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Review of the Related Literature - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Review of the Related Literature
A discussion of your knowledge about the ... a study-by-study, or article-by-article, description of studies ... mission & pur- pose. goals & objectives ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.
- Organizing Writing a Literature Review
- A discussion of your knowledge about the topic under study
- A discussion of your knowledge that is supported by the research literature
- A foundation for the study
- A study-by-study, or article-by-article, description of studies previously done
- A re-statement of the studies previously done
- A brief overview of articles
- Begin with a search of the available literature
- Critically analyze each article (study) you select
- Organize the review with an outline
- Write the review
- Summarize the review
- Using the literature, present a rationale for your study
- the authors description of the study
- related to your area of interest?
- conclusions relevant?
- Statement of the Problem
- restate the topic
- problem stated clearly?
- significance?
- Hypothesis or Research Question(s)
- Clearly stated?
- Related to your area of interest?
- Assumptions
- Explicit assumptions?
- Implicit assumptions
- Similar to yours?
- Delimitations
- How was the study narrowed?
- Which considerations are relevant to your study?
- Definitions
- Key concepts terms?
- research design?
- population sample?
- measurement?
- procedures?
- make sense?
- what do they say about your area of interest?
- Presented clearly?
- Meaningful interpretations?
- Implications discussed?
- Suggestions or recommendations?
- Limits to practical application?
- What did you learn?
- Re-state your new knowledge
- Home-school Communication
- Academic Achievement
- Parent Involvement
- Barriers to parent involvement
- Volunteerism
- Barriers to volunteerism
- Always begin with an introduction to the review end with a summary
- Make the connection for the reader between the subtopics the topic
- Use direct quotations infrequently
- Always cite your sources
- Present your knowledge on the topics subtopics
- Summarize each subtopic
- Include a transition paragraph from one subtopic to the next
- Reiterate the
- research problem
- Introduce the sub-
- Effective organiza-
- tional structures
- Service coordination
- Consultants profes-
- sional support needs
- First Subtopic
- Discussion should in-clude
- How is the subtopic
- connected to the
- Your knowledge,
- based on the literature
- you have studied
- Specify subtopics (if
- Summary transition
- Mission Pur-
- Goals objectives
- Use APA style format
- Have your work proofread before submitting
- Follow all format guidelines
- Must be a thorough review, reflected by the depth of the discussion
- Should begin prior to the implementation of the study
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Review of Related Literature
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Writing of review literature is the pre-qualification to undertake literature review for their course study as a part of their curriculum to know the research process for future importance. The demand is required to learn the skill such as selection of topics, learning types, literature sources, retrieval techniques, writing report in the particular specific filed. The article main aim is researchers know the approach how to writing literature related review, know the searching technique, know the types of literate review and its utilisation, time limit of using literature review, source availability of related literature and to give some recommendation for future research.
Recent studies in doctoral research education have begun to pay attention to various rhetorical aspects of the thesis. Despite this healthy development, the reference list, a key rhetorical aspect of the doctoral thesis, continues to be under-researched in the English for Specific Purposes, English for Academic Purposes and Higher Education literature. To fill this knowledge gap, this study examined the structure of reference lists of theses in three disciplines namely Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, Literature, and Sociology. Ten theses from each of the three disciplines at a leading South African university were obtained and investigated, using a discourse analytical approach. The analysis showed two major findings. The first finding relates to a possible influence of disciplinary communities on the labels used. The second point is that Sociology theses appeared most complex in terms of the varied organizational units and labels assigned to these units. These have implications for English for Academic Purposes, research in advanced academic literacy and doctoral writing pedagogy.
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Literature review is a major educational research activity especially in a survey type research and where directional hypotheses are conceived to study. Reviewing the related literature/studies on a given topic enables a researcher to determine what has already been done. With this knowledge, the researcher can better frame his or her study to build on prior research and improvise himself on the given topic. The literature review may also prove helpful in designing and executing the study. Sometimes researchers may have difficulty determine the best method for studying a variable. With a proper literature review, one may find a suitable instrument/tool of the study......
