papers : Typically concise, these reviews range from 1,000 to 3,000 words (4-12 pages) and provide a basic overview of the existing literature. They are usually integrated into the introduction or background section of the paper.

Master's theses : More detailed and comprehensive, literature reviews for master's theses usually span 3,000 to 10,000 words (10-40 pages). They demonstrate the student's understanding of the field and justify the research question.

Doctoral dissertations : The literature review can be extensive for postgraduate dissertations, often ranging from 8,000 to 20,000 words (30-80 pages). These reviews need to cover a wide range of studies and theories, providing a thorough background for the research and highlighting gaps the dissertation aims to address.

Journal articles : Concise and focused, literature reviews in journal articles typically range from 2,000 to 5,000 words (8-20 pages), depending on the journal's guidelines. They concentrate on recent and relevant studies that directly inform the research question.

Grant proposals : Brief and focused, literature reviews in grant proposals are usually around 1,000 to 2,000 words (4-8 pages). Their purpose is to provide a quick overview of the current state of research and justify the need for the proposed study.

how many pages should an article review be

Research scope

The breadth and depth of the literature you need to cover will also affect the length of your review. If your research focuses on a specific niche or well-defined topic, your literature review might be shorter, around 1,000 to 3,000 words. This is because there may be fewer studies to review, allowing you to focus on the most relevant ones. For topics that span multiple disciplines or have a vast body of literature, the review will be longer, potentially exceeding 10,000 words. A broader scope requires a more extensive review to ensure all relevant research is covered.

Guidelines and requirements

Always check the guidelines provided by your institution, advisor, or the journal to which you are submitting. These guidelines often specify the expected length and format for the literature review. Adhering to these requirements is crucial for ensuring your review meets academic standards and is accepted for publication or evaluation.

how many pages should an article review be

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A well-structured literature review typically includes the following sections, which can influence its length:

Provides an overview of the topic and the review's purpose. This section usually accounts for 5-10% of the total word count. In a 3,000-word review, the introduction might be around 150-300 words.

Discusses key themes, theories, and findings in the literature. This section is the core of the review and can be divided into sub-sections based on themes, methodologies, or chronological order. It usually makes up 70-80% of the total word count. For example, in a 3,000-word review, the main body might be around 2,100-2,400 words.

Summarizes the key findings and highlights gaps or areas for future research. This section usually accounts for 10-15% of the total word count. In a 3,000-word review, the conclusion might be around 300-450 words.

how many pages should an article review be

Different methods of conducting literature reviews affect the length. The length of a literature review depends on several factors, including the chosen approach, institutional guidelines, and the specific requirements of the research project. Systematic reviews are usually the most extensive due to their rigorous and comprehensive nature, while narrative reviews are more flexible and shorter. Scoping reviews provide a broad overview without the detailed synthesis required by systematic reviews, placing them in the middle range of length. Umbrella reviews and realist reviews vary in length but generally provide a comprehensive synthesis of existing reviews or focus on the mechanisms of interventions.

Understanding these differences helps researchers select the appropriate approach and determine the optimal length for their literature review, ensuring it meets academic standards and contributes meaningfully to the field of study.

how many pages should an article review be

The length of a literature review is influenced by several factors, including the type of review, the scope of the research topic, and institutional guidelines. Most literature reviews vary in length depending on the specific requirements of the research project. The process of literature review writing is crucial for determining length, as it involves synthesizing research articles, current research, and existing scholarship to adequately cover the topic. For instance, a thesis literature review tends to be more extensive compared to a literature review for a research paper or journal article.

When determining how long a literature review should be, it's essential to consider the need to address current theories and provide a critical analysis of scholarly sources. Systematic reviews are typically more detailed and extensive, often requiring a substantial number of pages, while narrative reviews may only span a few pages. The length is also shaped by the research aims and the depth of coverage needed for the original research. Creating an annotated bibliography also affects the length of the review. Adhering to institutional guidelines is crucial, as they often provide specific directions on the expected length and structure of the review.

Ultimately, the length of a literature review is dictated by the comprehensive coverage required to support the research aims and the specific nature of the research project. Whether it's a thesis literature review, a journal article, or part of a larger research paper, the goal is to ensure the review is thorough, insightful, and aligned with the objectives of the current project. By understanding these factors, researchers can determine the optimal length for their literature review, ensuring it meets academic standards and effectively contributes to the field of study.

how many pages should an article review be

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How long should a literature review be? Writing a literature review properly. 

