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Hazrat Ali (A.S): Not only a Warrior but a Philosopher as well

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The 21st of Ramadan every year, observed as the martyrdom anniversary day of man, for whom the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said “You are my brother in this world and hereafter”. I am talking about the most talked-about personality (after Prophet Mohammad PBUH) of the Islamic world, Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS). An extensive amount of literature has been written on Hazrat Ali (AS) by both Muslims and Non-Muslims scholars. Still, whenever, we hear the name of Hazrat Ali (AS), the first thing which comes to our mind is the battle of Khyber and that how bravely he fought and won the day for the Muslims. But to confine the magnitude of a personality like Hazrat Ali (AS) merely as a warrior would be an understatement.

We all know about the heroics of Hazrat Ali (AS) on the battlefield but very few of us are aware of the political philosophy of the man. He was not only a warrior but a philosopher as well. Besides, he was a jurist of the highest rank and statesman of great intellectual depth.

There’s no doubt that Hazrat Ali (AS) is the true representative of the intellectual legacy of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The Holy Prophet (PBUH) once said, “I am the city of knowledge and Ali (AS) is its gate.”

In the 21st century, we can witness monarchical and autocratic regimes all around the Muslim world. And their governance system is designed to serve the elites. The Muslim world is confronting the challenges of democratic crisis and radicalism. Extremist groups like ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) and Al-Qaeda disturbing the order and creating an anarchic situation. The solution to all these problems lies in the political career and political thought of Hazrat Ali (AS).

The history of radical extremist groups dates back to the early period of Islam. Hazrat Ali (AS) also faced trouble from the radical extremist group of his time, known as Kharijites. Kharijites challenged the authority of his political rule. Kharijites laid the foundation of radical tendencies, which we observe today in the Muslim world, in the form of extremist organizations like ISIS and Al-Qaeda. The manner, in which he tackled extremists like Kharijites, is a lesson for the current political leaders. Hazrat Ali (AS) said you can live anywhere and profess the ideology of your liking but I will not let you take the lives of the innocents.

Hazrat Ali (AS) was a strong advocator of a people-oriented governance system rather than an elitist one. In Nahj-al-Balagha, there is a famous letter of Hazrat Ali (AS) to Malik Astar, his newly-appointed governor to Egypt. In this letter, he stressed his governor to establish people-centric governance in the province.

The former UN-Secretary General Kofi Annan once said, “The Caliph Ali (AS) is considered the fairest leader (after Prophet PBUH) who appeared in human history, so, we advised Arab countries to take Imam Ali (AS) as an example in establishing a regime based on Justice and Democracy. In the times of radical and extremist interpretation of Islam, it is essential to put forward Hazrat Ali’s (AS) understanding of political Islam to establish a just system.

There is a tradition of sharing intriguing stories about the intellect of Hazrat Ali (AS) in the Muslim world. The stories about the greatness of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS) stand no value unless we use them to resolve the issues of our times. So, the need of the hour is to try to implement his thought rather than only applause his mesmerizing stories of intelligence.

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Saqib Hussain is a student of Political Science at the University of Punjab, Lahore.

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Saqib Hussain

Why we need aurat march, child sexual abuse cases on the rise in pakistan, you might also like more from author, science and philosophy in the muslim world, a glorious model of human rights, ramadan – health issues and their solutions.

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Really worth reading. ❤

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The best article by Saqib Husain. True, Hzrat Ali is the the best personality to be followed.

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Top 37 Quotations on My Hero in History or My Favourite Personality

Quotations for my hero in history essay in english for fsc students.

Are you searching for My Hero in History Quotations in English for FSC? This post contains almost 37 Quotations for Essay my Favourite Personality. If you need more quotations for other essays, you should visit Quotes for Essays . There you will find almost all the required essay quotations which a students of Class 12 needs. If you already have an essay and you are looking for only quotations, note down all the quotations and choose the most appropriate 4 to 5 quotes for your content. The basic key is relevance. Try to choose the most relevant quotations for your Essay.

