Analysis of Management in Nursing Essay
High motivation, low turnover, retention, and decreased burnout work environment, employee retention strategies, minimizing subjectivity in performance appraisal process, ways to minimize subjectivity.
Employee turnover and lack of job satisfaction are some of the factors affecting the healthcare sector in the United States (US) leading to staff shortage, overworked workforce hence burnout, provision of poor services, and loss of profits. According to (Kovner, Brewer, Fatehi, and Jun (2014), healthcare organizations incur losses amounting to over $2 billion annually due to high turnover rates among registered nurses (RNs). Additionally, the healthcare sector in the US is experiencing a heightened shortage of RNs (Rosenberg, 2019). Therefore, employee retention in the nursing profession should be addressed by creating a workforce characterized by high motivation, low turnover, and decreased burnout as discussed in this paper.
The first strategy of ensuring that nurses are motivated is by improving engagement. According to Chu, Wodchis, and McGilton (2014), the failure by the management to engage RNs in the workplace led to high turnover cases. Low engagement could be due to increasing workloads, excessive overtime, irregular schedules, and lack of flexibility. Therefore, managers should seek to improve engagement by recognizing nurses who offer exceptional services to patients, celebrating teamwork, and create a feedback system for nurses to contribute to the decision-making process. Additionally, change should be communicated and managed effectively within the set timelines to avoid inconveniencing nurses.
The second strategy involves fostering teamwork and improving communication within organizations for nurses to feel that they are part of the organization. Delivering quality care services involves different players in the system with nurses being the key drivers of operations.
Therefore, managers should emphasize the importance of teamwork and offer the necessary support for the adoption of the same. Additionally, team members should develop exceptional communication skills to create clarity around tasks, resolve conflict easily, and reduce errors when executing their duties. Nurse Managers should also maintain good communication with employees to ensure that organizational goals and expectations are met. Ultimately, such an environment will lower turnover rates, increase motivation, and decrease burnout because nurses will be in a position to communicate their needs.
Nurse Managers should also ensure that nurses are remunerated competitively as a strategy of employee retention. According to Chu et al. (2014), attractive salary packages are some of the leading determinants of job satisfaction in the nursing profession. At personal and professional levels, nurses should be in a position to take care of their needs, which means they require resources. Therefore, employees should be compensated competitively according to market rates to ensure that they do not resign for better-paying positions in other organizations. Additionally, the cost of turnover is high when weighed against paying workers competitively. Similarly, managers should hire enough nurses to avoid understaffing, which eventually leads to work overload and burnout.
As a strategy of employee motivation and retention, organizations should invest in education and continual learning for their employees. Kovner et al. (2014) argue that a culture of ongoing education creates a pathway for nurses to advance their careers, and it contributes significantly to job satisfaction. Consequently, managers and leaders should demonstrate a clear path of development by creating opportunities for nurses to advance their professional skills. Moreover, organizations should provide training opportunities for employees to learn and develop new skills that are relevant in the ever-changing work environment. If nurses that their organizations offer growth opportunities, they are unlikely to consider resigning.
Managers should be leaders as opposed to being bosses and thus the leadership style adopted in the workplace determines whether employees will stay or quit. Consequently, Nurse Managers should embrace a transformative approach to leadership by creating a system whereby nurses can be heard and participate in the decision-making process. Clear directions towards the future should be articulated and let workers know what is expected of them to achieve the set goals as a shared responsibility. Managers should also be in a position to handle challenges as they come without frustrating workers as a way of stress management.
Employees should also be valued and their needs are taken care of for them to give their best when executing their duties. Inspirational managers also play a central role in motivating workers to remain committed to their work, which ultimately leads to job satisfaction and reduced burnout hence low turnover rates.
Finally, managers should create a brand that nurses can be proud to be associated with as a way of improving their personal reputation. In this age of activism, people want to offer solutions to the many problems ailing society and nurses should be allowed to take part in this important process. To achieve this goal, Nurse Managers could find a way of getting involved in charity work or programs that impact the local community.
The process of performance appraisals has elicited mixed reactions in the workplace due to its subjective nature. Managers are tasked with the duty of rating their employees, and thus without clear guidelines, bias could infiltrate the process, thus causing friction between the management and workforce. This problem has been compounded by the fact that performance appraisal cannot be fully automated, and thus managers have to be involved in one way or another. However, the subjectivity could be minimized during the appraisal process to reduce cases of unfairness and bias as a way of improving employees’ job satisfaction and maintaining high motivation levels.