Embarking on a journey through academic research, one is often faced with the question: How long should a thesis literature review be?

Typically, a literature review comprises 20-40% of the thesis, equating to around 20-40 pages, yet this can fluctuate based on the topic, field, and institutional guidelines. However, if the literature review is for an assignment/project report it only needs to be a few pages long.

A literature review represents a critical exploration of existing scholarship on a specific topic, serving as the backbone for dissertations, research articles, book chapters, conference papers, and more.

This comprehensive, concise, and well-structured survey of the current knowledge landscape provides insight into established findings, research methodologies, and highlights the gaps that your research aims to fill.

how many pages should an article review be

The endeavor of writing a literature review not only deepens your understanding of your chosen area but also lays a strong foundation for your unique inquiry and contribution to the field.

How Long Should a Thesis Literature Review Be? Dissertation, research paper, journal article, and more

The length of a thesis literature review can vary based on the topic, research field, and guidelines provided by your institution.

However, as a general rule, it often comprises 20-40% of the thesis. This equates to around 20-40 pages.

However, if the literature review is for an assignment it only needs to be a few pages long. 

It’s crucial to ensure your review is comprehensive, concise, and well-structured, adequately summarizing existing research, identifying gaps, discussing limitations, and suggesting future research directions. 

What is a literature review?

A literature review is a critical examination of existing research on a particular topic. It is often the beginning of any area of study and is often used as the introduction to a dissertation. 

I have done one at the beginning of any research project, the beginning of my PhD and postdocs and in industry research positions. 

It involves analyzing relevant resources such as books, journal articles, and other scholarly works to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current knowledge in your area of interest.

For example, if your topic is the impact of social media on the mental health of younger generations, you’ll explore previous studies to understand established findings, methodologies, and gaps in the field.

The purpose is threefold: 

  • to comprehend what is already known,
  • to give your readers an overview of existing knowledge (showing where your research fits in), and
  • to identify any unexplored areas or gaps, thus allowing you to contribute something original to the field.

The process aids in refining your research question and defining your unique angle of inquiry.

How do I create a literature review?

Creating a literature review involves several key steps:

  • Conceptualize : Start by forming a conceptual framework. It’s an overview of the topic, helping you structure your review.
  • Synthesis : Synthesize the literature. Read, categorize, and summarize the material to create a narrative.
  • Analysis : This is your main body of work. Develop arguments and critique the literature.
  • Conclusion : Recap your findings, discussing the implications of your work and highlighting any limitations.
  • Future Research : If applicable, suggest areas for future research or policy actions based on your findings.
  • Introduction : Write the introduction last. It includes the importance of the topic, gaps in knowledge, and your motivation for the review.
  • Transparency : Always be transparent about limitations in your work and the body of evidence reviewed.

How many sources do you need in a literature review?

The number of sources required in a literature review can vary significantly depending on several factors such as:

  • the nature of your research topic,
  • the length of the literature review, and
  • the specific instructions from your professor or institution.

In general, it’s crucial to include a wide range of sources to fully capture the breadth of scholarship on your research topic.

For a dissertation or thesis, a literature review might involve dozens of sources. For a stand-alone literature review or an overview for a journal article, fewer sources might be appropriate. For instance, a PhD thesis literature review might require anywhere from 50 to 300+ sources.

My PhD thesis had 256 papers cited

Rather than focusing on a specific number, the key is to ensure that your literature review provides a comprehensive, balanced overview of existing scholarship on your research topic.

This should ideally include both seminal works and recent publications, highlighting any gaps your research aims to fill.

Remember, the quality of your sources is as important as the quantity.

Your literature review should demonstrate that you have critically engaged with a variety of scholarly sources to gain a deep understanding of your research topic.

What Makes a Good Literature Review?

A good literature review for a dissertation or thesis is a comprehensive survey of existing scholarship on a particular topic, demonstrating your understanding of current research in your field of study.

The length of a literature review can vary depending on the research topic and level of study, but the University of Kent suggests that for a PhD thesis, it could range up to 20 pages or more.

Start by organizing your literature review either thematically, chronologically, or by methodology.

