Effects of Drug and Substance Abuse Among Youths

Drug and substances are so significant because it has become a significant problem affecting youths in both schools and out of school, and this is ahead of time to prime youths with knowledge on the effects of their use. The topic is important as drugs and substance abuse affect many youths. Usage of substance abuse and drugs has been on rising economic, socially, and public health problems, according to Lawal and Mustapha (2020). The effect of health is also related to other risky behaviours such as contracting HIV by having unprotected sex.

In studying, the rate of youths using drugs is increasing, and the leading cause is peer pressure that has resulted in poor health Chege et al. (2017). The use of Drug and substance abuse such as alcohol and illicit drugs (cocaine) is harmful, and this may lead to different changes in our body that are unhealthy (Garcia et al., 2020). Youths need to be involved in this to realize the demerits of its use. Drug and substances Abuse has become a problem that has raised concern among youth; this is why this essay is done to help youth overcome it and live a quality life.


Adolescence is widely acknowledged as the time when a wide range of health problems, both temporary and long-term, begin, including some that will persist into adulthood. Adults who engage in unhealthy behaviors including smoking, drinking, and illegal drug use are more likely to suffer from disease and death than those who don’t engage in these activities. People who take drugs are more likely than those who don’t to be unemployed or to have an accident or to commit suicide. Drug and alcohol misuse has a significant influence on the health, well-being, and social cohesion of people, families, and communities because its consequences compound over time. SES (socio-economic level), parenting quality (including the impact of peers), and a genetic predisposition to drug addiction are all known to raise the likelihood of beginning or maintaining substance usage. This leads to a vicious cycle in which these people no longer function as productive members of society, but are instead engulfed by their addictions. The essay illustrates on the effects of drugs and substance abuse among the youth.

Drug and Substance Abuse

Adolescents are the most likely demographic to partake in alcohol use. More than 70% of teenagers have tasted alcohol by the time they reach the 12th grade, and over half of those are considered current drinkers (having consumed alcohol within the past month). Adolescents who drink excessively are also at risk of developing alcohol poisoning. Adolescents consume over 90% of their alcohol in a binge, placing them at risk for poor consequences such as car accidents, injuries, and unwanted sexual behaviour (Azpeitia et al.2019).

In the eyes of the general public and the media, it is perfectly fine to partake in alcoholic beverages. Parental control over adolescent drinking behavior can be exerted through communication, regular limitations, and close supervision. Adolescents who come from families where alcohol abuse is common may, on the other hand, view it as normal. Alcohol use disorders can emerge in adolescents who use them for the first time. Risk factors for developing a disorder include starting drinking at an early age and inheriting the condition from a parent. If a family member has an alcohol use disorder, adolescents need to know that they’re at greater risk.

A remarkable drop in adolescent smoking rates began in the 1990s and has continued ever since. This year, about 5.7 percent of 12th-graders reported current cigarette use (smoked in the previous 30 days), down from 28.3% in 1991 and 7.6% in 2018 (Schulenburg et al. 2019). Only about 2% of 12th-graders reported smoking every day, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health survey. Most adult smokers first pick up the habit in their teenage years. Before the age of 19, it is quite unlikely that adolescent smokers will become adults. Children can attempt smoking as early as ten years old.

Adolescent smoking is more likely to occur if a person’s parents smoke or have friends or role models (e.g., celebrities) who smoke. High-risk behavior (e.g., excessive dieting among girls; physical fights and drunk driving, particularly among guys; use of alcohol or other substances) is another risk factor, as is a lack of problem-solving skills, access to cigarettes, and low self-esteem.

Other forms of tobacco use by teenagers are possible, as is the usage of marijuana. In the last decade, smoking tobacco use among high school students is down by a whole percentage point. Chewing, dipping, or inhaling are all methods of ingesting smoke-free products, which are less harmful than traditional cigarettes (snuff). In the United States, pipe smoking is an uncommon pastime. Cigarette smoking among persons over the age of 12 has decreased. Smoking and using smokeless tobacco products can be prevented if parents are positive role models (by not smoking or chewing). Openly address the dangers of tobacco, and encourage teenagers who already smoke or chew to stop (including supporting them in obtaining medical care if necessary) (see Smoking Cessation).