The first step to minimizing subjectivity in the performance appraisal process is for managers to acknowledge the different forms of bias that promote this phenomenon. According to Nikpeyma, Abed-Saeedi, Azargash, and Alavi-Majd (2014), many appraising managers are not aware of the existence of biases because they operate at subconscious levels. For instance, managers could suffer from the halo effect, which is a form of bias that occurs when employees are good to their bosses thus creating favoritism. In such cases, managers would be unaware that they favor certain workers when the appraisal process starts, objectivity does not prevail, which leads to workplace injustice – a leading cause of nurse turnover (Chin et al., 2019).
Therefore, managers should be educated that biases are bound to exist hence the need to be aware of the same as a way of minimizing subjectivity. In essence, managers should be trained on ways of identifying bias, especially when approaching the appraisal season. In other words, being aware of biases and subjective nature of the appraisal process is a trainable skill, thus organizations should include such programs in their human resources management strategies.
Using objective ratings could also go a long way in minimizing subjectivity and bias in the performance appraisal process. This goal could be achieved by framing ratings in a way that encourages objectivity. The tone of the language used when creating ratings also plays an important role in this process. For example, using phrases, such as “follows orders” and “exceeds expectations” is subjective in nature. Instead, objective tone, such as “meets deadlines”, would allow managers to evaluate their answers and with critical thinking, biases could be minimized. The rating system should not give managers room for interpreting how employees are appraised.
Consequently, organizations are required to create objective, unbiased, and on point ratings. In such cases, the involved managers will approach all employees case-by-case based on the provided guidelines, which are not subject to personal opinions.
Additionally, performance appraisal should be done frequently to ensure that managers could recall events that are used in the process. When a lot of time passes between the occurrence of events and the appraisal exercise, recollecting facts could be impaired and the brain could settle for what it thinks is right at that particular time. In other words, people tend to forget facts as time lapses, and when they are required to remember them for a specific task, they may replace the real events with subjective thoughts. Therefore, appraisals should be conducted quarterly or bi-annually to ensure that managers recollect events easily for accurate ratings.
Alternatively, managers could develop tools, such as taking frequent notes on employees’ performance, to help in the appraisal process when it eventually happens. This way, appraisers will refer to their notes and write fair and accurate appraisals regardless of the time lapse between one exercise and another.
Finally, the appraisal process could be conducted by teams as opposed to one individual. As more appraisers are involved, the entire exercise becomes impartial and dispassionate hence the minimization of bias and subjectivity. Even if one or two individuals in the appraising group have favorites among the involved employees, their bias would be overshadowed by the objectivity of other appraisers thus ensuring fairness and improving accuracy. In other words, not all raters in any group will be driven by personal agenda and this aspect creates an attenuating effect for objectivity to dominate the appraisal process.
In summary, creating a work environment characterized by high motivation, low turnover, reduced burnout, and employee retention is a multifaceted venture that should be approached holistically. Managers should improve employee engagement, foster teamwork, offer competitive remuneration packages, invest in continued education and provide training opportunities, adopt a transformational leadership style, and establish a brand that employees are proud of, such as engaging in community work.
The impartiality and objectivity that a performance appraisal process is conducted with plays an important role in determining how employees function at the workplace. If workers feel that they have been rated unfairly through a biased process, they may lack motivation, which affects their productivity. Therefore, raters should ensure objectivity when conducting the exercise as a way of minimizing subjectivity.
One of the strategies that managers could use to achieve this goal includes being aware of the existence of personal biases that could be operating at the subconscious level. Objective ratings could also be used to prevent raters from using personal opinions when assessing employees’ performance. Moreover, the appraisal exercise should be carried out frequently to ensure that raters recall facts that determine the employees’ score. A team of raters could also be used to conduct the exercise instead of leaving it to individual managers.
Chu, C. H., Wodchis, W. P., & McGilton, K. S. (2014). Turnover of regulated nurses in long-term care facilities. Journal of Nursing Management, 22 (5), 553-562. Web.
Kovner, C. T., Brewer, C. S., Fatehi, F., & Jun, J. (2014). What does nurse turnover rate mean and what is the rate? Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 15 (3), 64-71. Web.
Rosenberg, K. (2019). RN shortages negatively impact patient safety. American Journal of Nursing, 119 (3), 51-53. Web.
Chin, W., Guo, Y.-L. L., Hung, Y.-J., Hsieh, Y.-T., Wang, L.-J., & Shiao, J. S.-C. (2019). Workplace justice and intention to leave the nursing profession. Nursing Ethics, 26 (1), 307-319. Web.
Nikpeyma, N., Abed-Saeedi, Z., Azargash, E., & Alavi-Majd, H. (2014). Problems of clinical nurse performance appraisal system: A qualitative study. Asian Nursing Journal, 8 (1), 15-22. Web.
