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Traditional Housing Features in Development of Rural Built Form: A Spatial Narrative on Typical Konkani House: Case of Murud, Dapoli District, Maharashtra,India

Profile image of Avanti Bambawale

In all over the world, in any part of the globe, from prehistoric period till the date, complex layers of social stratification and their cultural diversity are reflected in the urban form of the settlement. The cause of this influence lies in the unique and diverse socio-cultural roots, which represent nothing but the ‘Traditions’ of that area. India is one of the parts of Asian continent where impact of these diverse socio-cultural patterns is reflected in housing texture. Through the case example of Murud in Konkan region of India, this paper highlights how the traditions and physiographic pattern of the area act as influence peddler in the spatial planning and form of the housing thereby impacting the urban form-grain and texture of the settlement. Today technological advancements dictate the magnitude and location of activities in space. The electronic revolution of today is just adding to the departure of local traditions which is strongly reflected in changing housing forms. ...

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