1. (PDF) A Case Study in Safety-Critical Design

    safety critical case study

  2. (PDF) Safety Critical Incidents Among Small Construction Contractors: A

    safety critical case study

  3. (PDF) Cyber Security of Safety-Critical Infrastructures: A Case Study

    safety critical case study

  4. Sample Case Study Paper

    safety critical case study


    safety critical case study

  6. (PDF) Case Study: Safety in Industries

    safety critical case study


  1. Full article: Large-Scale Agile Project Management in Safety-Critical

    The classic change management measures adopted in the case study, prioritizing communication, and employee participation, align with agile's core value of empowering individuals and informal interactions, underscoring the critical role of human elements in successful project execution (Fowler & Highsmith, Citation 2001). The use of experts in ...

  2. A case study of agile software development for safety-Critical systems

    As a consequence of the case study, the authors discovered the need to augment SafeScrum with an embedded quality assurance role within the development team. The duration of Hanssen et al. 's case study demonstrates the difficulty of conducting real world evaluations of methods for safety-critical systems. Equally, the work demonstrates the ...

  3. A case study of agile software development for safety-Critical systems

    This study explores the introduction of agile software development within an avionics company engaged in safety-critical system engineering. There is increasing pressure throughout the software industry for development efforts to adopt agile software development in order to respond more rapidly to changing requirements and make more frequent deliveries of systems to customers for review and ...

  4. PDF Committed to Safety: Ten Case Studies on Reducing Harm to Patients

    This paper presents longer versions of case studies briefly described in a related article, "Stories from the Sharp End: Case Studies in Safety Improvement," by Douglas McCarthy and David Blumenthal, published in the Milbank Quarterly, vol. 84, no. 1, 2006 (pp. 165-200). Additionally, the article provides background on the patient safety

  5. PDF A Case Study: Injecting Safety-Critical Thinking into Graduate Software

    A Case Study: Injecting Safety-Critical Thinking into Graduate Software Engineering Projects Jane Cleland-Huang and Mona Rahimi University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA ... Safety-Critical systems are often defined in terms of critical-ity levels. For example, the DO-178b guidelines for developing ...

  6. (PDF) Scrum for safety: an agile methodology for safety-critical

    The reported case study highlighted that S4S (i) ... two of the most challenging aspects of adopting agile methodologies in the safety critical domain are continuous compliance and living ...

  7. PDF Human failure in the assessment of major hazard risk: a case study for

    that are safety critical, i.e. those where the consequences of a human failure could cause or contribute to a MAH. Tasks that are identified as safety critical are then subjected to step 3. STEP 3: HUMAN FAILURE ANALYSIS The final step involves a detailed analysis of the human fail-ures that could contribute to a MAH. This is achieved using

  8. PDF Evaluation of open source operating systems for safety-critical

    systems for use in safety-critical applications. This certification methodology is proposed since it is desirable to have a repeatable certification process which could be used by certification bodies and others to certify and compare the suitability of multiple open source RTOSs for use in a safety-critical context. A case study will

  9. Artificial Intelligence for Safety-Critical Systems in Industrial and

    Trust becomes paramount in paving the way for the industrial development, commercialization and societal adoption of AI-based safety-critical systems such as AD systems [] and UAVs [].AI trustworthiness spans several dimensions, such as engineering, ethics and legal, and this survey focuses on the safety engineering dimension. This survey provides an overview and categorization of the vast and ...

  10. PDF Challenges of Scaled Agile for Safety-Critical Systems

    practitioners created a version of Scrum to t the needs of safety-critical projects with a focus on IEC 61508:2010. The process (or rather \method framework" as the authors call it) has been used in a number of case studies. It is well-documented in a book [13] and a number of case studies (e.g., [25,20]) that demonstrate its application and e ...