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Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing
Leadership is reflected as a comprehensive process that is used to realize goals, motivate other members to work, and providing support and inspiration to accomplish communally negotiated goals. In the nursing profession, leadership is the process of coordinating day and night shifts, and controlling the nursing team to ensure that the activities and practices within the health care organization are accomplished successfully. Leadership incorporates the perception, opinion, skills and attitude of an individual concerning certain issues concerning health and protection.
Leadership skills are very indispensable in the nursing profession as they facilitate to the effectiveness of the services offered by the nurses, such as caring for the patients and maintaining a sustainable, and health workforce in the organization’s environment (Burns, 1978). It is of immense connotation to note that nursing leadership roles are different from the managerial functions. The most crucial roles of professional nurse are managing of care, designing of care and coordination of care while management functions are about responsibilities. Nursing leadership skills are determined by the attributes that an effective leader have such as being visionary, and always equipped with approaches and strategies that are aimed at achieving future goal of the Health Organization.
My preceptor has the ability to incorporate and apply the attributes of an effective leader, such as being visionary and able to direct their workmates and services to a future mutual goal of the research or experiment (Sullivan & Decker, 2001). The preceptor is able to use problem-solving processes and maintain the effectiveness of the group, as well as developing team identification. This is possible due to dynamic and motivational authority they have on the group members under their guidance and supervision.
For effectiveness in their practice, the preceptor is manifested to be solution-focused and have the potential to devise approaches that are fundamental in inspiring and motivating the team which they lead. Preceptor initiates effective leadership styles that enable them to influence successful improvement of the teams or groups they lead. This is achieved by ensuring that they accomplish and maintain professional standards in their line of operation. The preceptors act as source of inspiration to the nurses and other teams that they monitor, supervise and instruct (Marriner-Tomey, 1993).
Nursing Leadership Skills Incorporated by the Preceptor within the following Professional Nursing Roles
Considering the three professional nursing roles within the practicum, preceptor incorporates the nursing proficiency and skills in the following forum:
Designer of care
As a designer of care, the preceptor makes decisions on what should be done by the team or group in the practicum in order to accomplish the task that is assigned to them. They incorporate the nursing leadership skill of acting with integrity, truthfulness and honesty as this helps them to be competitive and proficiency designers of care. The preceptor handles each team member as an independent individual, which is a trait of an effective nurse leader. This enables them to recognize the unique set of the needs of the members and address them in accordance to the nature and the existing surroundings within the practicum (Sullivan & Decker, 2001).
Coordinator of care
The preceptor is able to integrate management skills to resolves conflicts, and control the emotions of people depending on the nature of the predicaments that have contributed to the misunderstanding. Leaders are assumed to have the distinctiveness of seeking attention from the group that they direct. This way, the preceptor is able to request for concentration from the conflicting parties, allow them to explain their views towards the issues bringing misunderstanding, and draw a conclusion that is based on evidence derived from consideration of the opinions from both differing sides (Burns, 1978).
The preceptor adopts the supportive leadership style, as well as incorporating the core values of leadership which are mentorship and regulation, in order to be able to manage the teams and groups they are responsible for successfully. This is essential as it enables the preceptor to reduce and manage emotional exhaustion of the team and control cushioned pessimistic effects of the activities within the practicum.
Manager of care
A manager is assumed to have the obligation to delegate duties and responsibilities to the junior staff or the team to which they are instructors. The preceptor therefore, assumes the duty of providing intentional succession planning and appropriately promoting the teams’ value of clinical competency. The preceptor applies mechanisms for supervision and monitoring the progress of the practices and activities carried out by the team (Marriner-Tomey, 1993).
As a manager of care, the preceptor determines the nature of the activity or practice under investigation, its strengths, weaknesses, and threats that are associated with the activity and the instructing interventions. This enables them to formulate the future goals that are maintained by the team.
Generally, the nursing leadership roles are very crucial in offering instructions and guidelines to any group or team involved in an investigation or research within a practicum. Preceptors are facilitators in a nursing workshop or practicum, as they give directions to be followed by the members, offer supervision and monitor the progress of the team members. Incorporation of nursing leadership skills in carrying out the three professional nursing roles helps in attainment of completeness and effectiveness in the practice as all the activities and practices are done appropriately and to the plan.
Burns, J.M. (1978). Leadership . New York: Harper and Row.
Marriner-Tomey, A. (1993) Transformational Leadership in Nursing . London: Mosby.
Sullivan, E.J. & Decker, P.J. (2001). Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing (5 th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
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Nursing Leadership and Management
Introduction, course reflection.