One more important thing on ilmihub I have shared a post with complete English essays for 2nd-year students. So, you can visit this post if you want English Essays for your 2nd year notes. Essay on My Favourite Personality or Essay on My Hero in History is one of the most important essays for FSC students. They can write this essay on the Life of Hazrat Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) , on the life of Muhammad Ali Jinnah , on the life of Allama Muhammad Iqbal or any other personality which they like.

Quotations for My Hero in History Essay, My Favourite Personality Essay Quotations, My Favourite Personality Quotes

My Favourite Personality Essay Quotations in English for 2nd Year – Class 12 Notes

  • “Greatness by nothing unless it be lasting.” (Napoleon)
  • “Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.” (Thomas Edison)
  • “All history is the biography of great men.” (Carlyle)
  • “Time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities.” (Boorstin)
  • “Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures.” (F.Satt)
  • “A good man never dies.” (Callimachus)
  • “The hero is one who kindles a great light in world who sets to blazes torches in dark streets of life for men to see.” (Felix Adler)
  • “Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.” (Bob Riley)
  • “Heroism is the divine relation which, in all times, unites a great man to other men.” (Thomas Carlyle)
  • “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” (Christopher Reeve)
  • “Genius is the ability to put into effect what is on your mind.” (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
  • “A hero is someone who has given his life to something bigger than himself.” (Joseph Compel)
  • “A hero is someone who can be admired without apology.” (Kitty Kelly) “I think that we all do heroic things, but hero is not a noun, it’s a verb.” (Robert Downey, Jr.)
  • “The hero living his own life being true to himself radiates a light by which others may see their own way.” (Laurence G Boldt)
  • “Everyone is necessarily the hero of his own life story.” (John Barth)
  • “A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.” (Bob Dylan)
  • “Show me a hero and I’ll write you a tragedy.” (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
  • “The hero draws inspiration from the virtue of his ancestors.” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
  • “Heroes aren’t born, they’re cornered. Oh, I was cornered. And I found out that I was no hero.” (James Belushi)
  • “The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like everybody else.” (Umberto Eco)
  • “A mentor enables a person to achieve. A hero shows what achievement looks like.” (John C. Mather)
  • I like this quote I dislike this quote “Not the glittering weapon fights the fight, but rather the hero’s heart.” (Proverb)
  • “We are the hero of our own story.” (Mary McCarthy)
  • “A hero is a man who is afraid to run away.” (English Proverb)
  • “The difference between a hero and a coward is one step sideways.” (Gene Hackman)
  • “The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts. An immense difference.” (Henry Miller)
  • “Everybody is a hero in their own story if you just look.” (Maeve Binchy)
  • “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” (Joseph Campbell)
  • “A hero is one who knows how to hang on one minute longer.” (Novalis)
  • “Hero shows you how to solve the problem – yourself.” (Jet Li)
  • “A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  • “True heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life, in whatever shape they may challenge us to combat.” (Napoleon)
  • “A hero cannot be a hero unless in a heroic world.” (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
  • “A hero is a man who does what he can.” (Romaine Rolland)
  • “To be born with a personality is a gift from your parents. But to die as a personality is an achievement of your own.” (Unknown)
  • “It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.” (Norman Schwarzkopf)
  • “Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.” (Gerard Way)

My Hero in History Essay Quotes for Class 12

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Hazrat Ali sample essay

Amongst the ancestry of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S., Hazrat Ali A.S. belonged to the course of Quraish. He was the son of Abu Talib R.A., son of Abdul Muttalib of the marked inhabitants of Bani Hashim. Simply single stride aloft his courseage coincided with that of the Prophet S.A. of Islam. The passing condition Muhammad laborerbill Abdullah laborerbill Abdul Muttalib and the bygindividual Ali laborerbill Abi Talib laborerbill Abdul Muttalib. It was his father Abu Talib who had nourished and brought up the Prophet (PBUH) His dame Fatima laborerbillt-e Asad was too a fine lady appertaining to the inhabitants of Bani Hashim whom the Prophet (PBUH) cherished as his admit dame.

Rise Date & Place

When the Prophet (PBUH) of God was thirty years antiquated, Ali (A.S) was born on 13th of Rajab in the 30 year of Aamul Feel within the divine Kaaba. Nobility Tailground Amongst the ancestry of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S., Hazrat Ali (A.S) belonged to the course of Quraish. He was the son of Abu Talib, son of Abdul Muttalib of the marked inhabitants of Bani Hashim. His dame Fatima laborerbillt-e Asad was too a fine lady appertaining to the inhabitants of Bani Hashim whom the Prophet (SAW) cherished as his admit dame.