An annotated bibliography can assist in this process.

You must summarize the main points of each source, focusing on its relevance to your research project. Scholarly sources are preferable; consult your instructor for the minimum number of sources required.

It is essential to identify a gap in knowledge within the existing scholarship, which your research aims to fill.

This should be highlighted in your review, underlining the significance and worthiness of your proposed research. It’s crucial that your review provides a complete overview of the current state of research and shows why your research is important.

Bear in mind the word count, as a concise, focused review is typically preferred.

Structure is key and the title page, introduction, and conclusion should be included. 

Despite the absence of a hard and fast rule on length, your review must provide a robust base of knowledge for your research, allowing readers to understand your research’s purpose and audience.

Wrapping up – How long should a literature review be?

The question “how long should a literature review be?” hinges on various factors, including the nature of the research project, area of study, and instructions from your instructor.

Whether it’s for a thesis, dissertation, or a research paper, writing a literature review requires a comprehensive survey of existing scholarship on your particular topic.

Remember, the length of a literature review is not a hard and fast rule; it could comprise anywhere from 20 pages to much more in a PhD thesis, or be a stand-alone brief overview in a journal article.

The structure of your review, whether thematically, chronologically, or by methodology, helps to summarize and highlight specific findings in the field of study.

Bear in mind the importance of identifying a gap in knowledge, which your research aims to fill.

Above all, your literature review should be a concise, scholarly synthesis of your research topic, providing a robust base of knowledge for your audience and demonstrating the significance and worthiness of your proposed research. 

how many pages should an article review be

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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how many pages should an article review be

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how many pages should an article review be

How Long Should a Research Paper Be? Data from 61,519 Examples

I analyzed a random sample of 61,519 full-text research papers, uploaded to PubMed Central between the years 2016 and 2021, in order to answer the questions:

What is the typical overall length of a research paper? and how long should each section be?

I used the BioC API to download the data (see the References section below).

Here’s a summary of the key findings

1- The median length of a research paper is 4,133 words (equivalent to 166 sentences or 34 paragraphs), excluding the abstract and references, with 90% of papers being between 2,023 and 8,284 words.

2- A typical article is divided in the following way:

  • Introduction section: 14.6% of the total word count.
  • Methods section: 29.7% of the total word count.
  • Results section: 26.2% of the total word count.
  • Discussion section: 29.4% of the total word count.

Notice that the Materials and methods is the longest section of a professionally written article. So always write this section in enough depth to provide the readers with the necessary details that allow them to replicate your study if they wanted to without requiring further information.

Overall length of a research paper

Let’s start by looking at the maximum word count allowed in some of the well-known journals. Note that the numbers reported in this table include the Abstract , Figure legends and References unless otherwise specified:

[1] excluding figure legends [2] excluding references

⚠ Note A review paper is either a systematic review or a meta-analysis, and an original research paper refers to either an observational or an experimental study conducted by the authors themselves.

Notice the large variability between these journals: The maximum number of words allowed ranges between 3,000 and 9,000 words.

Next, let’s look at our data.

Here’s a table that describes the length of a research paper in our sample:

90% of research papers have a word count between 2,023 and 8,284. So it will be a little weird to see a word count outside of this range.

Our data also agree that a typical review paper is a little bit longer than a typical original research paper but not by much (3,858 vs 3,708 words).

Length of each section in a research article

The median article with an IMRaD structure (i.e. contains the following sections: Introduction , Methods , Results and Discussion ) is in general characterized by a short 553 words introduction. And the methods, results and discussion sections are about twice the size of the introduction:

For more information, see:

  • How Long Should a Research Title Be? Data from 104,161 Examples
  • How Long Should the Abstract Be? Data 61,429 from Examples
  • How Long Should the Introduction of a Research Paper Be? Data from 61,518 Examples
  • How Long Should the Methods Section Be? Data from 61,514 Examples
  • How Long Should the Results Section Be? Data from 61,458 Examples
  • How Long Should the Discussion Section Be? Data from 61,517 Examples
  • Length of a Conclusion Section: Analysis of 47,810 Examples
  • Comeau DC, Wei CH, Islamaj Doğan R, and Lu Z. PMC text mining subset in BioC: about 3 million full text articles and growing,  Bioinformatics , btz070, 2019.