The main objective of this research was to analyze whether there was a characteristic distribution behavior of relevant terms over a scientific text that could contribute as a criterion for their process of automatic indexing. The terms considered in this study were only full noun phrases contained in the texts themselves. The texts were considered a total of 98 doctoral theses of the eight areas of knowledge in a same university. Initially, 20 full noun phrases were automatically extracted from each text as candidates to be the most relevant terms, and each author of each text assigned a relevance value 0-6 (not relevant and highly relevant, respectively) for each of the 20 noun phrases sent. Only, 22.1 % of noun phrases were considered not relevant. A relevance values of the terms assigned by the authors were associated with their positions in the text. Each full noun phrases found in the text was considered as a valid linear position. The results that were obtained showed values resulting from this distribution by considering two types of position: linear, with values consolidated into ten equal consecutive parts; and structural, considering parts of the text (such as introduction, development and conclusion). As a result of considerable importance, all areas of knowledge related to the Natural Sciences showed a characteristic behavior in the distribution of relevant terms, as well as all areas of knowledge related to Social Sciences showed the same characteristic behavior of distribution, but distinct from the Natural Sciences. The difference of the distribution behavior between the Natural and Social Sciences can be clearly visualized through graphs. All behaviors, including the general behavior of all areas of knowledge together, were characterized in polynomial equations and can be applied in future as criteria for automatic indexing. Until the present date this work has become inedited of for two reasons: to present a method for characterizing the distribution of relevant terms in a scientific text, and also, through this method, pointing out a quantitative trait difference between the Natural and Social Sciences.
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Review of Related Literature and Studies
Published by Ronald Harmon Modified over 6 years ago
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- waste management
- hospital waste
- health care establishments
- handling health care waste
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A Descriptive Study on the Compliance of the University of Santo Tomas Hospital regarding the handling, collection and storage of Pathogenic waste in accordance to the Health Care Waste Management Manual of Department of Health and the Procedural Manual Title III of Dao 92-29 “Hazardous Waste Management” of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE
Definition of Hospital Waste • Health care waste (WHO) • all waste generated by healthcare establishments, research facilities, and health laboratories • classified as • non-risk/general healthcare waste/domestic waste • hazardous waste Prüss, A., Giroult, E., Rushbrook, P., 1999. Safe Management of Wastes From Health Care Activities. World Health Organization, Geneva
Definition of Hospital Waste • Classification of Hazardous Waste (DENR) based on these four characteristics accordance with the Toxicity Characteristic Learning Procedure (TCLP): • Ignitable • Corrosive • Reactive • Toxic Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 2004. Hazardous Waste Management. Procedural Manual Title III of DAO 92-29
Effects on Health • All individuals exposed to hazardous health-care waste are potentially at risk • Certain infections, caused by more resilient agents, pose a significant risk to the general public and to hospital patients Prüss, A., Giroult, E., Rushbrook, P., 1999. Safe Management of Wastes From Health Care Activities. World Health Organization, Geneva Mühlich, M. et. al. 2003. Comparison of infectious waste management in European hospitals. Institute for Environmental Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology, Freiburg University Hospital, Freiburg, Germany
People at risk • health-care workers, particularly nurses, are at greatest risk of infection • other hospital workers and waste-management operators outside health-care establishments • individuals who scavenge on waste disposal sites • lower risk for patients and the public Mühlich, M. et. al. 2003. Comparison of infectious waste management in European hospitals. Institute for Environmental Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology, Freiburg University Hospital, Freiburg, Germany
Regulation of Hospital Waste in the Philippines • Metropolitan Manila Authority (MMA) Ordinance No. 16 • Hospital Licensure Law (Republic Act No. 4226) • Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 (Republic Act No. 6969 Soncuya, Matias, Lapid. 1997.Hospital Waste Management in the Philippines, two Case Studies in Manila. WASTE. Urban Waste Expertise Programme
Metropolitan Manila Authority (MMA) Ordinance No. 16 • use four types of trash bags for easy identification of waste: • black trash bag for non-infectious dry waste • green trash bags for non-infectious wet waste • yellow trash bags for dry and wet chemical and other potentially infectious waste, pathological waste, chemical waste and sharps contained in puncture-proof containers covered with solution of lime • orange trash bags with trefoil sign for radioactive waste that will be stored in the hospital until rendered as inactive and/or disposed in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute
Hospital Licensure Law • hospitals are categorized as government or private hospitals • specifies the needed physical facilities of a hospital for solid waste management such as the physical plant, hospital equipment and maintenance of these physical facilities
Toxic and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990 • covers the importation, manufacture, processing, handling, storage, transportation, sale, distribution, use and disposal of all unregulated chemical substances and mixtures in the Philippines • defines the prohibited acts and provides for administrative and criminal penalties