His Upbringing

The service restraint bringing him up devolved undeviatingly on Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) who consecrated total his age and regard towards nurturing. It was attributable to his congenital excellence and capabilities coupled with the im-munity of condition brought up by the aristocratic personality of a protector approve the Prophet (SAW) that when the Prophet (PBUH) announced his Prophet hood Hazrat Ali (A.S)., though simply ten years antiquated, became his restraintemost pursuer and voucher of his pretension.

The principal man that the Prophet (PBUH) did on his likeness in Medina was to perpetuate the espousals of his simply daughter, Fatima Zahra with Ali A.S. The Prophet (PBUH) deeply cared-coercion his daughter and had so plenteous dignity restraint her that whenever she came to him he manifestationd to stop up in veneration. It was in the principal year of Hijrah when the Prophet (PBUH) chose Ali A.S. restraint this dignity. The nuptials rites were dindividual with farthest plainness. (a) He got three sons (Hasan, Husain and Muhsin), and brace daughters (Zainab & Umm-i-Kulthum) from her. The youngest son, Muhsin died in childhood. Succeeding the mortality of Hazrat Fatimah he married a reckon of wives from age to age: (b) Umm al-Banin laborerbill Hizam from whom he got ‘Abbas, Ja’far, ‘Abdullah and Uthman. Total of these bar Abbas were martyred at Karbala. (c) Saila laborerbillt Mas’ud who gave rise to ‘Ubaidullah and Abu Bakr. They were martyred at Karbala. (d) Asma laborerbillt Umais who gave rise to Yahya and Muhammad Asghar. (e) Sahba laborerbillt Rabi’a who gave rise to Umar and Ruqayyah.

(f) Amamah laborerbillt Abil ‘As: She was daughter of Zainab (R.A.), daughter of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi we Salaam). Hadrat Ali got Muhammad Aswat from her. (g) Khaulah laborerbillt Jalfar who gave rise to Muhammad ibn

(h) Umm-i-Sa’id who gave rise to Ummul Hasan and Ramlah Kubra. (i) Mahyah laborerbillt Ummul Qais, she gave rise to a daughter who died in childhood. Jihad In principal contest of Islam, which is knadmit as the contest of Badar Hazrat Ali had his principal test of engaging a contest? At that age he was He was simply twenty-five years antiquated. There were essential contests of Uhud, Khandaq, Khaibar and conclusively Hunain in which Ali A.S. accompanied the Prophet (SAW) and exhibited his unique boldness as a combatant. Almost in total these contests Ali (A.S) held the function of stopard-bearer too. In total these contests he exhibited invincible boldness and tenacity. In these engagements, as in others, he showed farthest resolution, tolerance and distinction of symbol.

Becamanifestation of his bravely Hazrat Ali was popularly denominated “Asadullah”(The Lion of Totalah). He was too knadmit as Al-Murtaza, Al-Amir-ul-Mo’mineen. As Caliph Hazrat Ali (RA) was elected as Fourth Caliph succeeding, the confession of Hazrat Usman (RA), at a age when the earth of Islam was in gigantic excitement In 35 A.H. the Muslims offered the function of Islamic Caliph to Ali (A.S). At principal he refused, barring when the insistence on divorce of the Muslims increased, he accepted it on the stipulation that he would council strictly in agreement with the precepts laid dadmit in the Quran and the Sunnah (practice) of the Prophet (SAW) extraneously boon and fondness towards anybody.

He was the giganticest Mujtahid and jurist of his age and single of the giganticest of total ages. Reasonableness was divorce of his courage and principle and was determined to his core. His council steered absolved of divorceisanship, boonitism or nepotism. * He was divorceicularly rigorous on his Governors and kept a cemal wait on their actions. * He reprimanded his admit friends, governors and employees equable if they accepted provisions as bonus. * To him riches was restraint the manifestation of other poor commonalty and referable restraint himself and his nobility. * He never hid his hues becamanifestation the meaning of his earning was to acceleration the poor and the oppressed and to rescue them from the exploitation of the tyrants and to frame their lives happier.