Let’s Find Out The Ideal Length Of a Literature Review

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A literature review is an academic piece of writing acknowledging the authenticity and comprehension of academic literature in light of the topic. It summarizes the key elements of the research and demonstrates them in a specific field of study. You use historical data and available information in a literature review to generate a new understanding.

It will guide you throughout your research to understand your limits and your position. The literature review can be your best friend, from writing an introduction to concluding your paper. However, how many pages should a literature review be for a research paper?

Table of Contents

How Long Should a Literature Review Be?

There is no way answer to the average length of a literature review. Every field of study has its requirements and conventions, which dictate the appropriate length for a given type of literature review. In general, however, a good rule of thumb is that the more profound the  research topic , the more detailed and extensive the literature review should be.

For example, a literature review for a business research topic might be relatively short and to the point, focusing mostly on key figures and data points. On the other hand, a literature review for  history research topics  could be much longer and more detailed, delving into the various interpretations and implications of the research.

Ultimately, the decision of how long a literature review should be is up to the individual researcher and the specific requirements of the research project. However, no matter the length, a literature review should be comprehensive, clear, and concise, providing a thorough overview of the current knowledge on the chosen research topic.

Let’s talk about the lengths of literature for the various types of writings.

Literature Review Length for A Research Paper

What is your purpose, and who are your readers? That is the first question you must ask yourself when writing a research paper. Interestingly, this question will be valid for every aspect of your research. When choosing a topic, you must consider your purpose and target audience. You must consider the same question when writing an introduction for a research paper.

A  literature review  is an important part of any research paper. It provides an overview of the current state of knowledge on a topic and helps identify areas for further research.

Generally speaking, a literature review should be at least 20 pages long. However, this will vary depending on the specific requirements of your assignment. A few paragraphs may suffice for high school paper topics, while a more comprehensive review is necessary for longer papers.

The length of a literature review varies depending on the depth and purpose of the research. For example, a literature review you get from a  PhD research paper writing service  will be much longer than one for a high school research paper. The length also depends on the scope of the research, with broader topics requiring more extensive reviews.

No matter the length, a literature review must be well-written and provide a critical overview of current knowledge on a topic. It should identify gaps in the literature and offer suggestions for further research.

Ideal Length Of A Stand-alone Literature Review

A literature review can be an impeccable read as a stand-alone article. As a stand-alone write-up, a literature review can cover as many aspects as to provide a thorough background. It includes providing full background and contemporary backgrounds to provide authentic value to your topic. Still, the inspiration is like a river; sooner or later, you must have built a dam around it somewhere. A too-short stand-alone literature review will fail to provide enough insights.

On the other hand, the too-long literature review will wear the reader out and undermine your stance. The ideal length for a literature review as a stand-alone article is at least 20 pages. You can add more pages if needed, but remember that there is a limit.

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That’s All For The Length Of A Literature Review

How long a literature review should be for a research paper could be answered in various ways. However, it all comes down to your research paper’s type and scope and how you decide the length. By now, we are confident that you can answer this question and ace your literature review.

How to decide the length of a literature review for a research paper?

There can be different lengths for a literature review for a research paper. You can not have an absolute answer for how long should a literature review be for a research paper. It would be best if you decided on your target audience and the scope of your research topic. Writing an outline for your research paper is one of the things that can give you an idea.

How many pages should a literature review be on average?

A literature review should be at least 20 pages for a dissertation or thesis. High school research or short research papers can be up to a few paragraphs. At the same time, when you're writing a scientific review research paper , you need to change the length critically.

What is the purpose of a literature review?

A literature review can provide a comprehensive understanding of a particular topic. It can also be used as a tool for educational purposes. A literature review can also help you in your career search.

What are the different types of literature reviews?

A literature review can be made up of either primary or secondary sources. Primary sources are the original documents that were used to produce the research that is being reviewed. Secondary sources are any sources that have been added after the original documents were used.

What is the goal of a literature review

A literature review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of a particular topic.

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How Long Should a Literature Review Be: How Many Articles Should Be in a Literature Review?

If you’ve ever written a literature review, you know how stressful it can be. Organizing your thoughts, finding relevant sources, and ensuring they’re all correct and your writing is up to professional standards are some of the pressures you face.