Nurses are essential members of society today because they promote health, educate the public and patients on how to avoid injuries and diseases, participate in recovery, and provide care and support. Nursing’s role in influencing nursing principles involves not just caring for the ill and the community but also advocating for wellbeing and influencing favorable health outcomes. Nurses’ duties and definitions have evolved to the point that they can only be described by practice, sight, and people’s perspectives. Nurses are now seen as real healthcare heroes, with many of them prioritizing the requirements of the patient they care for on a daily basis (American Psychological Association, 2019). Men have made their stance clear and the valuation they brought to clinical outcomes through the ever-evolving role of the nurse. In the past, women dominated nursing because civilization and the community commonly acknowledged their position, but through the ever-evolving job role, men have managed to make their presence felt and the valuation they carry to care delivery. They make sure that men clients feel heard and that their needs are met by people who look like them.
The goal of this project should be to provide the student a chance to reflect on some of the RN-BSN skills they’ve learned during the semester. We offer scientific proof care for nursing, which pushes for policy-making and provides a framework for undertaking research, which Nightingale inspired via her previous work. In addition, the nurse gives patients constant and necessary care, as well as a physician design that promotes cause clinical wellbeing, security, and health. Furthermore, we work cooperatively to carry out an assessment of the findings with data and provide simple interpretation in order to enhance the fundamental requirements of our customers in both outpatient settings.
Nursing professionals in healthcare situations concentrate on patient care and do many of the tasks that other medical professionals do. Registered nurses, for instance, have extensive training that allows them to evaluate, treat, and administer drugs to patients. These nurse leaders’ knowledge enables them to assess nursing processes and develop new care initiatives. Nursing professionals in medical settings also encourage nursing teams to be reflective, taking a step back from their work to identify accomplishments and areas for growth that may be used to shape future practice. They act as knowledge assets in both specialty and physician assistants, dealing with not only the delivery of care but also the evaluation of treatment outcomes. Their work enhances outcomes for patients and healthcare facility efficiency.
Ethics are critical to the nursing profession’s integrity because they serve to provide better patient outcomes. Nursing is a fast-paced profession with new issues appearing on a regular basis, and nurse managers around the country face ethical problems that are comparable. Protecting clients’ rights, proper personnel, sophisticated decision-making, and high-quality patient care are all factors in many of these scenarios. For nurses, obtaining informed permission may be a problematic ethical fight (Haahr et al., 2020). When there is fear that family members have not been educated or do not comprehend the therapies being used on them, a problem might arise. There is a problem that patients may be hesitant to raise questions or provide consent without adequately comprehending the ramifications of their therapy.
The notion of a healing environment was born from a mix of environmental elements and rising consumer desire for safety, security, expertise, and physical and mental comfort. Healthcare designers and hospitals have developed collaborations in order to include healing ecological design elements in remodeling and new building projects, as well as to track the impact of these initiatives on health outcomes (Mudallal et al., 2017). Infectious infections, poisonous toxins, back injuries, and irradiation are among the risks that nurses face. They are also exposed to occupational dangers such as pressure, shift work, and violence. Chemical, physiological, physical, and psychological dangers are the most common types of hazards.
The implicit biases that health care providers are concerned about are those that work against persons who are already susceptible. In healthcare, the fragile are often members of communities who are already marginalized on several levels. The existence of implicit biases among healthcare practitioners, as well as its impact on clinical care quality, is a source of worry. Implicit race prejudice is one proposed explanation of racial healthcare inequalities in the United States.
Nurses have historically provided excellent treatment to the general people. Professional respect in the medical community, on the other hand, was earned via many years of lobbying, organization, and, most crucially, academic advancement. Nurses have battled for more tremendous respect and autonomy, and they now work in increasingly collaborative relationships with physicians and other healthcare workers. Skilled nurses understand that spending the time to get to know their patients may help them learn crucial health facts. Patient advocacy can also entail assisting a patient in coordinating their treatment with that of another provider’s office or ensuring that a patient has given informed permission prior to performing a procedure.
American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American psychological association . (7th Edition). American Psychological Association.
Haahr, A., Norlyk, A., Martinsen, B., & Dreyer, P. (2020). Nurses’ experiences of ethical dilemmas: A review. Nursing Ethics , 27 (1), 258-272.
Mudallal, R. H., Saleh, M. Y., Al-Modallal, H. M., & Abdel-Rahman, R. Y. (2017). Quality of nursing care: the influence of work conditions and burnout. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences , 7 , 24-30.
Whitehead, D. K., Weiss, S.A., & Tapen, R. M. (2015). Essentials of nursing leadership and management . (6th Edition). F.A. Davis.
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Jul 31, 2021 · High Motivation, Low Turnover, Retention, and Decreased Burnout Work Environment. Employee turnover and lack of job satisfaction are some of the factors affecting the healthcare sector in the United States (US) leading to staff shortage, overworked workforce hence burnout, provision of poor services, and loss of profits.
This paper, “Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing”, was written and voluntary submitted to our free essay database by a straight-A student. Please ensure you properly reference the paper if you're using it to write your assignment.
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