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Richard Paul Memorial Page
Richard William Paul
September 1, 2015
Tomales, CA. The Foundation for Critical Thinking is saddened to announce the death of our Founder, Dr. Richard William Paul, who died quietly in his sleep on August 30, 2015. Paul suffered from Parkinson’s Disease.
Paul wrote eight books and more than 200 articles on critical thinking, including his early seminal work published in 1992, entitled, Critical Thinking: What Every Student [ Every Person, in later editions] Needs to Survive in a Rapidly Changing World. Throughout his life, Paul wrote books for every grade level and developed extensive teaching tactics and strategies that advance critical thinking in instruction.
In his critique of traditional philosophical approaches to reasoning, Paul illuminated the conflicting nature of these approaches, as well as the limitations and often glaring inconsistencies within and among them. He asserted the need for replacing the fragmented, inconsistent, and conflicting philosophical approaches to reasoning with an integrated, systematic, and – if possible – universal approach to critical thinking.
Paul argued that the primary task of the logician is to develop tools for the analysis and assessment of reasoning in every discipline and domain of human thought – tools to be used in reasoning through life’s many complex problems and issues. He emphasized the importance of the “logic of language” to human reasoning. He set forth the idea that every subject and discipline has a fundamental logic that could, and should, be explicitly formulated - and that an adequate theory of reasoning would provide the foundation for that logic.
1. It is human nature to think (i.e. that thinking pervades every aspect of human life and every dimension of the human mind).
2. Though it is human nature to think, it is not natural for humans to think well (human nature is heavily influenced by prejudice, illusion, mythology, ignorance, and self-deception).
3. Therefore, we need to be able to intervene in thinking, to analyze it, assess it, and, where necessary, improve it.
Paul believed that critical thinking, properly conceptualized, entails understanding the ethical dimension of human life. Paul, from his earliest days as a theoretician, placed the realization of fairminded critical societies at the center of his work and his conception of critical thinking. In the 1980’s, he articulated the crucial distinction between strong-sense critical thinking and weak-sense critical thinking. While critical thinking in the weak sense is used in ways that are manipulative, selfish, and in other ways unethical, critical thinking in the strong sense adheres to the standard of fairness. In Paul’s view, then, critical thinking is not thinking that is merely skilled. If our thinking is not attuned to fairness, to taking account of other points of view and the consequences our thinking and resulting actions have for others, then it is flawed. It is not truly critical thinking because it fails to consider the rights and needs of relevant others.
To highlight different dimensions and applications of critical thinking, Paul developed a number of (now often-cited) definitions of critical thinking, including this basic definition, written with Linda Elder: " critical thinking is a mode of thinking about any subject, content, or problem in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them.”
Taking charge of the structures of thought, for Paul, requires both the analysis and the assessment of thinking. Paul conceptualized reasoning as entailing eight distinctive elements of thought – purposes, questions, information, inferences, assumptions, point of view, implications, and concepts. In other words, he developed this fundamental idea: that whenever people reason, they reason for a purpose , in answering a question or given set of questions; they use information in making inferences and coming to conclusions; they take certain beliefs for granted (or in other words, make assumptions ) in conceptualizing situations and experiences; they reason from some point of view ; there are implications of their thinking.
In developing his understanding of the elements of reasoning, Paul was influenced by his background as a philosopher. But in formulating these elements, he was influenced by other domains of thought, as well as by educated usages of words. Again, he came to see that reasoning was far more complex than had been hitherto understood by traditionally philosophical approaches, which focused primarily on only a few parts of reasoning – namely premises (assumptions and information) and conclusions (inferences and/or implications). Paul’s theory entails the idea that all reasoning contains the eight elements, and therefore can be analyzed into eight specific parts in determining its full logic. All products of reasoning (conversations, articles, books, speeches, editorials, video programs, etc.) can be analyzed according to the eight elements. Further, to ignore any one part is to misunderstand the interrelationships between all parts.
Another hallmark of Paul’s philosophy is his emphasis not only on skills in critical thinking, but on the cultivation of intellectual, and hence ethical, character. For Paul, intellectual virtues are the centerpiece of the fairminded critical person and of a reasonable conception of critical thinking. Those who develop intellectual character, according to Paul, do so through deep commitment to the ideals and principles of critical thinking, passionately pursued over a lifetime.
In other words, Paul recognized the need to understand and cultivate the intellectual virtues of intellectual empathy, intellectual integrity, intellectual perseverance, intellectual courage, intellectual autonomy, confidence in reason, fairmindedness, and intellectual sense of justice.
The idea of intellectual virtues or traits, when Paul first began to conceptualize them, were not completely new. These traits can be seen, at least implicitly, in the works of a number of important thinkers throughout history, including Socrates, John Locke, William Graham Sumner, John Henry Newman, and Bertrand Russell. Paul’s contribution was in bringing the traits together in a system of ideas, clearly delineating them as intellectual in nature, defining and elaborating each one - including those most necessary in the mind of the cultivated thinker - and stressing the importance of these virtues in developing critical minds and critical societies.