In all this pressure and confusion, one of the most common questions about writing a literature review is, “How long should it be?” In this blog post, we’ll answer that question, and several other questions about writing literature reviews, such as “How many articles should be in a literature review?” and “Tips on Writing a Good Literature Review.”

How Long Should a Literature Review Be

Generally, a literature review’s length varies from a few pages to an entire chapter. There is no universally accepted length because it depends on the paper type, topic, and amount of research needed.

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For example, dissertations and thesis papers require a thorough and well-researched review of over 20 pages or an entire chapter. In contrast, typical essay assignments have a short literature review of a few pages.

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Essentially, it means you can write as much as you need to for your audience to understand the relevant research and see the current information regarding the topic. Additionally, from the literature review, your readers will understand the background information and the gaps that necessitates your present paper and if it is worth reading.

If you are unsure of how long your review should be, it is best to keep it detailed and long but, at the same time, short and informative. However, in most cases, your professor or the rubric instructions will always specify how long the review should be. Therefore, check the guidelines; if there is none, you can determine its length depending on the topic, word count limit, and paper type.

How Many Articles Should Be in a Literature Review?

Even though there is no specific set number of articles to include in the literature review, experts recommend having 8-10 pieces for an 8,000-word review. Additionally, if your dissertation is between 12,000-15,000, you can have up to 20 articles.

Generally, the number of articles in a literature review depends on your paper’s length. As with any other essay, the more substantive details you include will make for a longer piece. The number of articles should generally be between 10 and 20, but always seek your professor’s guidance if unsure.

Additionally, this section should include both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are original research articles, books, or other works written by people who participated directly in the research. Secondary sources are books, articles, and other works discussing primary research studies’ results.

Tips on Writing a Good Literature Review

Writing an effective literature review takes time and patience, but the rewards are outstanding such as getting better grades and convincing your readers to read and take action. Here are some tips to employ if you want to write a good literature review.

Narrow and define the topic but broaden the search area

A literature review’s purpose is to provide the foundation for your research by highlighting what has been written about your chosen topic. It also gives the reader an overview of all relevant research on the subject from published sources.

Thus, it should be comprehensive, objective, and well-organized. And these three are unachievable if you do not focus on a single area and broaden where you do the research. Narrowing your topic and increasing areas of conducting research helps you find more information and provide value.

Additionally, with a specific topic, your audience will be defined; thus, your paper will be more valuable and helpful to readers. Also, consider what aspect of the topic interests you and your readers most and focus on that part of the literature review. For example, if you are writing about how the internet influences people’s decision-making process, start by reading everything you can find about this subject.

Research profoundly and follow relevant citations in articles you find

A literature review entails combing past information. This means deep research and presenting relevant data and statistics on your chosen topic.

One way to conduct deep research is by following citations of the relevant articles you find. This will help you find more information about the topic and enrich your literature review.

The two ways of following citations include looking at an article’s reference list and opening them. Alternatively, you can look at articles citing a paper you initially found.

How Do You Write a Literature Review Quickly?

Writing a literature review quickly is a vital skill in education and research. However, this can be difficult to accomplish if you’re new to writing literature reviews. But it’s not impossible with proper planning.

The first step is to develop an outline for the literature review. This involves brainstorming your topic and deciding what aspects of the topic you will include. Additionally, it entails looking through sources and deciding which to use and which to discard. Doing this will cut your time significantly because you will know what your review will include and what not to include.

After developing the outline, it is time to research based on the outline and topic aspects. This will help you avoid wasting time doing unnecessary research. It will also help you to focus on quality research based on your topic’s breakdown.

With these two steps, it is time to settle for the actual writing, and it will be quick if you have comprehensively carried out the previous two steps. Start by introducing your topic and backing it up with relevant sources, from the most solid to the least. However, remember to follow your outline if you want to finish the section quickly.

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Length of Literature Review: Guidelines and Best Practices

Length of Literature Review

A literature review is an essential component of many research projects, providing a comprehensive overview of the existing knowledge and studies on a particular topic. One question that often arises when writing a literature review is how long it should be. In this article, we will explore the factors that influence the length of a literature review, as well as provide guidelines and best practices for determining the appropriate length for your literature review. We will also examine the relationship between literature review length and quality, and provide tips for keeping your literature review concise and focused.