Electronic cigarette products (vaping products)

Volatilization of an active ingredient (typically nicotine or THC) in a liquid is accomplished through the use of heat in electronic cigarettes (also known as “e-cigs,” “vapes,” and “vaporizers”). There is no combustion involved. In the beginning, e-cigarettes were marketed to adult smokers as nicotine-free alternatives. Teens of middle and upper socioeconomic status have become increasingly interested in “vapes” over the past few years due to their attractiveness and increasing popularity. According to an NIH-sponsored survey, the percentage of 12th graders who currently use e-cigarettes (nicotine vaping only, no other substances included) increased dramatically from 4.5 percent in 2013 to 25.5 percent in 2019. The use of e-cigarettes by 12th-graders is estimated to be 45.6 percent (nicotine and other substances). Electronic cigarettes have different health effects than smoking because tobacco’s no combustion products (Baiden et al.2021). As a result, other chemicals found in e-cigarettes may cause lung injury, which can be acute (fulminant), chronic (chronic), or even lethal. The high concentrations of nicotine and THC found in these products are also a big draw for many people. Addiction to THC and nicotine is possible, and both can lead to toxicity. Adolescents’ first exposure to nicotine is increasingly coming from e-cigarettes, but the impact on adult smoking rates remains unclear due to this trend. Additionally, the long-term consequences of e-cigarettes are unknown.

According to a 2019 NIH survey of high school students, the prevalence of current marijuana usage among high school students was 22.3%, up from 20.6 percent in 2009 (Zvanorev et al.2019). Students in high school reported using marijuana at least once or twice in their lifetimes. For the first time in 2010, the current rate of marijuana use topped the current rate of cigarette use.

Other substances

Adolescents are only abusing substances other than alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana at a very low rate. More than one in four high school students who said they had used drugs or alcohol at least once in the past year in the NIH survey reported using inhalants (e.g., glue or aerosols): 5.3 percent ; hallucinogenic (e.g. LSD, PCP or mescaline): 6.9 percent; anabolic steroids: 1.6 percent; methamphetamines (nonprescription): 2.1 percent; heroin: 0.06 percent.

These include opioid analgesics like oxycodone, stimulants like methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine, and tranquilizers like temazepam (eg, benzodiazepines). Young people’s use of substances is characterized by experimentation and expediency (Roxburgh et al.2017), and the use of substances is described as intermittent or intensive (binge) drinking. Adolescents’ desire for ‘cool or exciting’ activities and uncontrolled self-indulgence, as well as the approbation of their peers, are seen to be the driving forces behind their intermittent or intensive substance use (Romo-Avilés et al., 2016).

Effects of drugs and substance abuse on youths

Parent-child conflict, physical and sexual abuse of children, family disintegration, academic failure, and estrangement from teachers are more specific social correlations. Distress from these events can long-term impact children’s ability to form trusting and supportive relationships with their caregivers. In addition, they foresee involvement in deviant peer networks that serve as conduits for the introduction and distribution of illegal drugs. It’s not the same as “peer pressure.” Still, it explains a developmental trajectory that is believed to “shape” a child’s social development toward deviant peers and separate them from their parents and teachers. Youth who have identified administratively (as homeless, housed by the local authorities, or involved in criminal activity) rather than clinically as at high risk of substance misuse face similar problems.

Considering the connections between substance misuse and “a recurrent and persistent pattern of dissocial, hostile, or defiant conduct” offers a different perspective. Adolescent-limited and life-span persistent conduct problems are the two subtypes of conduct difficulties. If “life-span persistent” or “early onset,” disturbed behavior may be evident as early as preschool, linked to a wide range of neurodevelopmental vulnerabilities, learning disabilities, impairments in capacity to form social relationships, and perhaps in motor development, as well as symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that are likely to be genetic. Many of these children suffer greatly due to worry and depression brought on by their frequently challenging circumstances. Children with more severe behavioral issues are almost always sent to pediatricians because they were born into this early-onset category. Individual susceptibility, other psychosocial difficulties, the association with deviant peers, and the high availability of drugs nearly guarantee the use and misuse of drugs. However, with the right combination of measures, such as stimulant medicine when necessary, this danger can be minimized.

Adolescent or preadolescent substance abuse may signify that something is wrong with the kid’s care and development, necessitating a child welfare inquiry. “Empowerment” and “choice” might induce physicians to accept a patient’s refusal of treatment, promise complete anonymity, or exclude parents and caregivers from the treatment process. Parental involvement may be critical to the effectiveness of therapeutic intervention, and a strong desire to exclude parents may raise alarms about possible harm. Substance abuse can be seen as an additional layer on the complicated developmental and social difficulties that many child specialists are already familiar with. Anyone who appears to be of sound mind and body is presumed to be so until proven otherwise. No new skills or retraining is required for effective intervention; instead, it frequently requires careful application of already-developed skills; controlled chances for reflection and familiarization, and, at first, supervised practice.

A view of competence that may be acceptable for all doctors who routinely treat older children or teenagers includes competent history taking, correct information and counsel, and appropriate referrals. An adequate history consists of the presenting complaint and investigation of the substances used and the development and environment, including the educational and social background of the individual. If the local authority is fulfilling its duty to educate them if there is evidence of child abuse, developmental problems, or mental disturbances, and who their peers are, then this type of system review should aim to establish rapport with a young person who is perhaps skeptical and mistrustful; who is caring for them and whether that person can function as a parent. The details of their substance use must also be obtained and validated by hair and saliva or urine analysis. In particular, is there evidence of dependency or a special risk associated with pregnancy or parenteral administration? Many people may be surprised if these data are collected first. They also provide a framework for future action and advocacy on behalf of the patient.