Paul’s approach to critical thinking is inclusive in that he recognized the significant roles that many fields of study can play in our understanding of the human mind, thereby offering intellectual tools for intervening in human thought to improve the quality of human life. Paul was ever concerned to find the best, most foundational tools, the most easily-accessible concepts for understanding and intervening in thought.
"It is now generally recognized that the art of thinking critically is a major missing link in education today, and that effective communication and problem-solving skills, as well as mastery of content, require critical thinking…It is also generally understood that some major changes in instruction will have to take place to shift the overarching emphasis of student learning from rote memorization to effective critical thinking (as a primary tool of learning)." Paul argued that teaching should not entail transmitting information to students, but rather a “reworking of education where students construct knowledge through application of their own reasoning." He asserted that an educational setting that facilitates the exchange of open and free dialogue between opposing views is essential to any authentic exercise of critical thinking.
Richard Paul was born in Chicago on January 2, 1937. He earned a BA from Northern Illinois University and a master’s in English from UC Santa Barbara; he was a Research Student at St. John’s College, Cambridge University, and earned his Ph.D. in philosophy from UC Santa Barbara in 1968. He was a professor at Sonoma State University (SSU) for almost thirty years, later becoming Professor Emeritus of Philosophy there. Paul convened the first global conference on critical thinking in 1981 through the Center for Critical Thinking. The International Conference on Critical Thinking is now the longest-standing and most widely-attended conference on critical thinking in the world. Paul presented annually at the conference until prevented by illness in 2014.
Paul died at his home late in the evening on August 30, 2015. He is survived by Linda Elder, his wife of twenty years and constant collaborator, by his children, and by his legacy of advancing critical thinking in the service of fostering fairminded critical societies around the world.
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Here are some of the big reasons why:
- Many people believe that critical thinking should be free and that scholars qualified to teach critical thinking should do so for free. Accordingly, they do not think they should have to pay for critical thinking textbooks, courses, or other resources when there is "so much free material online" - despite how erroneous that material may be.
- There are many misguided academicians, and some outright charlatans, pushing forth and capitalizing on a pseudo-, partial, or otherwise impoverished concept of critical thinking.
- Little to no funding is designated for critical thinking professional development in schools, colleges, or universities, despite the lip service widely given to critical thinking (as is frequently found in mission statements).
- Most people, including faculty, think they already know what critical thinking is, despite how few have studied it to any significant degree, and despite how few can articulate a coherent, accurate, and sufficiently deep explanation of it.
- People rarely exhibit the necessary level of discipline to study and use critical thinking for reaching higher levels of self-actualization. In part, this is due to wasting intellectual and emotional energy on fruitless electronic entertainment designed to be addictive and profitable rather than educational and uplifting.
- On the whole, fairminded critical thinking is neither understood, fostered, nor valued in educational institutions or societies.
- People are increasingly able to cluster themselves with others of like mind through alluring internet platforms that enable them to validate one another's thinking - even when their reasoning is nonsensical, lopsided, prejudiced, or even dangerous.
- Critical thinking does not yet hold an independent place in academia. Instead, "critical thinking" is continually being "defined" and redefined according to any academic area or instructor that, claiming (frequently unsupported) expertise, steps forward to teach it.
As you see, increasingly powerful trends against the teaching, learning, and practice of critical thinking entail extraordinary challenges to our mission. To continue our work, we must now rely upon your financial support. If critical thinking matters to you, please click here to contribute what you can today.
Thank you for your support of ethical critical thinking.
Richard W. Paul: Biography and Main Contributions
Richard W. Paul He was a philosopher who promoted the development of a model that allows the systematic development of critical thinking skills. He was the creator of the The Critical Thinking Community Foundation.
Paul worked since the early 1980s to promote the concept of critical thinking.
Throughout his professional career he wrote eight books and more than 200 articles on critical thinking.
One of his most important works was published in 1992 and was called Critical thinking: what each person needs to survive in a rapidly changing world.
Richard Paul died on August 30, 2015, after suffering from several years of Parkinson's disease.
Biographical information
Richard Paul was a visionary and a precursor. He understood the educational environment as a suitable space for exchange between teachers and students.
For him, this space should result in an open and free dialogue between opposing points of view, to develop a true exercise of critical thinking.
He was born in Chicago on January 2, 1937. He earned a bachelor's degree from Northern Illinois University and a master's degree in English from the University of Santa Barbara.
He obtained his doctorate in philosophy from the University of Santa Barbara in 1968. He was a professor at Sonoma State University for almost thirty years and in 1981 he convened the First Global Conference for Critical Thinking.
Throughout the years, this conference obtained worldwide recognition by the academic authorities.
He participated in each of these conferences until 2014, the year in which the disease prevented his presentation.
The work of the philosopher reveals the influence of great thinkers such as Socrates, Freud, Wittgenstein, John Henry Newman, Jean Piaget, William Graham Sumner and Karl Marx.