This Article

Length of Literature Review

Factors that Influence the Length of a Literature Review

How to determine the appropriate length for your literature review, the relationship between literature review length and quality, common mistakes to avoid when writing a literature review, tips for keeping your literature review concise and focused, previous articles.

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Several factors can influence the length of a literature review. These include the scope and complexity of the topic, the purpose of the review, and the requirements of the assignment or publication.

1. Scope and complexity of the topic

A literature review on a broad and complex topic is likely to be longer than a review on a narrow and specific topic. For example, a literature review on the topic of “climate change” may be significantly longer than a review on the topic of “the impact of a particular policy on carbon emissions.”

2. Purpose of the review

The purpose of the literature review will also influence its length. A review that is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing research on a topic will likely be longer than a review that is focused on a specific question or objective.

3. Requirements of the assignment or publication

The length of a literature review may also be influenced by the requirements of the assignment or publication. For example, a literature review for a master’s thesis may be longer than a review for a journal article due to different word count requirements.

So how do you determine the appropriate length for your literature review? Here are some guidelines to consider:

  • Follow the requirements of the assignment or publication: As mentioned above, the requirements of the assignment or publication will often dictate the length of the literature review. Make sure to carefully review any guidelines or instructions provided, and strive to meet the required word count.
  • Consider the purpose of the review: As mentioned earlier, the purpose of the literature review will also influence its length. If your review is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing research on a topic, it will likely be longer than a review that is focused on a specific question or objective.
  • Review the literature: The length of your literature review should be proportional to the amount of relevant literature available. If there is a large amount of research on your topic, your review may be longer. On the other hand, if there is a limited amount of research, your review will likely be shorter.

It is important to note that the length of a literature review is not necessarily an indicator of its quality. A lengthy literature review does not necessarily mean that it is comprehensive or thorough, and a shorter review does not necessarily mean that it is lacking in depth or breadth. Instead, the quality of a literature review is determined by the way in which it is written and the relevance and reliability of the sources it includes.

To ensure that your literature review is of high quality, it is important to:

  • Select relevant and reliable sources: Make sure to choose sources that are relevant to your research question and are published in reputable journals or other sources.
  • Use appropriate criteria for evaluating sources: Use established criteria for evaluating the quality and reliability of sources, such as the credibility of the authors and the peer-review process.
  • Use a logical and well-organized structure: Organize your literature review in a logical and well-structured manner, with a clear attempt to meet the objective.

Writing a literature review can be a challenging task, and it is important to avoid common mistakes in order to produce a high-quality review. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a literature review:

1. Failing to provide an overview of the literature:

A literature review should provide a comprehensive overview of the existing research on a particular topic. It is important to include a summary of the main findings and conclusions of the studies you review, rather than simply listing the studies without any context or analysis.

2. Not clearly defining the scope and purpose of the review:

It is essential to clearly define the scope and purpose of your literature review. This will help you to focus your review and ensure that you include only relevant studies. If you do not define the scope and purpose of your review, it may become too broad or unfocused.

3. Not properly evaluating the quality of sources:

It is important to carefully evaluate the quality of the sources you include in your literature review. This involves considering the credibility of the authors, the peer-review process, and the relevance and reliability of the sources. Failing to do so may result in a review that is based on weak or unreliable sources.

4. Not organizing the review in a logical manner:

A well-organized literature review is easier to read and understand. Make sure to use a logical structure, with clear headings and subheadings, to help guide the reader through your review.

5. Not including a critical analysis of the literature:

A literature review is not simply a list of studies, but rather a critical analysis of the existing research on a particular topic. Make sure to include your own analysis and interpretation of the studies you review, and to relate your findings to the broader context of your research.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your literature review is comprehensive, well-organized, and of high quality.

One of the key challenges of writing a literature review is ensuring that it is concise and focused. A literature review that is too long or unfocused can be difficult to read and understand, and may not effectively convey the main points of your research. Here are some tips for keeping your literature review concise and focused:

  • Clearly define the scope and purpose of your review: Defining the scope and purpose of your literature review will help you to focus your review and ensure that you include only relevant studies. By limiting the scope of your review, you can avoid including unnecessary or tangential information.
  • Use a logical structure: A logical and well-organized structure can help to make your literature review more concise and easier to follow. Use clear headings and subheadings to guide the reader through your review, and consider using tables or figures to summarize key points.
  • Select relevant and reliable sources: Choose sources that are relevant to your research question and are published in reputable journals or other sources. This will help you to avoid including unnecessary or irrelevant information in your review.
  • Summarize, rather than quote: Instead of quoting large sections of text, consider summarizing the main points of the studies you review in your own words. This can help to save space and make your review more concise.
  • Edit and revise: Editing and revising your literature review can help to eliminate unnecessary or repetitive information and ensure that it is as concise and focused as possible. Consider asking a colleague or mentor to review your review and provide feedback.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your literature review is concise and focused, and effectively communicates the key points of your research.