Adolescent and adult substance abuse can be reduced with even brief treatments characterized by accurate evaluation, knowledge, and advice to minimize intake, most likely in the setting of excellent rapport rather than lecturing. This strategy, if tweaked to include parents and referrals to local statutory and voluntary agencies, might serve as the foundation for fruitful collaboration at this level of government. For example, in general practice, community pediatrics, and ERs, this could be of particular use to the staff.

Adolescent medicine can provide more extensive intervention at a higher degree of expertise. The immediate and ongoing involvement of young people and their families and liaison with or mobilizing other organizations (such as educational institutions, child welfare or family support agencies, or the juvenile justice system) can help reduce harm and promote proper care and healthy development, and good health. A new study reveals that this bundle can help reduce substance abuse and its related comorbidities. Young people’s interaction with services may be beneficial, whether by lessening loneliness or despair or being on hand when therapy opportunities emerge.

Doctors are responsible for providing “excellent clinical care” and should never be seen as a simple prescription service; therefore, it may be important to help patients wean themselves off addictive medicines and prescribe substitutes in a few cases. In light of the limited therapeutic scope of some of the currently available medications, a collaborative consultation with an adult addictions service may be the first step toward the development of “pediatric addiction medicine,” a new specialty in addiction treatment for children. A huge number of these experts is not expected to emerge. The discipline of pediatrics as a whole would benefit greatly if pediatricians and child psychiatrists worked together regularly to contribute their time and expertise to the cause. During adolescence, a person’s physical and emotional maturation and desire for self-determination can lead to the development of substance misuse (Morojele & Ramsoomar, 2016). Human growth and psychological changes are profound during adolescence, not only in the physical body but also in the brain (Morojele & Ramsoomar, 2016).

According to Oldfield et al. (2016), adolescents turn less and less to their parents for guidance and instead look to their peers. Risky behaviors can be tried out during adolescence (Morojele & Ramsoomar, 2016). Adolescent substance abuse can persist throughout adulthood, increasing the risk of drug dependence, according to Trucco (2020). Gangs are a major source of revenue for young people who use methamphetamine, especially in economically disadvantaged areas.

What Causes Youth to Use Substances

Some people believe that substance misuse and addiction are family diseases that can be passed on through genetics or the home environment. They found that the following factors may contribute to the likelihood of a child-abusing substance: they have dropped out of school; are pregnant; have experienced school failure; are suicidal or have suicidal tendencies; have parents who use substances; have violent tendencies; are economically disadvantaged, and were abused physically, sexually, or emotively as a child.

A connection has also been found between parental substance addiction and subsequent adolescent substance abuse. According to the findings of this same study, hostile parenting methods also had an impact on their children’s behavior, with parents’ negative behavior having the most impact on a youth’s decision to use and misuse various substances (Mehra et al. 2019). For example, it was shown that children whose parents are heavy users of drugs and alcohol are more likely to develop a habit of using and abusing substances themselves. This research also found that young people who grew up in families where substance misuse was a problem were more likely than their peers who did not. However, this was only one study, and no causal link has been established statistically as of yet (Mehra et al. 2019).

In addition, the study’s researchers discovered that peer influences on young people’s substance use and abuse outweigh those of families. In addition, students who performed poorly academically were twice as likely as those who performed well academically to consume other substances (Mehra et al. 2019). There was a decrease in substance use and abuse among students who were more involved in their schools. In addition to peer pressure and social interactions, youth may misuse various substances due to boredom, curiosity, gender, the media, and low self-esteem. Pressure from friends, the availability of substances at social occasions, or boredom on the weekends can lead to a desire to experiment with drugs and alcohol.

We live in a society where the media glorifies drinking, partying, and living to the extreme. Still, many prevention and therapy programs advise children to refrain from these vices. There are many reasons why a young person can choose to use or misuse drugs or alcohol or why they might decide to abstain from them for the rest of their lives. Finding out why a young person starts abusing or using drugs can be a difficult task, and it’s unlikely that we’ll ever know why all young people engage in these behaviors. Even though there may be various reasons teenagers choose to use and misuse multiple substances, these are not the only ones. Those who use and misuse substances but don’t fit into any of the above categories should be questioned about their circumstances. It’s not clear why some youngsters abstain totally, while others engage in occasional or even frequent drug or alcohol consumption, while still others get hooked. In this review, there was no detailed data about these young people.

