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Project management patterns form a source of valuable knowledge in which past experience is broken down into a series of situations and solutions, which can be easily searched and linked together to form a network of ideas through which managers can evaluate and assess the suitability of common approaches for implementation in their own situations. Once implemented, managers can contribute their own experiences back into the pattern database, which helps to expand and increase the amount of real-world information that the patterns contain, and through repetition of this process the quality and quantity of patterns will dramatically increase. There also exists a wide variety of defined and commonly implemented project management methods which are given as a strict structure that the manager will mould their team to, with different methods tailored towards different requirements. For instance, some methods will assume fixed requirements and flexible timescales, whereas others will assume a fixed time for completion allowing for flexible requirements. Once one of these methods is implemented, a strict set of decision making criteria is implemented that ensures that the project will not make compromises in the wrong area.
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Scrum is an increasingly common approach to software development adopted by organizations around the world. However, as organizations transition from traditional plan-driven development to agile development with Scrum, the question arises as to which Scrum role (Product Owner, Scrum Master, or Scrum Team Member) corresponds to a Project Manager, or conversely which Scrum role should the Project Managers adopt?
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The climatic conditions of North East India are favorable for trees to produce biomass in the form of foliage and twigs that are very rich in essential plant nutrients. Effective recycling of this biomass would help meet the nutritional requirement of crops. Field experiment was conducted in kharif (June–November) seasons for consecutive 3 years (2003, 2004, and 2005) at a lowland farm, subtropical Meghalaya (950 m asl), India, to study the effect of incorporating N-fixing tree biomass (leaves and twigs) on productivity and economics of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Fresh biomass from five tree species including erythrina (Erythrina indica), acacia (Acacia auriculiformis), alder (Alnus nepalensis), tree bean (Parkia roxburghii), and cassia (Cassia siamea) were applied at a rate of 10 t/ha. A plot with recommended NPK rate (80:60:40 kg/ha) and a control plot were also maintained for comparison. Among the tree species used, the biomass of E. indica was superior in terms of N (3.2%), P (0.47%), K (1.5%), and organic C (18.8%) contents. In the first and second year, productivity of rice was high with recommended NPK rate (4.82 t/ha in 2003 and 5.08 t/ha in 2004) followed by rice with incorporation of E. indica biomass. In the third year of the experiment, effects of tree biomass incorporation on growth, yield and yield attributes surpassed those of the recommended NPK rate, with the exception of A. nepalensis biomass. In that year, the maximum grain yield was recorded under E. indica treatments, exceeding yields under the recommended NPK rate and control by 10.5 and 69.3%, respectively. Incorporation of tree biomass significantly improved (14–19% N and 62–83% P over control) the stocks of soil available N and P. Treatment with A. auriculiformis and E. indica biomass resulted in significantly higher soil organic C content which exceeded that under the recommended NPK rate by 10.3 and 9.2% and that under the control by 15.2 and 14%, respectively higher by species. The highest net return was recorded with the recommended NPK rate ($ 381/ha) followed by E. indica ($ 303/ha). Since the local farmers are resource poor and rarely use chemical fertilizers, application of plant biomass, particularly that of E. indica, to lowland rice is a recommendable option to improve productivity and income, and to sustain soil health.
There is growing interest in applying Scrum practices in Global Software Development to leverage the advantages of both. However, the effective use of Scrum practices largely depends on close interactions between project stakeholders. The distribution of project stakeholders in GSD provides significant challenges related to project collaboration processes that may limit the use of Scrum. However, project managers increasingly seek to use the Scrum model in their distributed projects. While there is an emerging body of industrial experience, there are limited empirical studies that discuss Scrum tailoring in GSD. The paper reports a multi-case study that investigates the impact of key project contextual factors on the use of Scrum practices in GSD. This study is relevant to researchers and practitioners who are seeking ways to use Scrum in GSD and improve project effectiveness.
Software development teams in large scale offshore enterprise development programmes are often under intense pressure to deliver high quality software within challenging time contraints. Project failures can attract adverse publicity and damage corporate reputations. Agile methods have been advocated to reduce project risks, improving both productivity and product quality. This article uses practitioner descriptions of agile method tailoring to explore large scale offshore enterprise development programmes with a focus on product owner role tailoring, where the product owner identifies and prioritises customer requirements. In glob-alised projects, the product owner must reconcile competing business interests, whilst generating and then prioritising large numbers of requirements for numerous development teams. The study comprises eight international companies, based in London, Bangalore and Delhi. Interviews with 46 practitioners were conducted between February 2010 and May 2012. Grounded theory was used to identify that product owners form into teams. The main contribution of this research is to describe the nine product owner team functions identified: groom, prioritiser, release master, technical architect, governor, communicator, traveller, intermediary and risk assessor. These product owner functions arbitrate between conflicting customer requirements, approve release schedules, disseminate architectural design decisions, provide technical governance and propogate information across teams. The functions identified in this research are mapped to a scrum of scrums process, and a taxonomy of the functions shows how focusing on either decision-making or information dissemination in each helps to tailor agile methods to large scale offshore enterprise development programmes. Keywords agile software development · scrum · large scale offshore enterprise development programmes · product owner · product owner teams · grounded theory.
