Oil spills characteristics, detection, and recovery methods: A systematic risk-based view
We have noticed a lack of comprehensive approaches to oil spills. Decentralized research efforts, disconnected at first glance, may lead to inefficiencies to risk management and whenever an oil spill occurs. ... Most cited papers about oil spill detection from 1994 to 2021, their respective authors, applied methods, datasets, and evaluated ...
research related to s hipping and oil spills reveals the complexity of the interaction between economic, environmental, regulatory, and industrial issues in this sector (Talley, 2000; Kontovas ...
Oil Spills: Causes, Consequences, Prevention, and Countermeasures
Despite this, spill experts estimate that 30%-50% of oil spills are either directly or indirectly caused by human error, with 20%-40% of all spills caused by equipment failure or malfunction.
(PDF) Consequences of oil spills: A review and framework ...
oil spill in South Korea; the 2010 BP Deepwa ter Horizon oil spill, caused by an e xplosion on an offshore drilling platf orm; and British spills including the 1993 Braer and 1996 Sea Empress spills .
Long-term ecological impacts from oil spills: comparison of Exxon
Abstract. The long-term ecological impacts of the Exxon Valdez oil spill (EVOS) are compared to two extensively studied and more recent large spills: Deepwater Horizon (DWH) and the Hebei Spirit oil spill (HSOS). Each of the three spills differed in magnitude and duration of oil released, environmental conditions, ecological communities, response and clean up measures, and ecological recovery.
A perspective on oil spills: What we should have learned about global
With an emphasis on key oil spill incidents from 1967 to-date, the study approach was chronological but grouped into phases defined by growth in knowledge and the changing public reactions to spills. Concerns ranged from scientific to socio-economic, political and global development issues. Oil spill cases and responses were reviewed and ...
A review of oil spill dynamics: Statistics, impacts, countermeasures
The paper also elucidated a range of effective remediation and cleanup methods, presenting a comprehensive toolkit to mitigate ecological damage. ... These identified knowledge gaps suggest an urgent need for corresponding research on oil spills in the presence of microplastics. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Open access publishing facilitated by The ...
Consequences of oil spills: a review and framework for ...
exists for emergency response in oil spills. Our research complements these efforts by providing a comprehensive framework to consider the broad range of factors, biophysical as ... 300 academic, government, and industry papers and reports related to oil spills and their environmental and societal consequences, with emphasis on economic impacts ...
Oil Spills and Human Health: Contributions of the Gulf of Mexico
Our judgment that the papers supported by GoMRI, taken together, comprise a significant contribution to oil spill health research is based on our familiarity with a much broader literature on the topic, the fact that several different facets of health were included among the papers, and the relative high proportion of health-focused papers ...
Environmental impacts of oil spills and their ...
A number of studies have been reviewed highlighting the synthesis of newly developed adsorbents and nanomaterials for oil spill control. The first section gives a detailed discussion on the major oil spill disasters since 1942 and the impacts of the hazardous chemicals present in the oil on marine biodiversity (such as planktons, benthic invertebrates, fish, seabirds, mammals, reptiles ...
We have noticed a lack of comprehensive approaches to oil spills. Decentralized research efforts, disconnected at first glance, may lead to inefficiencies to risk management and whenever an oil spill occurs. ... Most cited papers about oil spill detection from 1994 to 2021, their respective authors, applied methods, datasets, and evaluated ...
research related to s hipping and oil spills reveals the complexity of the interaction between economic, environmental, regulatory, and industrial issues in this sector (Talley, 2000; Kontovas ...
Despite this, spill experts estimate that 30%-50% of oil spills are either directly or indirectly caused by human error, with 20%-40% of all spills caused by equipment failure or malfunction.
oil spill in South Korea; the 2010 BP Deepwa ter Horizon oil spill, caused by an e xplosion on an offshore drilling platf orm; and British spills including the 1993 Braer and 1996 Sea Empress spills .
Abstract. The long-term ecological impacts of the Exxon Valdez oil spill (EVOS) are compared to two extensively studied and more recent large spills: Deepwater Horizon (DWH) and the Hebei Spirit oil spill (HSOS). Each of the three spills differed in magnitude and duration of oil released, environmental conditions, ecological communities, response and clean up measures, and ecological recovery.
With an emphasis on key oil spill incidents from 1967 to-date, the study approach was chronological but grouped into phases defined by growth in knowledge and the changing public reactions to spills. Concerns ranged from scientific to socio-economic, political and global development issues. Oil spill cases and responses were reviewed and ...
The paper also elucidated a range of effective remediation and cleanup methods, presenting a comprehensive toolkit to mitigate ecological damage. ... These identified knowledge gaps suggest an urgent need for corresponding research on oil spills in the presence of microplastics. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Open access publishing facilitated by The ...
exists for emergency response in oil spills. Our research complements these efforts by providing a comprehensive framework to consider the broad range of factors, biophysical as ... 300 academic, government, and industry papers and reports related to oil spills and their environmental and societal consequences, with emphasis on economic impacts ...
Our judgment that the papers supported by GoMRI, taken together, comprise a significant contribution to oil spill health research is based on our familiarity with a much broader literature on the topic, the fact that several different facets of health were included among the papers, and the relative high proportion of health-focused papers ...
A number of studies have been reviewed highlighting the synthesis of newly developed adsorbents and nanomaterials for oil spill control. The first section gives a detailed discussion on the major oil spill disasters since 1942 and the impacts of the hazardous chemicals present in the oil on marine biodiversity (such as planktons, benthic invertebrates, fish, seabirds, mammals, reptiles ...