Media Influence on Youth and Substance Use

We live in a culture where we are continuously bombarded with all kinds of media. The media heavily influences today’s kids, even if they don’t use drugs themselves. Addiction and abuse of drugs and alcohol can be seen on television, in movies, commercials, music videos, the news, and in publications and newspapers. On the other hand, youth are rarely taught how to effectively filter information and build a defense against the allure and allurement of images like these. As a result, it is imperative that young people learn how to assess these images critically, comprehend how the media affects their daily lives, and cultivate a positive self-image.

There are very few substance preventions and treatment programs that integrate these aspects in their curricula, with little or no information about media and substance use and abuse, despite the media’s influence on our young. As a society, we’ve gotten concerned with weight, and popular periodicals, TV shows, and movies present women in unrealistic images. It affects teenage substance use and abuse. As a result, our youth feel inadequate compared to this unattainable ideal of thinness. Substance abuse is a common method of weight loss among teenagers. Tobacco, ecstasy, crystal meth, and cocaine, for example, all have appetite-suppressing properties. As a result, many young people turn to these substances as weight loss aids. However, just as many over-the-counter diet medicines are ineffective, so are these drugs, which may have harmful consequences. To be truly effective at preventing and treating substance misuse among adolescents, preventative and treatment programs must consider the media’s role in shaping the minds of today’s youth, according to the author.

The Influence of the Internet on Substance Use

North American adolescents are the largest group of people who use the internet. The internet has become a routine part of most people’s everyday lives. While the internet is a wonderful resource for finding reliable information, it is rife with errors, omissions, and outright lies. Many young people use the internet to learn about various topics. They’re also interested in learning about the wide variety of available substances. Even though many websites provide accurate information about the right effects of substances, support programs, and safe usage methods (as safe as possible), many websites are full of erroneous details—Department of Justice.

In addition, chemicals are being sold and distributed via the internet. It’s easy to find information on how to make drugs like MDMA, GHB, and LSD on the internet, as well as where to acquire them, how much they cost, and websites where you can order them for delivery right to your door. It has been estimated by Interpol that in 2000, there were more than 1,000 websites around the world that offered to sell illegal narcotics (Sacco, 2018). To make your narcotics, you can order all of the necessary equipment and paraphernalia online, and it will be delivered within 24 hours or a few days, making it immediately available to anyone with a computer and a modem. It is becoming increasingly common for young people to find information about legal and illicit Raves on the internet, in addition to learning how chemicals are made, distributed, and used (Sacco, 2018). As a result, the internet has evolved into a one-stop resource for teens seeking information on where to buy, create, and meet people who promote the use of illicit drugs, such as Raves, all under one roof.

From the research conducted it has shown that most of the teens are experimenting on drugs and substance’s. This however experimentation of drugs can led to serious problem that can affect them in the future. Statistics has also proven that the number of youths that are abusing drugs is increasing in an alarming rate. In instances when the youths are starting to abuse drugs it comes with a number of problems. The parent and child relationship is hampered a lot, while the child start developing other problems such as behavioural problems. Also in some instance substance abuse has been linked to parent, when the parent uses the drugs there is higher chances that the child gets into drugs. In recent times, technology has made the rate of drugs usage to increase immensely. The use of social media and the influence of internet has cause increased of drugs and substance abuse among the youth.

Azpeitia, J., Lopez, J. L., Ruvalcaba, S. A., & Bacio, G. A. (2019). Alcohol and Marijuana Use Behaviors among Latinx Adolescents: The Interplay of Intra-and Inter-Personal Predictive Factors Differ by Gender.  Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse ,  28 (4), 238-247.

Baiden, P., Szlyk, H. S., Cavazos-Rehg, P., Onyeaka, H. K., Peoples, J., & Kasson, E. (2021). Use of electronic vaping products and mental health among adolescent high school students in the United States: The moderating effect of sex.  Journal of psychiatric research .

Chege, R., Mungai, P., & Oresi, S. (2017). An investigation of the factors contributing to drug and substance abuse among the youth in Kenya: a survey of select rehabilitation centres in Mombasa County. International Journal of Public Health, 1(1).

Garcia, O. F., Serra, E., Zacares, J. J., Calafat, A., & Garcia, F. (2020). Alcohol use and abuse and motivations for drinking and non-drinking among Spanish adolescents: do we know enough when we know parenting style?. Psychology & health, 35(6), 645-664.

Lawal, N., & Al Mustapha, A. A. (2020). Assessment of Causes and Effects of Drugs and Substances Abuse among Youth: A Case Study of Katsina Metropolis (North West Nigeria). International Neuropsychiatric Disease Journal, 1-9.

Morojele, N. K., & Ramsoomar, L. (2016). Addressing adolescent alcohol use in South Africa.  SAMJ: South African Medical Journal ,  106 (6), 551-553.