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This paper explores practitioner descriptions of agile method tailoring in large-scale offshore or outsourced enterprise projects. Specifically, tailoring of the scrum master role is investigated. The scrum master acts as a facilitator for software development teams, nurturing adherence to agile practices and removing impediments for team members. But in large projects, scrum masters work together in, often geographically distributed, scrum master teams. Scrum master teams use protocols to perform sprint planning, coordinate development effort and integrate code bases. The study comprises 8 international companies in London, Bangalore and Delhi. Interviews with 46 practitioners were conducted between February 2010 and May 2012. A rigorous grounded theory research method was used to identify that scrum master teams comprise 10 activities: scrum of scrums facilitator, sprint planner, integration coordinator, learning coordinator, heart beat monitor, process anchor, task estimator, impediment remover, spike process coordinator and test coordinator. This systematic description of activities in scrum master teams extends our understanding of practitioner perspectives on agile process tailoring in large enterprises. Grounded theory is an emerging research method in software engineering.
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This paper contributes a framework to facilitate the strategic management of scrum projects. Scrum is a relatively new project management framework that has been adopted by research and development organizations, especially in the software development industry. Despite the many benefits that scrum has brought to R&D organizations, there are still additional benefits that have not been realized through the implementation of scrum in these organizations. Specifically, this investigation proposes an organizational learning framework applied to the strategic management of scrum projects. The results of this investigation can be used by senior managers and scrum practitioners as a guide for the development of strategies that promote learning across scrum projects.
Our company manages 25 software engineering teams across 6 products using a single top-down Enterprise Scrum. We know of no other company doing this, yet it provides extreme visibility and control at the CXO level. It promotes agile thinking enterprise-wide, driving non-engineering departments to adopt Scrum. We believe it is making us more profitable. We estimate effort in team months, run quarterly Sprints, assign whole teams to projects, meet in weekly stand-ups. We start, postpone or cancel whole projects. Within individual projects, we still use 1-4 week Sprints and all the trappings of the classic Scrum process, including, in some cases, Scrum-of-Scrums. New challenges arise: Shared resource constraints suggest Kanban methods. Net Present Value can justify prioritization, but creates controversy. Moving teams between projects requires rapid programming environment setup. The process forces executives to justify decisions. We want simple improvement metrics, but they seem elusive.
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Project Management Essay
Why study project management? This essay gives an answer to the question. It explains the importance and benefits of planning as a business process and a research topic. Write an A+ essay on product management with this example!
Project management phases.
- Strategic Management
Project management is a discipline of planning, controlling, securing and organizing resources to attain specific objectives. A project can be perceived as an impermanent endeavour with a defined starting and end, undertaken to convene unique objectives and goals, normally to bring about useful change.
The impermanent nature of projects differs from business to business. In some cases it can be permanent, or semi permanent, repetitive functional actions to produce services or products. “A project is a unique endeavour to produce a set of deliverables within clearly specified time, cost and quality constraints” (Westland 2).
All projects can be thought of as a series of phases that have specific beginnings and defined endpoints. Project management life cycle has mostly four phases namely project initiation, project planning, project execution and project closure. All of the phases of the project life cycle have lot of activities to play. These are described in the following segment.
Project Initiation:
This is the initial phase of the project life cycle, which, in turn, has a group of activities which are to be carried out prior to the planning stage. In this phase, the scope and purpose for initiating it and the solution to be found are described.
Project Planning:
In the project planning step, all the project management planning tasks, which are required to complete the project on time and within budget are explained.
Project Execution:
The next phase of project life cycle is project execution. In this phase, the physical deliverables are presented for the consumer. It is the most significant phase in the project life cycle and it utilizes a set of energy and resources.
Project Closure:
Project closure is the final phase of the project life cycle, which properly concludes the project and reports the whole achievement in terms of pre-defined objectives.
The job of the Project Manager is to prepare, execute and decide projects according to the given parameters and within financial plan. This includes obtaining resources and managing the plans of group and third-party consultants so as to distribute projects according to the plan.