Waste Management in the Philippines • wastes, segregated or not, are collected by workers employed by the health care establishment(usually cleaners or janitors of the premises) • aware of local opportunities for recycling of components of the waste • unaware of, or insensitive to, the hazards associated with handling health care waste • generally take no precautions in handling, transporting and separating the waste • not supplied with protective clothing or special equipment Pescod, S. 1998. Hospital Waste Management in Four Major Cities. WASTE. Urban Waste Expertise Programme
Waste Management in the Philippines • plastic bags, covered bins/trash cans, and glass jars with covers • due to inadequate segregation of infectious from non-infectious much of the generated hospital waste is being disposed directly to municipal landfills Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 1993. Pasig River Rehabilitation Program: Feasibility Report on Hospital Hazardous Waste Management in Metro Manila. Volume I
Waste Management in the Philippines • collected by the municipal waste collection service • transported for disposal with municipal waste • all types of wastes are mixed and transported, often along with municipal solid waste, to municipal landfills Pescod, S. 1998. Hospital Waste Management in Four Major Cities. WASTE. Urban Waste Expertise Programme
Waste Management in the Philippines • existing treatment capacity is insufficient for the proper disposal of the major part of medical wastes generated in Metro Manila area • the existing capacity for incinerating these wastes totals to less than 3 tons/day • total daily quantity of dangerous medical wastes generated was estimated to at least 12.4 tons Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 1993. Pasig River Rehabilitation Program: Feasibility Report on Hospital Hazardous Waste Management in Metro Manila. Volume I
Problems in Medical Waste Management • In developing countries, medical waste has not received much attention and it is disposed of together with domestic waste • Lack of a system of medical waste management, a lack of necessary supplies and facilities, a lack of knowledge among health workers and a lack of coordination among different ministries. • A national program for medical waste management is essential in Palestine Massrouje, HTN., 2001. Medical waste and health workers in Gaza governorates. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
Problems in Medical Waste Management • In Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria, there is absence of full compliance with the protocol stipulated in the guidelines and standards of environmental pollution control • There were problems in collection, segregation, storage, treatment, and disposal among the hospitals that were observed Longe, E.O., Williams, A., 2006. A Preliminary Study of Medical Waste Management in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria. Iran Journal of Environ. Health Sci. Eng., 3:2:133-139
Problems in Medical Waste Management • In Dhaka, Bangladesh there is no proper, systematic management of medical waste except in a few private Health Care Establishments that segregate their infectious wastes • Some cleaners were found to salvage used sharps, saline bags, blood bags and test tubes for resale or reuse Hassan, M., Ahmed, S., Rahman, K., Biswas, T. 2008. Pattern of medical waste management: existing scenario in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. BMC Public Health. 8:36
Review of Related Literature • Evidence that there are many flaws in the compliance, implementation and even in the construction of guidelines concerning hospital management in the Philippines and around the world • Several studies have recommender several steps that may be undertaken to address these flaws
Review of Related Literature • Recommendations: • establishment of directorates responsible for medical waste management • coordination of different ministries • provision of adequate supplies and health education including encouragement of studies on different aspects of medical waste (creation of database information in different sectors, risk analysis and disposal methods) Massrouje, HTN., 2001. Medical waste and health workers in Gaza governorates. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
Review of Related Literature • Case studies in the Philippines have only focused on two distinct hospitals in Metro Manila • Should include the University of Santo Tomas Hospital
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Practical research 2, ppt 10: review of related, literature 1.
- is a compilation of studies related to a specific area of research.
- Justify your research by exposing the gaps of the previous studies.
- It forms a "picture" for the reader, providing a support and full comprehension of the developments in the field.
- Literature review plays a significant impact in the discussion of the results and findings as it could serve as support, evidence, and further explanation for your study.
Literature review in the, discussion of your study:.
- Providing context as a foundation to develop your ideas
- Comparing your findings from other previous related studies
- Stating what contribution your study has made in the field.
Made when including literature, reviews in the discussion of the.
- Wide range of studies being included are not anymore relevant to specific topic under investigation.
- Stating the related article mentioning the original article rather than citing the original article itself.
- Previous work has been cited by the researcher based only on the abstracts and without even reading the entire research.
Discover the connection to existing body of knowledge and to the real-life situations.
Identify more theories or concepts as the foundation and learn from them.
Determine the relationship with previous research studies to prevent duplication and for acknowledgement
Acquire knowledge on the accuracy and significance of your research questions.