Romo-Avilés, N., Marcos-Marcos, J., Marquina-Márquez, A., & Gil-García, E. (2016). Intensive alcohol consumption by adolescents in Southern Spain: The importance of friendship.  International Journal of Drug Policy ,  31 , 138-146.

Roxburgh, A., Hall, W. D., Dobbins, T., Gisev, N., Burns, L., Pearson, S., & Degenhardt, L. (2017). Trends in heroin and pharmaceutical opioid overdose deaths in Australia.  Drug and alcohol dependence ,  179 , 291-298.

Sacco, L. N. (2018). Federal support for drug courts: in brief.  Criminal justice: government, policies and programs. US: SNOVA , 5-22.

Schulenberg, J., Johnston, L., O’Malley, P., Bachman, J., Miech, R., & Patrick, M. (2019). Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975-2018: Volume II, college students and adults ages 19-60.

Trucco, E. M. (2020). A review of psychosocial factors linked to adolescent substance use.  Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior ,  196 , 172969.

Zvonarev, V., Fatuki, T. A., & Tregubenko, P. (2019). The public health concerns of marijuana legalization: An overview of current trends.  Cureus ,  11 (9).

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Essay on Drugs On Youth

Students are often asked to write an essay on Drugs On Youth in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Drugs On Youth


Drugs are harmful substances that can hurt our bodies. When young people use drugs, it can cause big problems. This essay will talk about how drugs affect youth.

Why Youth Use Drugs

Many young people start using drugs because of peer pressure or stress. They might think it’s cool or a way to escape problems. But, it’s not a good solution and can lead to serious issues.

Effects of Drugs on Youth

Drugs can harm a person’s mind and body. They can make a young person feel sick, act differently, and have trouble in school. Over time, it can even lead to addiction.

Prevention and Help

It’s important to teach young people about the dangers of drugs. If someone is using drugs, they should seek help from a trusted adult or a professional. There are many resources available to help.

In conclusion, drugs can have a negative impact on youth. It’s important to understand the risks and seek help if needed. We must work together to prevent drug use and help those in need.

250 Words Essay on Drugs On Youth

Drugs can harm young people in many ways. They can change how the brain works, making it hard for youth to think, learn, and make good choices.

Drugs and Health Risks

Drugs are risky for everyone, but they’re especially dangerous for young people. This is because their bodies and brains are still growing. Drugs can harm this growth, leading to long-term health problems. For example, drugs can harm the heart, lungs, and other important parts of the body.

Drugs and Behavior

Drugs can also change how young people behave. They can make youth act in ways they normally wouldn’t, like being violent or taking risks. This can lead to problems at school, with friends, or with the law.

Drugs and Addiction

Drugs can be very addictive. This means that once a young person starts using drugs, it can be hard for them to stop. This can lead to a life-long struggle with drug use.

It’s important for young people to understand the risks of drug use. This can help them make good choices and stay healthy. Remember, saying no to drugs is always the best choice.

500 Words Essay on Drugs On Youth

Drugs are harmful substances that can change the way our body works. When we talk about ‘Drugs On Youth’, we mean the impact of these substances on young people. This is a serious issue because drugs can harm young people’s health, their school work, and their relationships.

The Attraction of Drugs

Many young people start using drugs out of curiosity or because friends are doing it. They might think that drugs can help them forget their problems or feel more relaxed and happy. But this is not true. Drugs can make problems worse and can lead to new problems.

Health Problems

One of the main impacts of drugs on youth is health problems. Drugs can damage important parts of the body like the brain, heart, and lungs. They can also make young people feel tired, confused, or scared. Some drugs can even lead to death.

Impact on School Work

Another impact of drugs on youth is on their school work. Drugs can make it hard for young people to concentrate, learn, and remember things. This can lead to poor grades, trouble with teachers, and even dropping out of school.

Relationship Problems

Drugs can also harm young people’s relationships. They can lead to fights with family and friends, and can make it hard to trust others. Young people who use drugs might also start hanging out with other drug users, which can lead to more problems.

Prevention is Key

To stop the impact of drugs on youth, we need to prevent young people from starting to use drugs in the first place. This can be done by teaching them about the dangers of drugs, and by giving them healthy ways to deal with stress and problems. Parents, teachers, and friends can all help in this.

In conclusion, drugs can have a big impact on young people’s health, school work, and relationships. It’s important to prevent young people from starting to use drugs, and to help those who are already using drugs to stop. By doing this, we can protect our youth and help them to have a bright and healthy future.

(Word Count: 325)

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Drug Abuse among Teenagers Causes and Effects

Introduction, causes of drug abuse, effects of drug abuse, works cited.

Drug and substance abuse amongst teenagers is a global menace. Millions of youths are seriously engaging in drug and substance abuse posing a threat to the future generation. Youths across the world have now tested all kinds of drugs including cigarettes and alcohol to hard drugs like cocaine, cannabis, and heroin (Newcomb, Scheier, and Bentler 230).