The Project Manager will also describe the project’s aim and manage quality control all through its life cycle. McGraw-Hill and Irwin, in their book, “Project Management: The Managerial Process,” claim that “Project Management strikes a balance between the technical and human aspects of managing projects. It is suitable for a course in project management and for professionals who seek a project management handbook” (Gray & Larson).
The Role of Strategic Management in a Project
Strategic Management method contains the process of selecting, directing and calculating project outcomes to ensure best value for a business. Every project undertaken by a business has to meet certain criteria set up by the company’s management. This is intended to ensure alignment with the planned vision of the business.
The four important Strategic Management Processes are: ensure that every project is strategically associated, make a Project Management centred culture, apply Strategic Project Management best practices and to evolve a strategic project measurement scheme.
Project Scope Management, on the other hand, contains the procedures necessary to ensure that the project encompasses all the work required, but only the works necessary to complete the project effectively. Managing the project scope mainly concerns with controlling and defining what is and is not contained in the project.
Project management must be viewed as a technique that enables the organisations to successfully execute selected projects efficiently and effectively. However, the use of this technique alone does not automatically guarantee project achievement.
Gray, Clifford F. & Larson, Erik W. Project Management . McGraw-Hill Publishing Limited. 2000. Web.
Westland, Jason. The Project Management Life Cycle: A Complete Step-by-Step Methodology for Initiating, Planning, Executing & Closing a Project Successfully . Kogan Page Limited. 2006. Web.
Project Management Essay FAQ
- Why is project management important? Project management aims to plan and lead a project to successfully complete it. It involves several phases, each of which brings direction to a project, be it in the sphere of business, charity, or art.
- Why study project management? Project management is an exciting job that might lead to a fulfilling career in many spheres. Project management skills that imply the ability to successfully lead a project from its beginning to the conclusion, are always in demand in any company.
- What is scope in project management? Project scope means a common understanding between the project stakeholders about its boundaries, goals, and essential milestones. It is crucial to define the project scope and its key elements before you start working.
- What is crashing in project management? Crashing is a method in project management used to speed up the project’s timeline without changing its overall scope. Project crashing implies adding more resources to reach the highest possible efficiency level.
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IvyPanda. (2018, October 31). Project Management Essay.
"Project Management Essay." IvyPanda , 31 Oct. 2018,
IvyPanda . (2018) 'Project Management Essay'. 31 October.
IvyPanda . 2018. "Project Management Essay." October 31, 2018.
1. IvyPanda . "Project Management Essay." October 31, 2018.
IvyPanda . "Project Management Essay." October 31, 2018.
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Apr 2, 2020 · Past studies of project management practices have focused on PM tools and techniques and recognized the importance of strategic assets. Globalization, digital transformations, and hyper ...
Project management is a distinct area of management that helps in handling projects. It has three key features to distinguish it from other forms of management and they include: a project manager, the project team and the project management system. The project management system comprises organization structure, information processing and decision-
two novel project management methods, which radically deviate from the conventional doctrine of project management: Last Planner and Scrum4. Both methods have emerged since mid-nineties as practical responses to the failure of conventional project 4 In this presentation, the new foundation is used for explaining these two novel project management
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (7) suggests that there are 5 key elements within a project – its initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and closure. These phases are picked up by most project management methods and are implemented in different manners, but keeping the same method, as each phase has its own benefits.
2 The essay format was first conceptualised by the French thinker Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592), Essays 1-3, København: Gyldendal 1998. Essay has its roots in the French verb “essayer”, which means to try 3 A search on gives 3.170.000 entries on project management, and shows that that the Project Management
The Project Management Life Cycle: A Complete Step-by-Step Methodology for Initiating, Planning, Executing & Closing a Project Successfully. Kogan Page Limited. 2006. Web. Project Management Essay FAQ. Why is project management important? Project management aims to plan and lead a project to successfully complete it.
PDF. Project Management for E-Commerce Businesses, Jui Tamhane. PDF. Critical Risk Assessment and Management in Pharmaceutical Industry, Abida Zameer. Theses/Dissertations from 2016 PDF. Improved Sprint Results with Offshore Indian Teams, Fnu Abdul Hasheem. PDF. A Different Approach to Project Management: The Use of Soft Skills, Hannah Adams. PDF
Sep 11, 2017 · PDF | This paper delivers some thoughts and ideas about success criteria for project management. ... Project management is a clever management technique designed to accomplish defined goals within ...
Project Management 3 of knowledge aim to summarise best practice, and produce generic models of the role and content of project management’ (Wideman, 2000). In general, these bodies of knowledge have a predominantly historical/ experiential focus, with the project lifecycle and other key project management processes drawn from what is
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