His Services

Besides divorceicipating in Jihad he was never tailward to do anyman restraint the behalf of the Prophet S.A. and Islam. The tasks that he had to act were of separate affection. He was under obligation restraint answerableness dadmit treaties and scholarship. He was too the protector of the narrative portions of the Quran. Besides, he was delegated to Yemen by the Prophet (SAW) restraint the propagation of Islam. As a conclusion of his auspicious preaching, the integral Yemen embraced Islam.

Alas, this protagonist of reconciliation, adequacy and Islamic values could referable elude the insubmissive designs of the earthly commonalty. In the dawning of 19 of the month of Ramadan 40 A.H. period subsidy prayers in the mosque he was fatally injured by a sword dipped in envenom. Ali A.S. elapsed brace tossing days on his disordered bed in most-violent affliction and pain. Equabletually the envenom open total aggravate the assemblage and he breathed his conclusive on 21 of Ramadan at the age of dawning Prayer. Hasan A.S. and Husain A.S. dindividual the funeral rites and that prince of man was buried at Najaf at the tail of the city of Kufa.

Distinguishing Publications NAHJAL BLAGHA AL- SAHIFAYE ALAVIYA The brace mentioned works exist of sermons, scholarship, and sayings of Hazrat Ali (A.S). Nahj al-balaghah comprises diverse issues that caggravate greater problems of metaphysics, faith, tafsir, hadith, prophetology, imamate, ethics, collective philosophy, politics, council, civics, information, literary-works, regulateeseeing. Most of the discussions environing diverse didactic issues and accurate referableions in Islam enjoy their spring in very work. The work referable simply reflects the principle of present Islam and the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet (saw) in the just perspective, barring too serves as a pilot to trbackward the coming in the portable of these teachings.

The consequence of the Nahj-ul-Balagha lies in brace work. Principal, it speaks environing the primary of Islam such as the stuffs relating God, the civilized condition, Islamic views of man, prophet hood and its standing in civilized truth a resources of intellect Islam and thus inevitable restraint us to con-over. Secondly, the Nahj-ul-Balagha refers to the collective problems of a smooth collection with which we negotiate today. Accordingly, this work can be a fountain of Inspiration restraint us as compliments to the collective and gregarious problems of condition and the likely solutions to them. It is a stuff of repentance that Nahj al-balaghah was referable justly utilized by the Muslims as a fountain work of Islamic philosophy, kalam, fiqh, and ethics attributable to misconceptions environing its attribution to Hazrat ‘Ali (A.S) In the influence of pungent-muscular and suited token in stay of the solution of the work condition not spurious, it was mere unfairness and bankruptcy of the principle of exploration that was under obligation restraint neglecting such a accepted fountain of Islamic notions.

Thoughts on Principal Subject Hazrat Ali’s message to Malik-e-Ashter throws portable on the consequence of the principles of council and reasonableness as dictated by Islam. The follattributable instructions in the restraintm of a message were written to him by Hazrat Ali, when he appointed him as Governor of Egypt.

It (the message) negotiates with the duties and obligations of councilrs, their deep responsibilities, the doubt of hues and obligations, indulgence of reasonableness, regulate aggravate secretaries and secondary staff. In it Hazrat Ali advises Malik:

* To engagement dev and tyranny amongst the functionrs; to regulate markets, imports and exports; to restrain evils of profiteering and hoarding and of cornering and bbankruptcy marketing. In it he has too explained stages of diverse systematizees of collection, the duties of council towards the smallest systematize, how are they to be looked succeeding and how are their stipulations to be improved. * He has too commented upon the hues of councilrs aggravate the councild and of the councild aggravate the councilrs. * There is a deep accessible notion general total through these instructions, it is that of the Creator. The council is of God, the governors and the inferior are twain the creatures of God, their dignityive duties are laid dadmit by God. * In limited this message is on the single laborer the gospel of the principles of council as taught by Holy Quran; a order to substantiate a husk and tender council thrattributable portable on diverse aspects of reasonableness and clemency. On the other laborer it is a disquisition on the excellent values of salubrity.

  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)

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