In conclusion, the length of a literature review is determined by a variety of factors. These include the scope and complexity of the topic, the purpose of the review, and the requirements of the assignment or publication.

To determine the appropriate length for your literature review, it is important to follow any guidelines or instructions provided. Also, consider the purpose of the review, and review the available literature.

The quality of a literature review is not necessarily determined by its length, but rather by the way in which it is written and the relevance and reliability of the sources it includes. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you can help to ensure that your literature review is of high quality and effectively communicates the key points of your research.

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    how many pages should an article review be

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    how many pages should an article review be

  5. How to Identify a Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

    how many pages should an article review be

  6. Journal Article Review Guidelines

    how many pages should an article review be


  1. How long typically are paper reviews? Is there such a thing ...

    Otherwise, I would say that the more detailed a review can be, and the more precise the suggestions for improving the paper are, the better it will be. One to two pages is typically the norm; however, I have submitted a few three- to four-page reviews when I thought an article was already quite good, but could be better.

  2. Best Length for Literature Review: Thesis, Essays or Papers

    Nov 30, 2023 · The best length of the literature review section of published journal articles should be at least 2 pages or a few pages. This depends on the length of the journal. Different topics vary in content which determines the length of the journal article. The literature review of a 5000-word journal article should be between 1200 and 2000 words.

  3. How Long Should a Literature Review Be? - Proofed

    Oct 7, 2023 · In general, the length of the review should be proportionate to your overall paper. For example, if you’re writing a fifty-thousand-word dissertation, then your literature review will likely be an entire chapter comprising about 20 pages. If it’s for a 15-page research paper, your literature review may only be a few pages.

  4. How Long Should a Literature Review Be? - Help for Assessment

    Sep 10, 2024 · If you’re writing a 100 to 150 pages dissertation, you can make the review 40 to 60 pages long. An 8-page research paper should have a literature review of no more than 2 pages long. For a 5,000-word journal article, the literature review section should be 1,200 to 2,000 words long.

  5. How Long Should a Literature Review Be? | Word Count & Length

    Journal articles: Concise and focused, literature reviews in journal articles typically range from 2,000 to 5,000 words (8-20 pages), depending on the journal's guidelines. They concentrate on recent and relevant studies that directly inform the research question.

  6. How long should a literature review be? Writing a literature ...

    Jul 17, 2024 · Remember, the length of a literature review is not a hard and fast rule; it could comprise anywhere from 20 pages to much more in a PhD thesis, or be a stand-alone brief overview in a journal article. The structure of your review, whether thematically, chronologically, or by methodology, helps to summarize and highlight specific findings in the ...

  7. How Long Should a Research Paper Be? Data from 61,519 ...

    2- A typical article is divided in the following way: Introduction section: 14.6% of the total word count. Methods section: 29.7% of the total word count. Results section: 26.2% of the total word count. Discussion section: 29.4% of the total word count. Notice that the Materials and methods is the longest section of a professionally written ...

  8. Let’s Find Out The Ideal Length Of a Literature Review

    A too-short stand-alone literature review will fail to provide enough insights. On the other hand, the too-long literature review will wear the reader out and undermine your stance. The ideal length for a literature review as a stand-alone article is at least 20 pages. You can add more pages if needed, but remember that there is a limit.

  9. How Long Should a Literature Review Be: How Many Articles ...

    How Many Articles Should Be in a Literature Review? Even though there is no specific set number of articles to include in the literature review, experts recommend having 8-10 pieces for an 8,000-word review.

  10. Length of Literature Review: Guidelines and Best Practices

    A literature review is an essential component of many research projects, providing a comprehensive overview of the existing knowledge and studies on a particular topic. One question that often arises when writing a literature review is how long it should be.