The rates of drug abuse have been increasing over the decades. World drug report estimates indicate “Over 153 million and 300 million people aged 15-64 of the world’s population have consumed illicit drugs” (United Nations Office on Drug and Crime 48). Several organizations and initiatives have emphasized on this issue and tried to put strategies to handle it. Drug abuse among youths and teenagers has been eminent in almost all countries in the world cutting across developed countries to developing countries including famous countries and states like the US, Germany, and China.

According to Newcomb, Scheier, and Bentler (215), some of the commonly abused drugs by adolescents include alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis, and cocaine. Youths have been doing drugs and thus creating serious addiction that further interferes with their personal as well as affecting people close to them. Despite acknowledging the adverse effects of drug abuse, youths have continuously kept on abusing drugs. Therefore, this essay seeks to identify major causes and effects related to drug misuse in teenagers.

There are numerous causes of drug abuse identified and tested empirically, viz. peer pressure, parental influence, and socio-economic aspects among others. Beginning with peer pressure, several studies have examined how peer pressure is a contributing factor in teenage drug abuse. Conventionally, individuals in most cases are normally defined with what happens within their environment. Most youths like associating themselves with groups commonly known as peer groups.

The United Nations Office on Drug and Crime indicates, “Most people obtain their first dose of illicit drugs from a friend, family member, or romantic partner” (91). In this context, a small number of drug users in a group will probably influence the rest of the members into consuming drugs. In most cases, human beings are greatly influenced by the living environment in which they spend most of their time. Peer groups develop within one’s immediate environment and in youth schools, neighborhoods and social clubs tend to influence the formation of peer groups.

Family structure and family behavior influence personal attributes. Most modern families tend to adopt elegant living styles influenced by westernization. A family living with traditional manners is mostly associated with naivety. In this modern world, cultural values have eroded consequently leading to a decline in social norms.

Bahr, Hoffman, and Yang observed social theories and concluded that family and peer relationships are important in examining causes of drug abuse, since they play significant roles in determining the attitudes and behaviors of individuals (530). In fact, with the increasing migration and urbanization rates, strong traditional family ties are gradually corroding and the traditional value systems are losing their importance in the modernized world. Most parents are nowadays spotted drinking alcohol and openly using drugs in the presence of their children. Squeezed urban centers also force this association.

Socio-economic status is another denotative cause of drug abuse. Globally, population rates are growing at alarming rates with several economical challenges experienced. Unemployment is one of the major influential factors for drug trafficking and illicit drug abuse. Due to the existing situation of unemployment across the globe, especially in developing countries, people are looking for alternative means of survival (United Nations Office on Drug and Crime 87-88).

As a result, individuals end up engaging in drug trafficking businesses thus reducing the gap between international barons and local drug vendors and consequently making the drugs easily accessible to teenagers. The high rates of unemployment amongst youths have consequently compelled them to engage in drug trafficking and illicit drug abuse.

However, unemployment is not the only socio-economic factor that pushes teenagers and youths into drug abuse and addiction. Others include inequalities in earnings and disposal funds given to youths in developed countries, which influence drug abuse in most youngsters. The funds given to young people are a catalyst for drug abuse and addiction if not used appropriately with due responsibility. On inequality in earnings, people earning meager salaries may be tempted to engage in drug trafficking as aforementioned.

Drug abuse is a dangerous activity that is associated with several devastating repercussions. People accustomed to drug abuse suffer numerous side effects ranging from psychological to social consequences. In terms of health, drug abuse leads to psychological disorders. Newcomb, Scheier, and Bentler posit, “Mental health problems are often observed in among drug abusers” (215). The psychological impacts of drug abuse can appear immediately or even later in the abuser’s life. Clinically examined there is a great relationship between drug abuse and psychopathology.

Clinical evidence indicates that intense drug use has psychopathology effects before, during, and even after getting treatment and undergoing rehabilitation (Newcomb, Scheier, and Bentler 215). Since the adolescent stage is a crucial phase in human development, drug abuse amongst youths and teenagers consequently results in mental disorders including posttraumatic disorders and emotional syndromes among others. These disorders affect personal development and growth and can result in adverse long-term negative effects on their adult life.

Drug abuse has on numerous occasions associated with the spread of the most threatening infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS. According to the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime, “of the estimated 16 million people who inject drugs, about 3 million are living with HIV” (16). People have found themselves contacting the deadly disease while under the influence of drugs. Apart from acquiring infectious diseases while a person is under influence, drug abuse involves the sharing of personal items.