Paul observed that human beings are trapped in scenarios structured by economic realities over which they have no influence, and in which survival can be difficult.
According to Paul, in order to survive, human beings need to develop their own critical capacities.
More valuable contributions
Paul established the conditions for an adequate theory of critical thinking, combining and synthesizing a series of evident truths about this way of thinking.
1- Thinking is equal to human nature
Human nature is thinking; that is, that thought permeates all aspects of human life and every dimension of the human mind.
Human beings do not always think well, since human nature is influenced by frustrations, prejudices, ignorance, myths and illusions.
Therefore, for the philosopher it is always necessary to work to improve critical thinking. The human being must be able to analyze and evaluate his own thinking and improve it in almost if necessary.
Critical thinking always takes into account the rights of others. If the thinking of the human being is not in tune with justice and with the consideration of other points of view, it is not really a critical thought.
2- Conceptualization of critical thinking
Conceptualized the reasoning as a set of eight distinctive elements of thought: purposes, questions, information, inferences, assumptions, points of view, implications and concepts.
When people reason, they do so with a purpose: to answer a question. The answers give you information that allows you to make inferences and reach conclusions and assumptions.
For Paul, the intellectual virtues are the centerpiece of the critical person and a reasonable conception of critical thinking.
According to this philosopher, those who develop intellectual character do so through a deep commitment to the ideals and principles of critical thinking, pursued with passion throughout life.
- The Critical Thinking Community,"Remembering Richard Paul"", 2015. Retrieved on December 11, 2017 from criticalthinking.org
- Greg Hart. "The passing of a critical thinking giant: Richard Paul", 2016. Retrieved on December 11, 2017 from skeptic.com
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“C ritical thinking is the ar t of thin king about thinking in an intellectually disciplined manner…they [critical thinkers] analyze thinking, they assess thinking, and they improve thinking (Paul, 2005) .”
"[The] baseline conception of critical thinking…is constituted of four interrelated components…ability to engage in reasoned discourse…reasoning operating in the context of intellectual standards…involving analytic inferential skills…[and] committed to a fundamental value orientation that includes certain traits and dispositions ( Paul, Elde r, & Bartell, 1997) .”
Dr. Richard Paul was Director of Research and Professional Development at the Center for Critical Thinking, and was Chair of the National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking. His body of work, including eight books and over 200 articles, established him as an internationally-recognized authority on critical thinking.
Richard W. Paul is a leading scholar in critical thinking. Since the early 1980’s Paul has worked to advance the concept of fair-minded critical thinking through is work at the Center and Foundation for Critical Thinking, both of which he founded. Dr. Paul has received four degrees and has given lectures on critical thinking at many
Critical thinking is the process of analyzing available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments to make sound conclusions or informed choices. It involves recognizing underlying assumptions, providing justifications for ideas and actions, evaluating these justifications through comparisons with varying perspectives, and assessing their rationality and potential consequences. [1]
Sep 1, 2015 · Remembering Richard Paul Dr. Richard William Paul passed away on August 30, 2015. He is survived by Linda Elder, his wife of twenty years and constant collaborator, by his children, and by his legacy of advancing critical thinking in the service of fostering fairminded critical societies around the world.
Oct 14, 2015 · Greg Hart celebrates the life and memory of critical thinking giant Dr. Richard Paul (1937–2015) — the founder and iconic force behind the Foundation for Critical Thinking — who passed away on August 30, 2015 after a lengthy battle with Parkinson’s.
[5] [6] She has written, with coauthor Richard Paul, 23 thinker's guides to critical thinking and four books, which provided her the early success. Later in 1997, she was the primary researcher for the California Teacher Preparation for Instruction in Critical Thinking: Research Findings and Policy Recommendations. [ 7 ]
Richard William Paul, American philosophy educator. Named Distinguished Philosopher, Council for Philosophical Studies, 1987; Lansdowne Visiting scholar, University Victoria, 1987, Alfred Korzybski Memorial Lecturer, Institute General Semantics, 1987, others. Member California State Senate Task Force on Moral Education; Member National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking (chairman ...
According to this philosopher, those who develop intellectual character do so through a deep commitment to the ideals and principles of critical thinking, pursued with passion throughout life. References . The Critical Thinking Community,"Remembering Richard Paul"", 2015. Retrieved on December 11, 2017 from criticalthinking.org ; Greg Hart.
"Richard W. Paul is a leading scholar in critical thinking. Since the early 1980’s Paul has worked to advance the concept of fair-minded critical thinking through his work at the Center and Foundation for Critical Thinking, both of which he founded (Elder, 2013). " Paul also operates the website Critical Thinking Community which is dedicated ...
Beginning in his PhD program, and over a period of years in the 1960s, Richard Paul thoughtfully examined and deliberately critiqued existing theories of logic and reasoning. He took what was a very narrow conception of reasoning and broadened it to more accurately represent human thinking when people reason. He captured the idea of universal intellectual standards by exploring standards ...