Acquaint with the technical terminologies relevant to the study.
Determine possible gaps, conflicts, and open questions left from other researches which might help in formulating and justifying research ideas.
Clarify misconceptions on previous researches and help refocus, polish, and contribute to the development of the body of knowledge.
- fundamental idea of the particular study of the literature review.
- summary and synthesis of literature review and how they are related to your study.
- emphasized what you have learned from reviewing the literature and where would your study lead to
Context review.
- primarily focused on the content or contextual aspect of research done by merging it into a wider framework
- determine its contribution and impact to the specific field of study.
- focuses on probing research in a chronological order to gain knowledge
- Identify developments on certain areas, which progress through time.
- reviews, critiques, and synthesizes representative literature
- Integrated way to generate new structure and viewpoint
- summarizes and evaluates the strengths and gaps in methodological aspects of various studies
- Illustrates the effects of different methodologies to different outcomes
- Researcher demonstrates his or her understanding of a specific body of knowledge.
- Particular on the theories and concepts being highlighted on other researches
- compare them to the current study basing on its framework, hypothesis, consistency, and justification.
- Outlining and Writing Up
- Draw up your outline (chronological, thematic, theoretical, etc)
- Write it up.
- Recap. (proofread with expert in the field)
- a reference and a way of giving acknowledgement to the authors
- Include author’s name, date, publisher information, journal information and/or DOI (Digital Objective Identifier)
- a reference made within the body of text in the paper.
- It leads the reader to a source where a particular information has been taken of.
- American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style is the most commonly used known as “author-date referencing”
- Humanities Research Association (MHRA), American Sociological Association (ASA)
- In- text citation and Referencing
- Sources that you have mentioned or cited in-text in your paper
- List of all the sources you used to generate your ideas about your research even if you have not mentioned or cited them in your paper.
- Multiple Choice
Course : Research
University : university of the philippines system.
- More from: Research University of the Philippines System 614 Documents Go to course
Purpose of Literature Review: -To determine the similarities and differences of the findings between the past and present studies -Aims to gain insight into the aspects of the problem that are critical and controversial -Provides the investigator a background regarding the aspects which have been studied and not yet studied. -Assists the researcher on what to do on the components of the ...
6 When to start doing Review of Related Literature? While the research problem is still being conceptualized, the researcher must already start reviewing literature. In identifying and defining the research problem, the researcher must be able to show evidences that the problem really exists and is worth investigating.
by the research literature ; A foundation for the study; 3 The Literature Review is not. A study-by-study, or article-by-article, description of studies previously done ; A re-statement of the studies previously done ; A brief overview of articles; 4 Reviewing the Literature. Begin with a search of the available literature ; Critically analyze ...
1 Review of the Related Literature Organizing & Writing a Literature Review 2 The Literature Review is… A discussion of your knowledge about the topic under study A discussion of your knowledge that is supported by the research literature A foundation for the study 3 The Literature Review is not… A study-by-study, or article-by-article ...
Reviewing the related literature/studies on a given topic enables a researcher to determine what has already been done. With this knowledge, the researcher can better frame his or her study to build on prior research and improvise himself on the given topic. The literature review may also prove helpful in designing and executing the study.
A literature review is an overview of research on a given topic and answers to related research questions Literature reviews are an important part of research and should be treated as such A well-written literature review: 7.26k views • 26 slides. Literature Review (Part 2!)
Review of Related Literature By Dr. Ajay Kumar Professor School of Physical Education DAVV Indore. Definition and Concept of Literature Review • Definition : A critical summary and an assessment of the current state of knowledge or current state of the art in a particular field.. Concept • The ability to carry out a literature review is an important skill for any student.
4 How to Write Review of Related Literature Select studies that are related to your topic Do not just list the studies; tie them together to show their relevance to your objectives. When conflicting findings are reported, examine the variations and possible explanations Establish the need for research in the area. Do not pad the literature review.
Review of Related Literature. Review of Related Literature. By Dr. Ajay Kumar Professor School of Physical Education DAVV Indore. Definition and Concept of Literature R eview. Definition : A critical summary and an assessment of the current state of knowledge or current state of the art in a particular field. . 526 views • 23 slides
PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 PPT 10: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 1. is a compilation of studies related to a specific area of research. Justify your research by exposing the gaps of the previous studies. It forms a "picture" for the reader, providing a support and full comprehension of the developments in the field.