According to a recent world report, “Injecting drugs carries a high risk of infection with blood-borne viruses such as HIV, hepatitis C, and hepatitis B, and the sharing of contaminated needles and syringes is an important mode of transmission for those viruses” (United Nations Office on Drug and Crime 15). On several occasions, doctors and physicians have identified drug abuse as one of the major causes of the spread of infectious diseases. Drug abuse generally leads to careless living thus forcing individuals to engage in other dangerous activities including unprotected sex, prostitution, crime and violence, which increase the risk of HIV infection.

Globally, drug abuse has influenced drug related deaths amongst youths, popularly known as premature deaths. Drug abuse has been the major cause of deaths that result from accidents that occur when youths are driving, or even having fun. Main accidental deaths relating to drug abuse include suicidal cases, road accidents resulting from driving under the influence of drugs, murder cases, unintentional overdose, unintended infections, and even trauma (United Nations Office on Drug and Crime16).

Youths involved in drug abuse tend to gain the confidence to engage in life-threatening activities because of the effect of hallucinations caused by drug consumption. According to the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime, the world drug report estimates that, globally, between 99,000 to 253,000 deaths resulting from accidents in the year 2010 resulted from drug abuse (16). It is very traumatizing to identify that of these deaths, over 77.9 cases of such deaths were people aged between 15-64 years, youths inclusive.

Drug abuse among youth is definitely a global predicament. Several factors have influenced teenagers to engage in drug abuse. Peer pressure is a contributing factor towards teenage drug abuse with those used to drug abuse influencing others into it. Family structure and family behavior influences drug abuse since most parents have adopted western culture leading to erosion of social norms, which are important in shaping youth behaviors. Globalization and rural-urban migration have been contributing to this predicament.

Socio-economic factors including unemployment have influenced drug abuse among youngsters, with several unemployed citizens finding possible ways of surviving. Unemployment leads to individuals engaging themselves in drug abuse and trafficking. Drugs abuse results in several negative consequences. Such repercussions may include psychopathology disorder, posttraumatic disorders, increased risks of HIV/AIDS infection and even an increase in death-related accidents. Drug abuse is still the most challenging thing and may remain troublesome if the relevant authorities will not put stringent measures to arrest the situation.

Bahr, Stephen, John Hoffmann, and Xiaoyan Yang. “Parental and Peer Influences On the Risk of Adolescent Drug Use.” Journal of Primary Prevention 26.6 (2005): 529-550. Print.

Newcomb, Michael, Lawrence Scheier, and Pauline Bentler. “Effects of Adolescent Drug Use on Adult Mental Health: A prospective Health Study of a community Sample.” Journal of American Psychological Association 1.4 (1993): 215 241. Print.

United Nations Office on Drug and Crime. World Drug Report United Nations . New York: United Nations Publications, 2012. Print.

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Student Essays

Essays on Drug Addiction | Causes & Impacts of Drug Addiction in Youth

Drug addiction is the curse. It eats out the very fabric of our society. The following essay discusses the drug addiction with its underlying causes, its impacts and possible solutions for our youth. The essay is in simple language with easy to understand way. It would surely help primary, high school and college level students.

Drug addiction Essay; Major Causes, Impacts & Possible Solution

Essay on Drug Addiction, causes & Impacts

Drugs are very dangerous for health, addiction of drugs destroys the health.

Habitual drug users spend lot of money on buying drugs and they spend their accumulated wealth on drugs and when they become bankrupt they adopt illegal means of earning money.

The drugs which cause addiction are cocaine, meth, Marijuana, crack and heroin. All types of narcotics are fatal.

Causes of drug Addiction

The consumption of drugs often is observed when an individual specially youngster fail to cope up with personal problems.

Sometimes family issues are give birth to addiction of drugs. The youth throughout the world is vulnerable to drugs, mostly youngsters chose drugs to satiate their desires. Lack of self confidence is the root cause of addiction of drugs.

Due to pressure and excessive stress man often chose drugs and tries to lessen his or her stress by sing drugs. The high level stress compels an individual to use drugs. The social and personal pressure often result in smoking and drinking. It means when an individual start feeling isolated or is ignored in society he or she develop habit of using drugs.

The lack of parental involvement in child’s activities is also a cause of drug addiction in youngsters. Those who are emotionally weak they become drug addict. The availability and exposure of drugs is also a cause of addiction. An individual living in an area where drugs are available and people consume drugs there that individual will also develop habit of consuming drugs.

Effects of drug Addiction on Youth

The addiction of drugs leave adverse effects on the mind and body of an addict. It is a type of brain disease, regular consumption of drugs disrupts the proper functioning of brain.

The uncontrollable desire to consume drugs become worse day by day ultimately an addict find it impossible to control the intake of drugs.

A regular user of drug loses the efficiency of working. One who is drug addict can’t fulfill his or her responsibilities in good manner. The personal health of an individual is entirely lost when he or she become a drug addict. One who consumes more drugs often experiences anxiety, depression, fatigue, headache, sweating, insomnia etc.

The repeated and regular use of drugs leave psychological effects on an individual too. Many physical and mental disorders appear in an individual who uses drugs on regular basis.

Many respiratory diseases, heart attack, lung cancer, kidney failure, liver problems and brain damage are often caused of intake of drugs in excess. The immune system of man is badly affected because of drugs.

Solutions; How to Control Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is very hard to quit, those who are addicted they must be treated tenderly to quit bad habit. One who consumes more drugs he or she must be informed of ill effects of drugs. It is necessary to keep drugs off so that one who is not indulged in it remain far from it.

Though addiction of drugs is very difficult to prevent but there are some steps that can be taken to help stop consumption of drugs.

All individuals who are suffering from mental disorders or are victim of depression and stress must be taken to psychiatrist so that their mental illness is cured and they become able to quit drugs.

People must learn to deal with pressure and stress, the best way to get rid of stress is to handle it properly not to take drugs. There is ignorance among people, they are not known of the risk factors of addiction of drugs, they don’t know the abuse of drugs.

Drug addiction is one the gravest issues that our youths are facing these days. It brings a lot of problems in our lives. Therefore, every possible effort must be made in order to contain this issue forever.

Paragraph On Drug Addiction | Short & Long Paragraphs On Drug Addiction, Causes & Impacts

Any substance consumed by a person which is harmful to his health is called a drug. When one consume these dangerous substances regularly is called an addiction.

Users are mostly addicted in alcohol, cocaine, heroin, nicotine, opioid, painkillers etc. All these drugs are very harmful for physical and mental health. Drugs affect the mental cognition of a user, an addict can’t take good decisions nor he can retain information.

Signs of a drug Addict

The most vivid signs of a drug addict are red eyes, increased heart rate, anxiety, depression, paranoia and inactivity. Their memory power reduces, they feel difficulty in remembering something.

A drug addict can’t work properly without injecting it, he lack to properly coordinate with others. Due to drug addiction, the user become victim of erratic sleep patterns.

Apart from it a drug addict become happy and sad quickly. Sometimes they lose their consciousness, they are not aware of their surroundings and they forget their very existence.

Why Addiction of Drugs is Caused?

Drug addiction is mainly caused to feel happier, when an individual faces loss in life or fails to get something. He feel dejected, sad and unhappy.

In order to overcome this condition the individual start using drugs to feel happy because drugs contain a chemical called dopamine which induces happiness in the consumer and he feel happy. Slowly and gradually he become addicted and doesn’t feel happy until and unless he doesn’t consume the drug.

Effects of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is very harmful, it not only destroy health but also leave many negatively influences on the psyche of the user.

Mostly drug addicts engage in reckless activities like gambling, stealing, adultery etc. Because of these activities they lose their respect and lose many relationships. Due to addiction of drugs many problems in personal and public relationships are created.

Their personality is badly affected by the excessive consumption of drugs, they stop caring of their hygiene. In both conditions while injecting any drug or without injecting it, a drug addict can’t communicate properly nor can Converse with anyone soundly.

It is observed that as the addiction increases the user lose interest in doing all activities which he loved to do. The addiction of drugs is fatal, it is a life-threatening act because it can kill a person.

All fatal and deadly diseases like kidney failure, lung diseases, heart diseases, brain damage, respiratory problems etc are caused by addiction of drugs.

A drug consumer feel difficulty in breathing, he feel lazy and inactive all the time and can’t perform any work in good way. Memory loss and speech problems affect the user’s personality.

Above all, the users of drugs become moody, hyperactive and victim of hallucinations.

Drug addiction is fatal, we must take steps to control addiction of drugs. Behavioral counseling is the most effective way to treat this disease, it is very important to have counseling with the user and motivate him to quit it before it takes his or her life.

Only the family members and friends can do this, if you find your loved ones addicted make a behavioral counseling with them and motivate them to quit it. Family members and friends can encourage them and can help them to get rid of bad addiction.

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Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Peer Pressure — Drugs: Causes and Effects


Drugs: Causes and Effects

  • Categories: Mental Health Peer Pressure

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Words: 1209 |

Published: Mar 25, 2024

Words: 1209 | Pages: 3 | 7 min read

Table of contents

The power of peer pressure, mental health matters, society's role in drug abuse, wrapping it all up.

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  • Kandel DB., & Davies M (1996). "Progression to regular marijuana involvement: Phenomenology & risk factors for near-daily use." Vulnerability Research Lab Publications Series.
  • Spooner C., & Hetherington K (2004). "Social determinants of drug use." Australian National Council on Drugs Research Paper 3.
  • Swadi H (1999). "Individual risk factors for adolescent substance use." Drug & Alcohol Dependence Journal.
  • Zuckerman M (1994). "Behavioral Expressions & Biosocial Bases Of Sensation Seeking." Cambridge University Press Publication.

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